The filter

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I impatiently waited, some worried grew deep down in my heart. Should I wait? Well. ..I dislike the idea of him being all alone on the island. . .especially since the game. Wait why the hell should I wait?

I already have a few clues, I could just follow those clues, I could just easily do that. Fuyuhiko had already sent him over here, I would find him out walking toward my cottage

After a few minutes of arguing wether or not I should do just that, I kicked my legs up and stumbled out of the bed. I took three steps forward and turned the knob, letting the door swing open. . .I batted my eyes focusing my gaze at the petite brunette, his fist hit my stomach. He squeaked jumping back upon realizing the door was already opened.

Makoto shook his head, the light pink blush quickly faded away from his peachy cheeks. He didn't even take a deep breath just looked at me. "Uh uh need me-?"

I nodded pulling the brunette into the room folding my arms. Makoto had his eyes closed for a considerably long time, he had even held his breath.

"Wha-?no never mind anyway about what you're doing" I explained, analyzing his next reaction. Makoto let a long breathe out and scratched his cheek nervously.

"Huh? The party? Do you not want to come? It's fine but I urge you to g-"

"No"as I uttered I realized how confusing that could've been, I paused unsure of the word choice."number one, are you completely sure you know what you're doing?" I dropped letting him know that this was related to something other than that.

He tilted his head, I put two fingers up."you can't go to a party without properly getting prepared" Makoto froze trying to process what I meant. I rolled my eyes at the dense brunette

"You need to shower, and new clothes. . .you'll start to stink"

And with that Makoto jumped back, his cheeks went pink. "H-huh!? Oh w-well that-!" His gaze snapped he quickly hugged himself, as if he was protecting his valley colored blazer.
"B-but I love this blazer-" he. . .wait did he just whine?

I shook my head it wasn't well timed since it felt late. "You'll need to wash those clothes"

Makoto sighed and nodded his head. "I guess you're right yeah. . ." He murmured only for a long silence to play out. He jerked his head back with a smirk. "But it's a shame there aren't extra clothes!"

"Oh. . .you're probably the same size as Fuyuhiko" I quickly shot down, Makoto frowned the stars from his eyes had quickly flown away. He crossed his arms puffing up his cheeks.

"I refuse, and so will kuzuryu-senpai" his gaze jumped away from my eyes, I suppose he would be stubborn. . .that just means he loves his jacket way too much. Is there anyo. . .wait. .

Makoto raised an eyebrow"why are you-What's so funny?" I realized I had subconsciously laughed well it was a silly thought.

I narrowed my eyes at the brunette, he was rather short and skinny. . .probably. . .he stepped back concerned, he seemed tense at the sudden stare. "whats with that look-?"

"Perhaps not fuyuhiko, but what about chiaki?"
Makoto's orbs seemed to animate confused and panicked gestures. He slowly like a broken doll scratched his cheek forcing a laugh.

I cackled ruffling his hair "I'm only joking, I'll have Monokuma get new clothes for you" as I explained those words the brunette melted sighing relieved, shortly after he he sighed yet again.

"Alright then-I'll just finished what I started THEN!. . .I'll shower" he shrugged his shoulder poking his fingers together, I found myself cracking a smile.

Note to self: warms up to you rather quickly, perhaps a people pleaser?

"Alright, I'll come with since I'm pretty sure I saw komaeda near the area" I mumbled catching the brunettes eyes flicker. I quickly made that the next topic. "Hm?"

Makoto looked away rubbing the back of his neck."huh? What?what happened?" He chirped focusing his eyes at the door. I raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat returning his eyes at me.

"Did something happen?"

"No. . .not really. . ."

A prolonging silence followed that, for him to say 'not really' meant yes he saw and meant him, but a minor thing happened. Makoto fidgeted with his fingers as if he were deciding about something.

He glances at me "well. . .it was just that. . .he helped me carry some stuff. . ." I studied his face, he didn't seem to be lying yet his words didn't sound. . .adequate. I put a hand on my chin.

"It's best to separate yourself from him, you don't know when he'll change on you. . ."

Makoto shook his head, strange enough it was rather hesitantly. "But-He's not. . .mean" he struggled to find a word to replace 'weird'. Makoto opened his mouth once more. "He's been nice to me! He does like to talk about ho-"

"No, you don't understand he'll act like that then pull a blade at you" I retorted carefully dropping my voice into a monotone. His eyes glinted with 'no that's not true. . .' And a tinge of 'I'll keep your warning into consideration'.

Note to self: naive, too trusting.

"Come on time will run out"

"Hah yeah. . ."
~->             ~->                ~->                  ~->

Short chapter aye-? I apologize for that! I had an idea of what to do for this chapter but Willy forgot :/ I wanted test 1st point of view but honestly it's kinda stressful I'm gonna so I with omniscient for now. Anyway this book will mostly focus on hinaegi than komaegi, that is if I figure out how to properly write komahinaegi.

Anyway word count-962

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