Makoto Naegi Ultimate lucky student

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"how very interesting! Well then let's discuss the hazelnut in the room!"

The bear cackled shoving the others into the room, I could feel myself shrinking. The tall one with scarfs grumbled walking he continued to look forward and not at me.

The girl with the pretty dress giggled as the male with pink hair praised her, the two entered narrowing their eyes at. . .me. The girl smiled at. . .me!"Oh! Yes!" She left it at that leaving the conversation at an awkward moment.

A girl with a yellow kimono entered dragging herself into the room, I looked away avoiding any type of eye contact.

"Aright you young murderers!"the bear laughed out loud, do I-?

A)question the bears words
B)ask hinata for help.
C)run to the bear and hug it because it's a be-

"CUTEEEEEE" I wailed hugging the bear he was-ugh he wasn't cuddly at all! It took all of my attention to not let go.


I let go due to the demand. He also sounded kinda scary, the bear sighed brushing off his shoulder,  he was tinyyyy.

"Aright brat on your knees!" He ordered I squeaked doing just that, so yeah there I was sitting on my knees looking at the bear waiting for whatever.

It didn't take long for him to just become him. . .again? He laughed again and jumped on a chair."ok so this here is Makoto Naegi ultimate lucky student of his beginning school year at hopes peak! Therefore!"

Just as he had previously been ruffling my hair he then.

"He" the bear pats my head.

"Is" another pat, except this one felt harder-

"Your" as a expected, the pat is harsher, I wanted to interject but-


I winced waiting, for a lot. Just as not expected, the bear cooed hugging my head. "Isn't he the cutest thing?!" I cringed at the compliment, why would a bear think that?

He gave me a strange look, one that looked of hate and despair. I suddenly felt my skin crawl, there's a feeling of danger under my skin.

"Anywayyyyyy! What y'all do with him is up to you!" He cheered roughy ruffling my hair again.

"Be warned my little hazelnut! You may be murdered or a murderer!" He booped my nose staring at my blank expression, he erupted into laughter.

"Murder-?"I croaked craning my neck up to the group. Until I read how these other people acted, I mean. . . I was just thinking about why I was here. How not normal it was for me to walk into hopes peak then end up in here.

But the others, the interrogation, the words. The. . . Paranoia in the air.

"Why of course! Cause you're in a killing game!"

It began to make sense.

Choosing not to face this weird joke I shook my head forcing a nervous chuckle. "Now that can't be haha-wh-why am I here?" I breathed heavily feeling myself cower in my blazer.

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