The warmth of an aura

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. . .

What are you doing? Stop talking.

. . .

Listen to me!

. . .

This won't help you...

. . .

I hate it when you do that... when you push yourself aside for the sake of a stupid word.



H o p e ?
Before any of us could even get to our morning cycle, greeting, questioning, feeling, overthinking whether or not this is real, staring at komaeda with intense confusion. Monokuma had already been handing out today's lovely news.

"Ok ok! Now shut your traps!!"

It had taken a while for it to settle down since there was too much arguing between akane and nekomaru. I mentally sighed, it probably would've been better to ignore the bear since...well, he's never given us good news now has he?


Finally the room(?)was silenced, everyone already looked out of it, like without a care. Why should they listen to monokuma's words?

"Today! There's a surprise for you all!" He went on with a huff, luckily monomi didn't butt in to make the situation even more annoying. Back to what he was saying it did spark interest...surprise or was it something to try and get us to...'kill'.

"Why what could it be!?" The ultimate princess beamed with stars of intrigue, while she didn't consider the bad outcome she did make the room feel less...misty.

The bear snickered, he merely crossed his arms. "That's for you to find out!" And with that he was gone within seconds. Fuyuhiko cussed under his breath already walking away. Peko joined in and followed right behind like an emotionless doll.

"I think it's best to go look around!" Komaeda had chirped with some enthusiasm. I had always thought he was...strange he wasn't an open book you really couldn't tell what type of personality he possessed

"I disagree it could be some type of trap or motive"  fuyuhiko said, which it did make a good point. If he sounded so ominous then yes it be a trap pushing us into insanity.

"Well if he made it Ominous maybe he did that on purpose, to catch us off-guard"
Chiaki had muttered with a yawn, she lazily wiped of drool from her mouth. When it came to persuasion Nanami was a never made sense why...she's do you say?

Perhaps lifeless? She's that boring friend who makes things not boring.

"Ah...well I guess so then..." I reluctantly agreed deciding where to go. So did komaeda and chiaki, the two had joined me on looking around the Beach.

The lavender girl yawned once more looking at her gameboy. "Do you know where this surprise is?" She asked, as I hear her beat the level.

I just shook my head, no I didn't know I just wanted to check around here. And it felt like a type of gut feeling. And I didn't want to actually look, quite frankly I had no interest in possibly falling into Monokuma's trap.

"Don't you think it's really suspenseful!? For example it could be something despairful or hopeful!" The marshmallow haired boy began to ramble, I rolled my eyes.

It wasn't long before Monokuma walked past us giggling. I grumbled ready to punch the bear out of here. . .would I dare?

"I see, you! Hinata you knew where to go! Upupup I'm impressed. . .I'll do you the favor of gathering the others!" And he then waddled away.

I sighed, but then gasped.

"Wait he said. . ." I mumbled, then I jumped I found it? But I don't see anything?

"Oh is. . .is that a child!?" Koameda blurted darting away, my heart split with fear. A child?

Chiaki made a small sound that you wouldn't expect her to make. I forced myself out of the frozen spot and started to run. The two sure did know to run, they had already been crouching next to a body.


"Oh. . .he's so small" chiaki whispered taking her hand off his wrists she must've checked if he was still alive. I carefully walked around my breath being short. I gaped down at the limp body. He was petite and seemed skinny. He wore a green valley blazer, And black jeans.

His brown hazel hair furled in messy locks, his eyes easily closed without a worry. He had a light tint Of pink on his cheeks which seemed to be soft. Although he had drool leaking from his mouth he looked so fragile and innocent.

"Hinata-kun could please stop gazing at him, this is beyond normal" komaeda sighed shoving his hands under his knees, the marshmallow haired male was panicking. I suppose that's all that he could do, and was to wait for someone to think of something.

Chiaki gently brushed specks of sand from the boys shoulder. The male continued to lay asleep. I mentally sighed the boy didn't look much younger than me, yet he was. . .anonymous.

Just as I was about to suggest something a cheerful, annoying, barging voice interrupts me.

"hi! Ibuki her-"she gasped as I watched her eyes widened. "CUTEE!" She shrieked ready to pounce on the boy. Chiaki shoved her hand out in a 'stop' gesture. She then put her finger on her lips.

She merely mouthed shhhh, and pointed at the boy, Sleeping the girl continued. Ibuki paused processing the procedure, then she lit up animating the 'oh!' Sound.

Sounds of running ending could be heard behind ibuki. She giggled and turned around doing the same as chiaki except-

"SHHHHHHHH SLEEPING!" She then strangely points down at the brunette. I sighed out loud this time. I was surprised how the brunette stayed sleeping.

The tall shy purple haired girl entered the scene, thats when nurse Mikan had froze as soon as her eyes laid on the body in front of her. I couldn't be sure what was happening or what she was feeling. Once I studied it harder I could tell there was an even number of confusion, and fear. Then I saw the glint in her eyes.

"E-excuse me komaeda-kun" she whispered slowly getting on her knees. And in the corner of my eye. I saw him.

He pranced and danced and then twirled as his finishing act. "W-w-welllll! There it is folks!" He shouted not caring about the sleeping child.


Well hello there! I got inspired by this if I'm being honest! I'll tag when there's the inspired part of the story. Anyway I was writing this a long time ago and I kinda realized that my book wasn't going somewhere-soooo I'll send out my few chapters while squishing in the ones that weren't necessary.

Ayo tell me if I made a mistake ok-? It's embarrassing enough for it to live on without me knowing it :<<

Uh I'll look for a better cover thing

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