Track 31

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"I want to be more than just friends. I like you too much."


Track 31

     "You're supposed to whisk the eggs, not swish them around, Chan," Felix sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening.

     The subtle warmth provided from the beaming winter sunshine was long gone as the winter solstice shifted time in which the country was now blanketed in darkness. Only the faded yellow street lights illuminated the roads to which they continuously braced the impact of the neverending snowfall. With the presence of the intense weather and the emergence of Christmas Eve, the world fell into an undisturbed silence as families gathered together in this season of giving and kindness.

     However, not all families were blessed with the opportunities to reunite with each other during this joyous occasion. Many circumstances from financial to geographically separated families come together during this time to celebrate. For the trio's situation, all came to terms with the fact that they would yet again have to spend another Christmas without their families. From the transparency of JYP management, Chan and Felix were once again restricted from flying to Australia; furthermore, Hwayoung also received this treatment as her flight to London was cancelled by the agency on her behalf. Nonetheless, family was no longer defined as flesh and blood, evolving as any person who was cared for dearly, despite biological relations. Hence, Hwayoung graciously accepted Chan's proposal, inviting him and Felix to spend the holidays.

     Currently, Hwayoung found herself watching the comedic duo attempt to bake cookies for Santa before it struck midnight. Felix insisted on the idea, claiming it was a new family tradition. Chan was the most reluctant, until the saddest puppy eyes from the blonde boy forced Chan to agree only if he was tasked with the easy jobs.

     "I thought you said this was easy!" Chan pouted, poking the eggs.

     Felix gaped in disbelief, "It is, I just-! Hwa-yo!"

     "Okay, okay, Lix," Hwayoung scooped the bowl from Chan's grip, whisking the eggs, "Take the chocolates, no, that's the expresso, yup, those, and chop them in small chunks without fingers, please."

     Eventually, the teamwork paid off as the cookies finally made it into the oven as they offered a deliciously sweet aroma. Felix slumped against the countertop, "I'm so glad I didn't buy gingerbread cookies. Those would have been a disaster."

     Chan shrugged innocently as he tossed another chocolate chunk onto his taste buds, "The icing would have been fun though, admit it."

     "Yes," Hwayoung agreed, "If the icing would actually end up on the cookie."

     She gestured to the floury mess on both of her countertops and the residue stuck on their faces. Felix cheekily smiled, "But you still had fun."

     "Go wash up, Lix," Hwayoung scolded playfully as she rinsed a rag to wipe down the powdery surfaces. Felix exited to the bathroom as Chan moved to help organize the ingredients into a neat pile. Together, they worked in silence as they cleaned. Felix was taking unusually long in the bathroom before Hwayoung remembered that he had some dough stuck in the longer tresses of his growing mullet. She still had no idea how it got there. Waiting for vacancy, Hwayoung tapped her fingers upon the countertops before she casted a glance at Chan who happened to catch her eyes in that moment.



      They both chuckled apologetically. Chan gestured towards her, "You first."

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