(back to Jeff)
Jeff finally got up from the pain that she got by being punched in the boob. Jeff: shit he took my knife. I got to find him quickly before he finds Ashley and does terrible things to her that don't even want to even think about. She runs into the forest I heard screaming coming from inside of the forest. Jeff: Please tell me that's not Ashley. She ran towards the screaming she heard. The screening suddenly stopped so did Jeff. Jeff:...did someone die. She suddenly heard Ashley and Louis yelling to each other. Jeff: this is not good. She finally catches up to Louis. She finds Louis with Ashley. Jeff: Louis what are you doing with Ashley. Ashley runs over to Jeff and hugs her. Jeff: what happened. Ashley: look at Louis then the ground. Jeff looks at Louis he had blood everywhere on him and she looked at the ground and saw the dead body. Jeff: Louis DID YOU KILL SOMEONE. WHAT DID YOU DO. WHAT HAPPENED.

Louis: Vanessa was in my way and was being mean to Ashley so I killed her. Ashley: she was being mean but that doesn't mean you had to kill her automatically. You killed her in front of me and you thought I would be happy that you killed her. Jeff: Ashley get out of here and go to Kailet house you'll be safe there. Ashley: why what's going to happen. Jeff: I'm going to take care of him once and for all so he won't do anything bad to you or Lilly. Ashley ran out of the forest. Louis tries to follow her but Jeff runs up towards him and punches him on his cheek so hard it left a red mark and then Jeff started kicking him in the crotch. Causing Louis to gasp for air and drop the knife. Louis fell to his knees and holding his crotch. Jeff saws the knife that Louis dropped and grabs it. Jeff steps back. Louis:..you know what's funny. Jeff: what!! Louis: you don't know what I did to lilly wen I was in your house. Louis grind at Jeff and licking his lips. Louis: her body small so nice. Jeff:.....NO!!!!

Jeff was so pissed She Titan her grasp on the knife. She stab Louis 28 time tell his grind dispenser. Louis was screaming in pain. He was trying to Dodge the knife but he couldn't Jeff's hand's where to fast.

(Back to Ashley)
Ashley ran out of the forest. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. A few seconds has passed and she heard screaming coming from the forest. She remember that Jeff told her to go to Kailet's house.
Ashley: ....I think Kailet lives next to me. I haven't seen her or talked to her in a few months. She walks up towards the house and knocks on the door.

(Back to Kailet)
There was a knock at the door.
Kailet: hey Jordan can you see who's at the door. Jordan walks to the door and opens it. Jordan: who are you? Ashley: I'm Ashley. I came from the forest. Jeff told me to run out of the forest and come here. Jordan: can you stay here for a few seconds? I'll be back. Jordan walks over to Kailet. Jordan: Do you know who Ashley is? Kailet: yes why? Is she at the door? Jordan: she's at the door and she said she came from the forest and was sent here by Jeff. Kailet: Jordan keeps an eye on Lilly since she hasn't woken up yet. I'll go see what Ashley wants. She walks over to the door and sees Ashley. Ashley: (starts to cry) oh my God I'm so glad to see you. Kailet: Are you okay. what happened in the forest?Ashley: can I come in your house real quick it doesn't feel safe out here. Kailet: Yeah you can come in. She lets Ashley in the house. They both said next to Jordan. Kailet: Jordan this is Ashley. She used to be one of my best friends. Jordan: what happened between you and Ashley. Kailet: I don't want to talk about that. Ashley so what happened in the forest.

Jordan: First of all why were you in the forest. Ashley: I was in the forest with Louis because I thought he would be a better person than Vanessa but turns out he's not. He's terrible and even worse than her. I was waiting in the forest with Louis because he was going to give me a gift and Jeff found me and told me to hide in the middle of the forest waiting for him. Then Vanessa found me and we chatted a little bit then Louis came back and found us and attacked Vanessa and......

