Track 30

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"As I look back on the path I've come, I can always picture the images of you and me together."


Track 30

     "Don't worry about it! You can make up for missing our shopping spree by telling me all about it later. Good luck on your blind date, Chaewon!" Hwayoung tapped the end call button with a wide smile on her face.

     Unfortunately, Chaewon called to inform Hwayoung that she would be missing their Christmas shopping plans for her - as she describes it - super hot foreigner blind date. She was bummed at the fact that her errands would have to be done alone as she believed that Christmas shopping was only done right with the company of others, but she dismissed her gloominess in hopes for Chaewon to find a nice guy to treat her right. If she ever gets the chance to meet this super hot foreigner, Hwayoung was sure to lecture him about scheduling a blind date the day before Christmas Eve. Or maybe, Hwayoung should start her gift shopping earlier than two days before Christmas.

    Shaking her head slightly with a cheesy smirk, Hwayoung moved to exit JYP's lobby security check. Just as she reached into her bag in order to retrieve the needed ID badge, Hwayoung's gut wrenched in the realization that she once again forgot her planner in the practice room. She really would have foregone her planner if not for three reasons: it contained the schedule of her debut showcase and upcoming promotions, it had the list of the gift ideas she planned to buy for Stray Kids, and Producer An would not get it if she asked nicely with bribery. Plus, with the upcoming holiday, Hwayoung would not have the chance to come back during a later time as everyone in the building would be on break until the new year. Sighing to herself, Hwayoung swiftly changed directions and dreadfully made her way back up, "I really need to start making a digital planner."

     Stepping out of the elevator, Hwayoung sped walk to the practice room, wanting to have enough time to run to her apartment before completing her shopping. With more people than the number of fingers on both her hands to buy gifts for, Hwayoung knew she needed as much time as possible. And with a sharp turn of the corner, Hwayoung was shocked to see Chan standing directly in front of the door as if waiting for something.

     "Chan?" Hwayoung voiced out carefully, trying not to scare him. Was he okay?

     Although her tone was considerate for whatever contemplation Chan was thinking about, the fierceness of his turn and the widening of his eyes as if he saw a ghost sent a freighting sting through her body. There he stood paler than the vampires he compared himself to as he simply stared down Hwayoung fearfully as if she were a feral animal ready to attack at any given moment. Definitely not okay.

     Hwayoung throat hitched before she tried to address his abnormal stiffness; however, before she could take the chance, Chan beat her, "Will you go out with me?"

     Super, definitely not okay.

     Hwayoung's jaw slacked, completely flabbergasted by his outburst half from his abrasiveness and the other from the bluntness of the confession. Confusion was the only thing Hwayoung was not blinded to at this moment, so what was she supposed to say? Leaving on a sudden rejection and meeting on a sudden confession was not a good mix. Hwayoung closed her mouth to gulp nervously, although she really had nothing to be nervous about besides Chan's odd behavior.


     "Out! Outside, haha! Will you go outside with me?" Chan paused to think, "To the parking lot! Yup, the parking lot. Which is outside by the way."

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