Ill try to see through that

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Makoto blinked watching ibuki and fuyuhiko argue about what to do for this party. He just sat there playing with his hands.

The conversation was very interesting and professional!

"How the hell should I know! What do people eat at a party? Drugs? ? ?" He growled folding his arms, he had slouched at bit.

"Awww fuyuhiko-kun you're so dense! You've already been at a party!"

Makoto gave them a hard long stare, fuyuhiko facepalmed. "I didn't go to that party Ibuki" he reminded draping his hand down his face. The girl gasped out loud falling back.

She jumped back into her siting position. "Alright ibuki will help you!" She cheered twirling up, fuyuhiko made a small sound of approval which quickly snapped into a confused face.

"But you already said you would help us Mioda- senpai" makoto giggled, his vision became blocked, He blew his bangs away ignoring the sensation of his nose being tickled.

The girl with multiple colors in her hair, paused she had even batted an eye. Her face had softened into some type of concentrated one. Quickly she lit up smiling brightly once more. "Oh! That's right!"

She started to be exceedingly unpredictable. . .for example, she hummed to herself then it quickly turned into her clicking tongue. Then she started pacing around. The movement was confusing the brunette as he tried to think of what she would do next. Makoto opened his mouth to possibly butt in, but before he could she snapped her finger. "Arightyyy! Ibuki has an idea!" She chirped leaping to her drawer opening it wide awake.

The two merely watched her curiously, the girl started to scribble down on the paper, her hand moved many ways that didn't look like. . .writing? More like drawing! It took a while, that's why Makoto flinched upon hearing the loud ripping resonance. It was Sudden, loud, and mean? Well to him it sounded angry.

She spun around prancing to the two. She tossed the paper at fuyuhiko (Who had to chase the flying paper that took sharp turns around the room) Once she got to the brunette she crouched down and gently laid it on his hands. Makoto blinked as she lowly chuckled with her soft warm smile.

"Aright now you two go! We have work to do!" She immediately ushers them away, practically shoving the two out of the small house. "UH-"

"Bye bye now!"


Well then! That was rather subtle-? The two short males looked at each other dumbstruck. As their focus was to each other it quickly changed to the paper in their hands. "She could've handed it me. . ." The yakuza grumbled maybe a little annoyed.

Their eyes Traveled down the paper, Makoto mostly spent his time analyzing the small doodles on his paper. You know like stars clouds, planets, even four-leaf clovers. He appreciated the positive instructions.

"What the. . .hey mioda I can't—!" He stopped himself sighing out loud. Naegi peered over to see how excessive the writing and doodles were.

"We can trade if you want" the hazel offered slowly gesturing his paper to his friend. Fuyuhiko quickly shooed it away walking away. Naegi quickly darted after him, as if he was waiting for orders.

"Aright then, if you need help go ask someone or me. We'll meet up later tonight" Kuzuryu explained leading them already at the line where they part ways. Makoto gave him a hard nod.

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