To get to know you!

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Today the brunette decided to hang out with someone other than Hajime, he wanted to show the two (Mikan) that he was very independent.

So he decided to get aquatinted with the yakuza, sure he had a few doubts that this would be successful. But in the end he had to try, so there he was trying to walk up to his cottage. Except this was very difficult because all of his emotions were clogging up at his throat. Most of it being anxiety.

Just by knowing that he knocked on the door almost botching that up. He held his breath hearing the footsteps.

The door opened up to reveal the male. He deadpanned. "Oh. . .it's you. . ."

Makoto already felt his heart sinking ready for a horrible fate of rejection. He opened his mouth again. "Well what is it?" He growled coldly, Naegi had always gotten good at hiding his pain.

He shook his head."I uhhhh wanted to spend time with you"He offered laughing nervously, he scratched his cheek.

The male stared at him studying every inch of his very soul, he looked like he was thinking of something. After the silence he opened his mouth. "Aright then I find it interesting that you want to spend time with the ultimate yakuza" he smirked pointing his thumb at himself.

Makoto nodded feeling a little relieved that this was working out. Kuzuryu opened the door wide open. He stepped through the threshold stopping to quickly study the room.

It was really. . .it was just like Hinata's. Well not completely for example he had these fedoras, they're were quite fashionable.

"What are you looking at?" He peered over, Makoto moved away.

"Oh hoho! My fedoras keep dreaming kid maybe one day I'll let you wear one" he smirked putting his hand on his hip, while jerking his face forward.

It didn't cross makoto's mind to wear one, but now that he said it well, now he wanted to wear one. To play along with fuyuhiko's reality he proceeded to say "ah well. . .it was worth a shot haha"

Then they just stood there unsure what to do. . .Fuyuhiko merely grabbed his collection of Fedoras then sat on his bed. Makoto scratched his cheek "so erm. . . What do we do?"

The short blond tapped his chin, he even clicked his tongue he seemed to an idea. "Don't have a fucking clue. . ."he gave a curious look at the brunette. "what do you want to do?"

Makoto mentally panicked, he was the type to be a crowd pleaser so he'd follow someone else's lead. Of course this would mostly be when he was being quiet and shy.


"Aright kid why did you want to spend time with me?"he folded his arms practically throwing the hats aside.

Now that was a good question, I mean why the ultimate yakuza who kinda threatened him Earlier yesterday. The first day they met.
Makoto took no time to to think he just responded.

"Well. . .I didn't really think about it I just want to get to know you all" he lightly scratched his cheek once more, the brunette forced a small smile. "And about yesterday well it wasn't your fault"

The blond thought about those words deciding wether or not to accept that, after a while he nodded his head. "Aright then, I guess that's valid"

Makoto grew his smile

Then just like that fuyuhiko stood up and opened the door for the brunette. He smirked at him. "But! You said you wanted to get know us all, well you won't through me" he explained already walking away.

Makoto mentally high-fives himself for this was rather successful. Becoming friends with everyone! That's just perfect.

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and followed the plan.
~-> ~-> ~-> ~->
"Hey Kuzuryu-senpai" Makoto tugged on his sleeve, fuyuhiko made a 'hm?' Sound.

Makoto cleared his throat as too. . .not having a single clue on what was going on. "What exactly are we going to do?"

The ultimate yakuza glanced at him walking toward the place they would eat. He he clicked his tongue pointing his gaze toward the sky. "Well I suppose I didn't know how to do this, so I'll steal someone's idea"he murmurs looking away shamefully.

The brunette had no idea what that meant if he was being completely honest, he raised an eyebrow. "I want to honor his memory somehow, so I'll do it by hoping this'll work" he sighed out, Makoto batted an eye unsure what to say.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, finishing up somebody's unfinished work seems nice to me. . ."

Fuyuhiko didn't flinch he stayed silent for a while. He steadily reached up to his neck rubbing it awkwardly. "Right then, I'll get to the point. . ."

He stopped walking shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Let's have a party, you want to become friends with everyone fine then." He stopped taking some time to think more. "I'm hoping that this will make them cherish each other's lives"

He bashfully finished up, Naegi processed that it took him time to understand what it meant. His award winning smile beamed out. "What a great idea kuzuryu-senpai! We'll plan the most funnest things!" He exclaimed waving his hands up in enthusiastic gestures.

He giggled upon realizing how silly he was being, once his giggle tantrum was over the luckster gave his friend a determined look.

"Glad to see you're up to the task"

"One thing though"

"Or a few"

The ultimate yakuza had his bashful look once more. "If we do, we have to watch out for any possible murders happening, last time that bastard komaeda tried to commit murder"

Makoto blinked, his thoughts began to grow like vines. Wait komaeda tried to murder someone? Oh but he was so nice to me-

"I know right? Wouldn't expect him would you. . ." Fuyuhiko confessed rolling his eyes at the past. Makoto put a hand in his chin.

Then Makoto raised his hand while pointing a finger up. "Let's just be more watchful, maybe we could make this party so fun that no one will even dare think of murdering someone!"

Makoto beamed with much positivity, the yakuza didn't know how to respond. How when he was so confident? Fuyuhiko didn't want to crush his innocence of feeling safe in the school killing trip so he kept silent.

"Ok then-I guess so. . .oh one more thing"

Makoto tilted his head waiting patiently.

"Erm. . ."

"I don't know how to make a party"

A/U we meet again my lovelies! Anyway makoto befriends the ultimate yakuza and the yakuza wants to help! I'm feeling proud of this chapter! Anyways spot a mistake? Tell me Kay? If you like my story give it a star makes me feel better about it. Annnnnnnddddddd Next time on dragon ball super!

Makoto:go on! *nudges for confidence*

Fuyuhiko:uh uh. . .so uh

Ibuki: 👁 👄 👁

Fuyuhiko: I wanna make a part-

Ibuki:*cocks gun* where 👮‍♂️

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