Hajime hinata

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If you expected the two to just go to bed, and then wake up tangled in each other's limbs well you are incorrect! In fact they took this as a chance to learn! (Sobs I don't wanna go back to school-author 1/3/21)

Due to taking in all of all.

As in Hajime having to explain to the brunette everything of this killing school trip. As in "blackened, monobeasts, monomi, rules, komaeda, and then the bigger reveal.

"Wait-so then I've already lived through my school years? I just can't remember them?" Makoto whimpered hiding into the pillow that he had been hugging close to himself.

Hajime shrugged without much care, Makoto wanted to whine except he actually did.

"But if so then my fam-"

"Low chance we have no signs of our families searching for us. . ." the dark brunette interjected shooting the males hopes down. Makoto wanted to whined once more.

He huffed thinking more intensely, only to drop to the conclusion of a defeated sigh. "Well then. . ." Makoto straightened up already filled with curiosity again.

"What about you hinata-kun. . .tell me about yourself!" He requested tilting his head as also smiling widely (dimples at both cheeks) and closed his eyes.

Hinata didn't dare think long about it, the appealing intrigue his kohai had in him. "Well. . .I uh. . .I'm a normal person really. . .I like orange juice and erm-" Hajime gave a quick glance at makoto expecting a bored look, or for him to be distracted but—-

Naegi continued to give him his full undivided attention. The male felt his heart squeeze. Why so interested in a boring person like me-?

"I-. . .dogs are cute I guess. . ." He murmured as he thought about the image Naegi had.

Makoto put a finger on his cheek thinking.

"Um. . .ok how about this! I ask you?" He offered unsure, Hajime raised an eyebrow.

"I talk about specific titles and you reply" he blurted trying to hide the nervous look he had. Hinata nodded his head, he peered at the clock.


"You know those types of milks in schools? Like you can choose between normal milk, strawberry, and chocolate?" He questioned maintaining his smile. Hajime blinked at the silly unnecessary question.

"Well-I didn't-no I. . .I never went to a normal school naegi-kun" he finally said after all the struggle. The reaction was almost amusing makoto audibly gasped at realizing how he was in fact different.

"So I always had some type of special drink like orange juice"  he crossed his arms smirking just a little.

"My parents hoped that something special would happen if they did so" hinata scoffed only for it to turn into a weak laugh.

A weak dying laugh.

"Guess it worked. . ." He whispered, Naegi heard the anger and despair in his voice.

"May. . .I ask?" Naegi asked carefully to not spook the tall male from his trance.

"N-" he stopped. When will I ever get to rant about this again? And makoto seems to be interested if I asked chiaki she would've probably been bored of me or something!

He loudly sighed almost making naegi feel bad.

"I can't remember my talent. . .but I apparently lost my school memories so I probably received it during the time that they were enrolling" he explained makoto nodded as he breathed in information.

"But really my parents didn't care about me they just wanted their son to be special, so! They got what they wanted!" Hajime's cackle was weary and pathetic his eyes glinted in despair. Makoto had this determined look in his eyes.

"That's awful! They shouldn't force you to be someone you're not! They didn't consider how that affects you! In fact did they even care? You definitely deserved better than that!" Makoto snapped rambling on about it, and to hajime's surprise he was listening.

"And don't you think that you're nothing just because you didn't have a talent I'm the same! I just got lucky really! I was just a normal guy who went to a normal school living a boring normal life!"

Hajime gaped at naegi feeling his heart throb, so worked up about someone else's problem. . .

"But really! You really are cool!" Naegi said again trying to get his point across, hinata just had wide eyes narrowed on the boy.

It wasn't long before he truthfully smiled.

Makoto cut himself short. "Oh-!did I say something wrong-?"

The darker brunette shook his head ruffling the shorter male's hair.  The second Makoto yawned stretching his arms-

"Aright kids! It is officially 10 pm!"

Makoto yelped flinching at the sudden voice. It was amusing how he. . . Responded. First he frantically looked around for the speaker then turned to hinata like a lost puppy. then finally when he found the voice he threw the pillow at the screen.

Hajime erupted laughing. Makoto scurried to go pick up the pillow, he gave the screen a side-glance wary of some surprise announcement.

"There probably won't be another one" Hinata pointed out, naegi made an 'oh' sound then awkwardly looked around the room.

"I guess I'm tired. . ."he mumbled rubbing the back of his neck. Hajime nodded turning his back then mumbling to 'turn off the lights'.

Makoto did as asked, instead of shimming under the blankets makoto instead gently flopped onto the bed and waited for sleep to come.

Just as he was gonna close his eyes trying not to overthink,


"What are you doing?" Hajime growled
Upset, naegi tilted his head hiding the sprouting embarrassing.

"Who's sleeps without warmth????" He followed up, naegi shook his head.

"I didn't want to steal the blanket" he squeaked poking his fingers together. Hajime mentally died then was revived.

"D-don't be ridiculous come on" he offered not really offering. Makoto sighed defeated. Then there it was finally makoto called himself down.

So yeah Um. . .sleep? How erm-

I guess I'll just

Even if they don't know where I am, I wonder if they're ok-

"Why of course! You're in a Killing game!"

Naegi clenched his eyes shut curling into himself. He felt his heart beat get louder in his ears it was slow. But it was loud.

It was loud in his head paralyzing him.

He tried to think of positive things.

And drift off into a sleep

A/N was that cringy? Yeah sorry I just wanted to somehow get their friendship started, and this erm you know *tags*

Ayo someone tell me if I erm made a mistake UWU

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