The soft whisper

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"What did I do wrong?"

"Hey you alright?"

His eyes swirled trying to recognize the sudden change of settings, it seemed so distant to him. . .like a far away light and his hair tickled his ears his heart was exceedingly loud in his ears. He felt big for a second but it quickly disappeared! What was that?

His hand reached out for a far away exit, that he was no way near. Why did he insist to keep hope for something impossible to accomplish?

Hajime blew at Makoto's face snapping him out of his intense stare, once the brunette let the situation set in, he felt like hiding. Hajime carefully set the brunette down, to his surprise the short male's balance was off his legs became shaky as if his body hit the floor.

"You alright-?" The darker haired brunette worriedly spoke putting his hand on Makoto's shoulder to stop his shakiness. Makoto's cheerful aura became paranoid and was almost. . .dejected? Makoto took a few seconds to respond.

"I. . .think I'm alright" It stunned him to hear that quiver in his voice, that struck the others odd, or just concerned them. Makoto hesitantly pulled his hood up and hugged himself like a stiff rag-doll.

"You sure? What hurts right now?" Komaeda peered over with very hungry eyes, they were filled with curiosity and perhaps a tad bit of a hope obsession. Makoto shook his head feeling rather cold.

He looked down. "Nothing hurts. . .its just. . .I . . .I guess it's normal for your heart to hurt after falling from a high ladder. . ." He forced a small smile while raising a hand up to scratch his cheek.

Komaeda's eyes widened his curiosity almost being fed. "Heart hurts? In a way a sudden fright might?" Ibuki gasped coming out of no where, before Makoto could respond she put her head near his chest listening to his heart beat.

Makoto's gaze looked to the side, non of them could tell what emotion he was trying to express from that. "No. . .like a betrayed type of feeling.  . ." 

The three of the males didn't speak only ibuki made a move."Aw! Ibuki is sure you will be fine! Take a break Naegi-kun you deserve it!"  She patted his head pulling him into a warm hug, that did make Makoto feel fluttery on the inside. . .being given unexpected affection. . .it was pleasant. Hajime glanced at a near clock.

"Oh that's right, you should go shower now we'll finish up here" he orders pointing at the door. Makoto blinked supposing he should go do just as that. Then fuyuhiko intervenes smirking.

"A nice hot shower should ease your heart. . .pain" he chuckled sounding awkward, the brunette decided why the hell not? Just one mishap! Nothing much!

"Yeah you're right I'll do just as that and come back then have an awesome party!" He thrusts his clenched hand up, the enthusiasm was enough to bring a smile across everyone's face. Makoto left waving at them, and like that the brunette was gone.

Komaeda hugged himself "what bright brimming hope our kohai has!" He cooed, Hajime guessed that was hope. . .or he merely forced the previous fear out. How quick he recovered after looking so traumatized

"Alright stop being weird, and let's finish up here" fuyuhiko walked away with his arms folded. Everyone went back to work, with a few questions in mind.
~->             ~->                ~->                  ~->
You could understand why makoto had mixed thoughts about his clothes, at first he was annoyed then confused. He spun around a couple of times and looked at himself, he even blinked trying to feel not weird.

"Aight kid just tell me your thoughts" Monokuma urged on looking at his paw, Makoto grimaces at the bears humor. Makoto pulled down the thick shirt under his blazer trying to fit comfortably.

He looked backed at the mirror, the oh so lovely headmaster was generous enough to give his hazelnut a cute outfit that wouldn't leave far from home. Makoto had his blazer it was the same, and the shirt from under. . .there were a few modifications like the small soft rounded ball that seemed to be a (what he assumed due to the circumstance) bear tail? And then his hood. . .a bear ears? it wasn't A LOT. (A/N if confused something like the chapter picture!)

"It's kinda embarrassing, I don't like it. . ." He blurted out Bluntly, Monokuma rolls his eyes at Makoto's cowering self. The bear kicked his feet up and mumbled incoherently.

"Well deal with it cause ya ain't getting ya other clothes" Makoto's eyes snap almost intense glaring, he scowled his skin crawling.

"What. . .what did you do to my other clothes then?" His hands almost reflexively choked the bear, Monokuma cackled at the sudden snap of emotions.

He walked away stopping at the door which he somehow opened, he glanced at Makoto and called again. "Let's wait and see aye?"

And he was gone.

The brunette sighed exasperated and grumbled insults. When deciding whether or not to do something about his clothes he realized that he would run a little late if he continued.

So yeah there he was, he gave up running since he knew his shoe would fly away. Upon walking around the music venue he noticed the door closing, he guessed that everyone was already there. Right the second he faced the door his body stopped, he was suddenly so nervous.

"Well that's not good, I started this party-"he whispered putting his hand on his chin. He didn't notice the quiet lavender haired girl. He peered at her she was in a different world stuck on playing her game.

"Are you going to go in Naegi-kun?" She questioned softly, Makoto stayed silent wondering. . .he nodded his head and opened the door.

"Ah Naegi-Kun!!" Mikans pleasant voice cheers, she giggled skipping toward him. She stopped and grabbed his hand squeezing them gently. She was rather. . .cheerful!

"I'm so glad that you decided to throw us an event like this! You're so kind!" She praised making the brunette felt a little less nervous and kinda. . .proud. Then komaeda creeped up.

"Our kohai is bright and amazing! He truly is an amazing example of a Beautiful blooming hope in the depairing field!" Makoto was now shrinking not sure what to say from all of this attention. And the applauding he was receiving when didn't even do much!

Hajime came around to rescue our damsel in distress, he merely walked around the marshmallow haired male, and picked up Makoto side eyeing komaeda then walked away. . .away from komaeda. Makoto felt his heart squeeze at that, should he feel bad?

Now wouldn't be the time to think about that! Now he should pay attention to the party and hope nothing backfires. . .let's hope!

"Alright everything seems in order we just have to wait for the others now" Hajime explains his eyes investigating the brunette, he blinked upon realizing the extra. . .ness.

"Ha. . .ha-" Makoto squeaked nervously.

They didn't share any other words and merely enjoyed the somewhat silence, silence.
Next time on 'why does the author continue to have long meaningless chapters!'

Makoto: *looks at Fuyuhiko , then back to chiaki*

Fuyuhiko: uh

Chiaki: *blinks*

Makoto: I don't-well-I'm. . .I'm not sure.

Hajime: just do the dare Naegi-kun

Makoto: *sweats* alright then-

Overlapping memories (DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now