Dark sighted

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The room was rather dim and eery. It wasn't the perfectly picked dark areas of the rooms that creeped Makoto out it was the paralyzing silence. He first noticed it when the door opened without a sound.

He ran in and pulled the ladder out. It was heavy poor makoto, he was given a task that requested actual body strength. He desperately tried to leave from there. It was childish for him to believe that some covered black, faceless creature would come out and pull him into a void.

He wouldn't want to be a nuisance. . .In the end the boy shyly scooted near Hajime. The darker haired brunette didn't seem to notice him, due to a few reasons one being how quiet he was. . .another being you know his height. Makoto waited as hajime finish whatever he was doing.

Makoto wondered whether he should say something, best not make it weird! Is something that he thought before quietly moonwalking back to the ladder. He put his hands on his hips with a determined glare.

"Welp if it makes a lot of noise it's not my fault" he declared continuing to pull the heavy object.

He eventually received help from komaeda there wasn't much speaking in involved. "I'll take that" Makoto replayed in his mind. The brunette sighed pulling his hood up somewhat disappointed.

"Naegi-kun help me with organizing this" Ibuki chirped holding a box. He rushed over ready to be useful. Once he realized what this was he blinked. At first it was subtle since there were so much cords laced with each other, it became clearer when he eyes saw the microphones.

Then Ibuki entered with a large black box, which was a speaker, he put the pieces together. "So a performance! I can't wait to see that!!"

The girl nodded her head"yup yup! But that's not all!! Ibuki decided for a karaoke!!"

Makoto mentally choked and laughed. "Oh I'm sure that'll plenty of fun" interjected Hajime from behind the brunette. Makoto shuddered only to remember how karaoke works.

The hyper girl nodded once more, it seemed as if her head would fly off. "Mhm mhm! Ibuki even made a list of who would sing. . .in order!"  She thrusted her 'thumbs up' hand up.

Hajime made an 'ooh!' Sound and gaped at her curiously. The girl cackled and violently search in her pockets for her to end up throwing a paper to Hajime. He grinned and traveled his eyes down the paper, he glanced at the hazel which made him very anxious. . .'am I on that list?''

Ibuki easily became distracted and sighed at the tangled mess. She didn't notice or care to pay attention to the dark haired brunette erasing his name from the list. Makoto batted his eyes trying to peer at the paper, once the tall male noticed, he ejected the paper from his hand making it lunged forward with speed, the paper landed at Ibukis feet. If you'd seen it you could understand Makoto's reason to be in awe, it looked graceful like a feather plopping down by the tip.

She gasped as if wondering how the list fell on the ground. The brunette turned to Hajime, he was already staring at Makoto, with studying eyes. He returned the stare of expectancy. "Right. . .want to help us hang the streamers?"

Makoto beamed up, streamers wasn't apart of the to do list so. . .this would be fun. Hajime pointed at the two ladders. When did they get another? It didn't matter he just had to help.

Fuyuhiko and Hajime explained from where they wanted the streamers." Ibuki wanted them to hang down from the stage lights to make the room. . .colorful" the yakuza pointed up from where the lights were.

"Right ok! I'll do that!" Makoto tweeted putting his foot on the first step of the ladder. Hajime swiftly grabbed his wrist. The brunette squeaked at the sudden touch.

"Wait" he scrunched his eyes looking at the ladder and the height. "Perhaps I or fuyuhiko should do this. . ."

"Hm-?But why? Wouldn't it be easier if I do it since we'll be moving the ladder to the sides, I'd say I'm. . .light enough to be moved along with the ladder" Makoto interjected, he seemed to not pay attention to the fact that fuyuhiko was almost the same height as him.

The tall male blinked processing that. He reluctantly let go of his wrist, and merely dipped his head as a response. Makoto grinned and moved upward. "Hey be careful!" Fuyuhiko snaps disliking the enthusiasm of climbing up.

It went well for the most part, Makoto did pretty well. The boy only became fearful when the lights blinded him and had to get a little more risky like hoping that his hand does grab onto the other ladder . . .then finally they got to the last set of setting up the streamers. Makoto reached over the box from on top of the other ladder.

"Do you want me to move it closer?" Hajime shouted, Makoto glanced down getting a tinge of anxiety stuck in his throat. He wasn't afraid of heights sure he didn't like the idea of falling down but for him to suddenly feel cold and shaky?

"N-no it-" he couldn't feel his hand attaching itself to the other box. . .he panicked, the near light blinded him and he wobbled to the side. He realized what was happening upon his name being called in alarm.

Makoto choked.

He was falling down?






~-> ~-> ~-> ~->
The lavender haired girl sipped on her coffee letting her eyes flicker to the near book on the counter. She read the title two times to remember that that book belong to her friend. She nodded her head in acknowledgement. There was a distant sound behind her, she glanced at it.

"Ah kirirgiri-San. . ."  Asahina spoke clearing her throat, kyoko understood she had news to hand over.

"Since Makoto-kun went into the neo program and had his memories deleted. . .well it looks that only a few may trigger at weird. . .times, but that also makes me wonder if that'll affect him out in the real world when he comes back. . .you know?" She anxiously brushed her hair out of her view.

The detective took no time to answer. "It shouldn't affect him when he's back due to the rules we added" she slowly explained, Asahina sighed relieved. Kyoko lightly smiled she could relate to the swimmer girls worries. . .since their friend was in a another killing game and could possibly die, but they had faith they should keep it anyway.

Kyoko opened her mouth once more "he'll be fine Makoto doesn't die easily"

Asahina chuckled peering at the hard covered poem book she returned her gaze at kyoko her eyes glinted with wonder. "That's Makoto-Kuns book!" Asahina blurted jumping forward and opening to where a bookmark was. Her eyes strayed down the page, she softened her gaze hugging the object close to her.

"I miss him" she giggled squinting at the detective, her smile proved enough to her friend that she believed in hope. "Wanna read together?"

Kyoko had time she accepted, she accepted to read with asahina letting her emotions fade away. She read with Asahina while Makoto threw a party for the remnants of despair.


Hello cuties! a few things have been happening-my phone got taken away for the DUMBEST reasons, so I'm writing this one my dads iPad LOL! I'm okay I promise! Anyway I suddenly dislike my writing so wooo! I wanted to have our OG's in this chapter so here we are. . .I promise I'm trying to keep an updating schedule! So I'll try to update every Friday if I haven't then probably Saturday. And if I had motivation then maybe before. Alrighty bye bye!

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