Jordan: happen to Vanessa. Ashley looks at Kailet and starts to cry. Kailet: oh my. Did Louis kill her? Ashley: he killed her in front of me and he thought I would be happy because she died but I'm not. Kailet hugs Ashley. Kailet: if you're scared going back to your house you can stay in my house I have enough beds for people to sleep here and I'll promise you will be safe in my house. Jordan: just a random question do you know where Jeff is at. Ashley: she's still in the forest dealing with Louis. She told me to come here because it would be safer than being in the forest.

Jordan: this place is better than the forest because the forest is creepy and it probably has dangerous animals and other dangerous things in it. Also um Kailet why do you have a lot of beds in your house? Kailet: a lot of people who travel here used to come to my house and just have a place to stay but recently no one has come over to this village and visited so I haven't taken the beds out of my house. Jordan: why don't people visit here anymore.

Kailet: every single person who tries to visit here and Louis lived here before he got kicked out. Ashley: I'm confused why did we kick him out. Kailet: we kicked him out of the village because he was being a pervert to mostly every girl that he meets. but a lot of people gave this village bad reviews and saying bad things about it so we had to kick him out and people are slowly coming back but takes years for people to actually come back to this village and visit it and see how the place actually a good place that doesn't have perverts or creepy people. Jordan: oh. Ashley: So what happened to Lilly? Why is she still sleeping even though it's almost afternoon? Kailet:Jeff told me to bring her into my house to keep her safe from Louis but she's still asleep and hasn't woken up I don't know why. Jordan: maybe they stayed up all night last night doing whatever and they fell asleep late. Kailet: probably. Jordan: I'm going to head back to my house. Kailet: okay.... be safe.

Jordan: You do and Ashley sorry that your friend died. I hope she's on a better place. Ashley: I hope so. Jordan left Kailet's house and went back to her house with the rest of her friends.

(Back to Jeff)
Jeff backed away from Louis. He tried to get up but forgot that he was injured. He slowly got up in pain. Jeff noticed that he was getting up. She dropped her knife and punched Louis. After she punched him she grabbed her knife again and stabbed him one last time. She stood next to his body making sure he wasn't breathing or wasn't getting up.

Jeff: I know I probably shouldn't have killed him but I couldn't think of any other way to deal with him....to get rid of him. What should I do with two dead bodies? Should I tell Lilly or don't tell her at all and protect her. She continues to ask herself more questions about what to do with Lilly and what she should have done with Louis. A few minutes have passed.
Jeff: I'm going to think about this later and just head to Kailet's house and see if Lilly is awake. Hopefully Ashley is also there. She got out of the forest and walked to Kailet's house then opens the door. Jeff: I'm sorry for not knocking on the door but I want to know if she's awake. Kailet walks over to Jeff.

Kailet: No she hasn't woken up yet but Ashley's here and she's doing fine. Jeff: Ashley should stay with you for a few months. She needs a place to be safe and protected. Kailet: hey Jeff you should take a shower you have whatever all over you. Jeff looks down at her clothes. Jeff: I'll go take a shower also Louis is dead including Vanessa. I don't know what to do with the dead bodies. Kailet: we can worry about the dead bodies later. Jeff went to her own house to get clothes. Then take a long shower. After the shower she puts the new clothes on. Jeff: I guess I should get back to Kailet house and see if we can wake up Lilly. She walks back to Kailet's house. She sits on one of the chairs next to Lilly. Kailet walked towards Jeff. Kailet: I'm going to go in the forest and take care of the dead bodies. Ashley was upstairs out on the balcony thinking what to do with her life since Vanessa died. Kailet went into the forest and Louis' dead body and Vanessa's.

Kailet: I have completely forgot that I need a shovel to bury dead bodies. She walks away from the bodies. Before she had a chance to leave the forest her eyes spotted a shovel. Kailet: this is the weirdest thing I have ever seen in a forest why is there a shovel? Did someone die in this Forest before and buried it? I'll just take the shovel and hopefully no one comes back in here and finds out that it's gone. She went back to the bodies and dig two holes. She buries Vanessa's body away from Louis. She finally was finished bearing the bodies.

Kailet: at least she's in a happier place and hopefully has a nice real life up there. I wish it was a nicer person and realize what she was doing was wrong to do. 

Before she left the Forest she put the shovel back where it was before she found it. then went back to her house.

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