Chapter 1

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(Joey PoV)

I walked off the stage of our last concert for the week. It's 2002 around mid august. We just finished our set for the last week as murderdolls. I go to the tour bus and no one else is in there but Wednesday. He tells me we're out of mayonnaise, no one even fucking likes mayonnaise here. But I go get some anyways at the nearest Walmart to the venue. We don't have an extra car, or any car for that matter. So I walked, with my tiny little legs.

I approached the Walmart. I wore a black hoodie that was too big and black skinny jeans and high top converse. I still had my makeup on from the show before, one penciled on eyebrow, black lipstick, and black eyeshadow. People gave me strange looks as I entered the large blue building. One girl even hissed at me.

Finding the mayonnaise wasn't that hard in the long. As I spotted the mayonnaise from across the store, I quickly walked over there wanting to be out of the walmart as fast as possible. I walked by a greasy man with black hair and pale skin, who was taller than me. I paid him no attention as I walked up to the refrigerated mayonnaise. Then I met my real problem, my true enemy. It was far from my reach, as I stretched by arm and far as I could to reach it. I was on my tip toes, but it was still no use.

I sighed, as I stared up at the mayonnaise, I should've worn my platforms today, maybe then I could've reached the mayonnaise.

I heard footsteps from behind me, I turned to face the sound. It was the greasy haired man from before. He wore a black leather jacket and grey jeans with rips at the knees, and black boots. The smell of cigarettes and coffee wafted in the air as he approached.

"Need any help with that, kid?" the greasy man said to me. I straightened my back and looked over to him. Kid?! I was not a kid, I turned to look up at him.

"I'm not a kid bitch." I said, glaring up at him. The man looked down at me, a bit taken back by the makeup.

"How old are you then, sixteen?"

I stared at him, annoyance spreading across my face.

"I'm. Twenty-seven ." I spat out.

"Oh- my bad," 😔 He replied looking down, and then back at me. "Do you still want help with the mayonnaise?" I shot a glare at him.

"Yeah sure, whatever dude." The greasy nodded his head and grabbed the mayonnaise effortlessly. I huffed in annoyance as he handed it to me.

"Thanks." I grumbled and turned to leave. Then he quickly grabbed my shoulder. I swiftly turned around and took a step back from him. "What do you want, fool?"

"I think I know who you are,"

"Oh really?" I replied. I wasn't ready for anyone to recongize me at fucking walmart trying to buy mayonnise.

"Yeah you're the drummer guy from slipknot, right?" I inhaled sharply.

"Yeah. yeah I am, are you a fan or something?" He nodded in response.

"Yeah I'm a big fan, although you're a lot shorter than I imagined," The greasy man replies. I paused and looked at him. I didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry at this random guy.

"Thats cool." I replied, ignoring his short comment.

"I'm in a band too, but our drummer kinda sucks :/,"

"Yeah? That sucks." I sighed, I've gotta get back to the tour bus soon, the others are going to want this mayonnaise sooner or later, don't see why they couldn't get it themselves, or why they even needed it. "What's your band called then?" I looked up to see the man was gone. I didn't even get his name. Didn't really matter anyways, I looked down at the mayonnaise in my hands, then to the checkout counter.

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