The brunette with a small smile

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Byakuya glared at me feircly at my suggestion, he shouldn't care but he does. I waited for him to speak well anyone really.

I knew they were all against it. They didn't seem in favor of it at all, in fact I could tell they resented it. Finally the blond shoved up his glasses "absolutely not, what an atrocious idea Makoto" he quickly degraded to put my confidence in this suggestion down.

I shook my head I disliked the idea of despair enough already, but to see these people plunge further? It's torture to me!

"Makoto these people don't deserve to be helped if they..."

"I know! But they didn't have a choice! It's unfair!" I argued back asahina muffled something. I already knew how much she disliked seeing these arguements happen so she never participated unless necessary.

Hiro could be heard the in background trying to calm the situation. "The world is unfair have you looked around?!"

My hands felt clammy and sweaty I just had to get on the same page with them. It should all be fine. I inhaled then exhaled.

"You know I'm trying to help, that's why I have to do this! To make it fair!"

Kyoko put her hand on mine, she did this to silence the room. It was efficient.

"You can't help everyone" she tilted her head to show empathy, thing was I haven't helped anyone. My heart squeezed guilt growing inside of me.

"Tch they don't want to be helped!" Togami interfered. Makoto frowned they were giving up on me now.

"But I want to try either way, have faith in me like you did that time" I pleaded almost vulnerable, kyoko stayed silent and byakuya mumbled to himself.

She sighed.

"Ok. . .fine then. But on our conditions" she wagged her finger, my face lit up I had even jumped a little. All I could see was her surprised face turning into a small.




Barely see.
Mikan had been taking care of the boy in the hospital for some time. We didn't know much, but we knew that he was a hard sleeper.

Finally we got tired and visited once more. Fortunately that was the time or that's what mikan said.

The brunette stirred a little his body struggling to wake up, mikan then nudged him as assistance.

He lowly groaned opening his eyes the slightest bit, he quickly closed them in irritation. "Ko....komaru?" He whispered steadily sitting up, he rubbed his eyes unknowing of his surroundings.

"What...ti-" he stopped talking the second he noticed us, the people. The way he backed away with fear and his body growing stiff. Mikan carefully cleared her throat to not spook the male.

"Wh-who are-" he squeaked shrinking into his blazer, Mikan side glances at us to stay shut. She gently smiled at the boy to try and calmed his nerves.

"H-hi my name is mikan tsumiki do you know who you are?" She asked quietly, the ultimate nurse knew to calm others. She had a gift when it came to the others.

"My. . .I'm makoto naegi" he had whispered Barely enough for any of us to hear, it was ok quite awkward all of of just standing around here.

"Ah, nice to meet you. Do you know how you got here?" She Continued, Makoto paused his eyes flickering sides from the room, he sure didn't look at any of us.

Overlapping memories (DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now