Track 13

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"What's the matter? Have I really used up all the luck I had? Let's not worry so much, just for today"


Track 13

            "I need Kang Hwayoung right now!"

              Manager An barged through the kitchen doors of Aunt Mae's restaurant, leaving them swinging speedily. With darting eyes, he desperately searched every square inch of the kitchen for Hwayoung; however, he was out of luck. Manager An swore, frantically searching further into the kitchen. He managed to skid across the tiled floors with every sharp turn that he took. His desperation became more and more evident the longer it took to locate the missing artist.

             As if the universe pitied him, Hwayoung miraculously emerged from the break room, fixing her chef's coat and tying her apron across her midriff. Manager An's tense shoulders slacked for a moment before stalking over to Hwayoung, "Hwayoung! Go get your stuff! We are leaving right now!"

             Hwayoung stood frozen, confused that Manager An would pay her a visit at work, especially since it was midday and way too early to start dance practice, "Miss me that much, Manager Angel? It's only a couple hours until pick up time."

               Manager An brushed her off before ushering Hwayoung out of the kitchen by tugging the cuffs of her chef's coat, "There's no time for jokes! We need to get to JYP!"

            Hwayoung dodged Manager An's guidance and moved away to face him. As she looked at him, Hwayoung only now noticed Manager An's red flushed cheeks and heavy breathing. Hwayoung took a concerned step towards Manager An, "Are you okay? Have you forgotten how to read time?"

               Manager An bluntly stated in frustration, "Dance evaluation is tonight!"

              Hwayoung blubbed her mouth open and closed, unable to fully comprehend his words    and her thoughts. In this state of blank numbness, Hwayoung barely had time to react with her chaotic emotions.

            It was only when Manager An grabbed her coat sleeve when Hwayoung started to click the pieces together. Hwayoung stuttered in a quiet voice, still stunned, "Tonight? Like tonight tonight? I thought we had until the end of the week to perfect the choreography until evaluations. What happened?"

               Manager An shook his head, pushing past the main doors, "I'll explain later, but right now we need to go."

                "Wait! But Aunt Ma-"

               "Forget it! I've already told her!"

              Hwayoung jogged behind Manager An as they both raced into the parked car. Hwayoung barely sat and buckled her seatbelt before Manager An sped off, practically flooring the gas pedal. Although he was normally a law abiding citizen, Manager An's morals ceased to exist in the moment as he sped and swerved towards the entertainment, "There's been a radar warning for an early snowfall this winter and the producers want to shoot the music video before that happens since it's going to be outdoors; therefore, they pushed to evaluate the dance tonight instead of the end of the week."

            Hwayoung heavily sighed, rubbing her hands along her face. As if learning the dance was not hard enough, the universe decided to torment Hwayoung even more by forcing her to perform a flawless dance by the end of the night. Hwayoung knew that she was nowhere near ready and hoped that whatever practice that she could have before the evaluation would be enough to be acceptable. Hwayoung removed her hair out of her messy updo and began retying her long locks, "Who's evaluating?"

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