Chapter 3

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(Gerard PoV)

The pipe in my hand fell to the floor clanging on the ground. I stood over Joey Jordison's motionless body on the ground, he looked even shorter laying down. I grabbed him by the arms and picked him up. I have to get him to the van and back to the house, the others will be so surprised when I come in and show them our new drummer.

I decided to carry him over my shoulder; a lot lighter than I expected. He weighed more like a child than an almost thirty year old man. Although, I guess it was accurate for his height. I carried him out of the alleyway in hopes of not being spotted by anyone, and quickened my pace as I rounded the corner.

I quickly walked over to the van and threw him in the back climbing in with him. Somehow no one had seen us and I climbed to the front seat. Turning on the car it stalled for a second and the anxiety began to bubble in my chest, then all of a sudden the van turned on and we were off.

I looked back to check on him as his unconscious body rolled around hitting the walls of the van. Maybe I should've put him in the front seat or something instead of letting him flop around the cabin. As I pulled into I and the bands rented out house, he began to stir. Quickly I got out of the driver's seat and slung him over my shoulder. Joey began to move on my shoulder and I just realized I never tied him up, I'll have to get him into the house and quick!

As I was walking up the stairs of our narrow stairwell and porch, Joey... He spoke.

"What the fuck!" He yelled. I screeched in terror. I quickly turned around expecting to see someone behind me, forgetting Joey was on my shoulder. I accidentally slammed his head into a pole on the porch. I gasped, oh wait he' s unconscious again... that's helpful oh well!

I strolled into the house happily, seeing Frank sitting at the living room.

"FRANK! I fucking got him!" I said, holding joey-chan on my shoulder.

''Oh shit, rad.'' Frank replied, quickly getting up from the living room and walking towards me and joey. Staring at the limp figure he said "I thought he'd be taller, not rad."

"Me too, do you have the basement ready?"

''Yeah, got the cage ready, the chair, the mattress and food, it's pretty rad.'' he replied. I nodded in approval and we both descended downstairs into the basement, unlocking the cage-like door at the bottom of the stairs. We began tying Joey Jordison to the chair with some rope nearby, we knotted it off pretty well and then sat down and waited for him to wake up.

Soon Joey began to wake up, quickly I and Frank straightened up as he began to stir, soon Joey was looking down at his restraints trying to pull out of them and looked up to me and frank.

"Mind explain why the fuck I'm here?" Joey asked, annoyed dripping from his words.

''Eh, because its rad.'' Frank responded. "And our drummer isn't rad."

"I- What's that have to do with me then!"

''I dunno, ask gerard, he's the one who came up with this rad plan." Frank replied yawning slightly and leaning back in his chair. Joey's eyes landed on Gerard's narrowing.

"You're the dude from the grocery store aren't you."

''Hehehe, yup.'' I responded gleefully. Joey sighed angrily.

"Okay so you captured me because you need a better drummer then? That's it?"

''Yeah, pretty much.'' I said , leaning back a bit.

"You understand I'm already in a band, right?" Joey said in a flat toned voice. "I'm not gonna be the drummer for your shitty band, especially because I don't like you."

"Wait why don't you like us that's not rad." Frank with sad face. Joey stared at him in disbelief. Gerard shrugged.

"Well it's too late we already kicked out our other drummer!" Gerard said with a smirk. "At this point you don't really have a choice."

"Pretty sure I do." Joey responded.

"How so?"

"You can't make me just play the drums for you if I refuse to do it."

"What if I threatened to kill your wife and kids?" Gerard asked with all seriousness.

"I don't have a wife or kids."

"Your father."

"Could care less about him." Joey responded.

"Your dog?"

"Don't have one."

"Uh uh... your cat? What if I killed your cat?"

"That's crossing the line buddy." Joey responded. "But you don't even know where they are."

"I wouldn't do it anyways..." Gerard muttered. "OKAY! Well if you won't agree to become our drummer then we'll just keep you down here until you agree!"

"Look man what kind of music even is your band?"

''Punk rock, its rad.'' Frank responded. Joey sighed heavily.

"Wouldn't you rather get a punk rock drummer instead of a fucking metal drummer if you aren't a metal band?"

''I mean, i guess but like, your better.'' I replied. Joey gave me a look, like he was in pain as if every single one of his brain cells was dying at the very moment. He sighed heavily.

"If I agree to do one show, ONE SHOW ONLY will you just fucking let me go dude?"

''Hmm, me and Frank will think about it for a bit.'' I responded. I guess one show could work... maybe then we'd be able to convince him to stay! It's not like he's that attached to that band slipknot anyways.

"Untie him frank and lets go." I said turning to frank and getting up, and leaving the basement.

A couple minutes later Frank soon emerged from the basement.

"Do you think we'll be able to convince him?" I asked him.

''Probably, he seems like a rad guy." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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