The Games

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"Alright we've got a few events chosen by votes"

"Woo, games!,votes!" Ibuki cheers trying to hype up her friends. She had many neon bracelets on her wrists and neck. Well she was trying. . .a few were excited Makoto supposed, like Mikan, Nekomaru and then finally Akane.


Gundham yet had to be surprised, due to the look on his face. Makoto processed what fuyuhiko had just said, by vote? He scratched his cheek tilting his head. "Did everyone vote before?" He asked in a very quiet voice, well perhaps it wasn't quiet at all since. . .

"Ibuki told you she would get everything handled!" Ibuki chirps twirling around, toward him. The brunette processed that somewhat surprised. it was that if he took care of the votes he would've probably gone about it a less professional way. It was difficult to keep organized.

Makotos mind wondered off, he received a strange feeling of dread just sprouting within his heart. This moment almost made him think of people, except he couldn't tell who he missed something, someone? He couldn't tell. . .mixed emotions he guessed. What would they be doing right now if he was somewhere else in the world? Would they be solving a murder case while he would be giggling watching some 'funny/cute animal compilation'?

He was knocked out of his trance upon hearing fuyuhiko speak in a Loud tone, he tried to understand what exactly he was listing then it made sense, they were just the events they were to do.

Well it all went pretty well, firstly they set up some background music along with the lights slowly flashing it wasn't enough to cause someone a seizure. Akane was the first one to get to the food event, so might as well as eat. It was going pretty neat for the most part, until



Our sweet nurse seemed to have makoto's bad luck and she had an unlucky fall. Hajime made sure to harshly shove makoto away from the sight to shield his eyes. He didn't mean to be rough it was just a little too sudden so it panicked him.

Makoto could still hear his friends in alarm and  blurting out words, then we had hiyoko shooting very not nice words at Mikan. Fortunately that mess died out rather quickly!

Right after that situation, Makoto noticed how some were actually. . .having some fun. Gundham was with Sonia grinning as she cooed about his hamsters. Fuyuhiko was snickering as kazuichi whimpered of their interaction. And Hajime, chiaki. . .komaeda?
They were smiling at each other! Makoto's chest was filled with bubbles and pride, he didn't want to get full of himself but he was sure it was ok to say that. . .he was doing something right?

He scratched his cheek turning to stare at the ground, he should enjoy this and have fun with them. . .but it was just as pleasant to watch them get along. He was alone sure yet he received a small gift. He sighed; this wasn't the best situation to be in except he was glad he could be here to contribute to less murder. Maybe he could be of some use in life, he could be their hope.

Their hope



Makoto squawked upon meeting the floor in a very abrupt way. He was then straightened up, he didn't get a chance to comprehend what had happened, his head spun enough for him to make him lean both sides. "wHa—-"

"Oh sorry sorry, I didn't want you to. . ." Hajime sputtered out brushing the brunettes shoulders then reached his hand to pat makoto's head, his hand halted as his eyes flickered away. He 'um-ed' trying to come up with the rest of his explanation.

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