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the three boys soon got back to the dorms and immediately wen to namjoon and hoseoks dorm. by now hoseok had calmed down and wasn't crying but he was still silent, only letting out small sniffles. i fucked up.. he is now going to ignore me... he won't want to be friends with me.. i should've waited a little longer so i could make sure he was fully ready to hear the truth and once he had realized more of his feelings for me.. hoseok kept thinking to himself during the whole car ride.

once they were all in the dorm and seated on the couch in the main part of their dorm, the couple looked at the puffy faced male. "it slipped.. he knows... he fucking knows i like him now.." hoseok said barely above a whisper but the other two heard him perfectly. "he is going to avoid me for a while now since he's confused.. fuck i should've waited longer until i knew for sure he was ready but now i fucked that up because of my drunk ass self." hoseok looked at the two with sadness in his eyes. the two could tell how much he was beating himself up about what had happened.

"hey look it's okay.. it would've slipped out sooner or later and at least now he knows. i'm sure he won't avoid you. he actually texted me telling me his feelings for you a few days ago... he said he didn't want to admit it to himself because he thought that you just saw him as a really close friend or family member and that was why you were so clingy to him.. i of course didn't tell him about your feelings for him but just told him to try telling you how he feels but him being him, he rejected the idea. so please hobi, just calm down and wait things out. everything will be fine in the end, i'm sure of it! namjoon said as he hugged the slightly older boy. seokjin watched the two with a smile.

"when i looked back at yoongi before we went after you, yoongi seemed very shocked. it wasn't that he was angry or weirded out but rather just shocked since he seemed like he was one who doubted you would feel the same for him." seokjin added onto what namjoon said as he laid back more on the couch. "now can we stop fussing over guys and watch a movie or something? that way we can not have our christmas ruined because of a drunk confession???" seokjin whined a little as the other two boys giggles at the eldest. this only caused for seokjin to then pout to both boys. so they ended up watching some of the harry potter series. hoseok and seokjin both mocked the way namjoon would say "shutup malfoy" only causing for the youngest to blush in embarrassment and whining for them to let him live it down.

while the three boys were having fun, yoongi on the other hand was talking to jimin and jungkook who he caught being extra lovey dovey. when yoongi had found the two younger boys, he was crying over the fear that now hoseok would avoid him. what a coincidence that both boys would be crying over each other with the same fear at the same time.

when jungkook and jimin saw the elder crying, they knew something was definitely wrong because yoongi barely ever cried and rarely ever even show or tell anyone that he had been crying. the two boys took yoongi out to his car, all of them getting into it and let yoongi vent as much as he needed once he had calmed down a bit more.

"h-he is gonna avoid me.. he told me he liked me as more then a friend but i think he saw it as a mistake in telling me so he ran away after he had done so.. i wanted to go after him, to tell him i loved him back.. to kiss him and call him mine but i couldn't... i thought that it was all fake or that because he was drunk that he was telling me lies just because he had figured out that i liked him so i thought it was all a lie and a prank... i should've gone after him... i blew it and now he will probably ignore me or avoid me because i wasn't brave enough to go after him..! i really messed up this time and now there is nothing i can do to fix it... not right now at least because he probably doesn't even want to see me now." yoongi said sadly and started crying again. he didn't care at this point if he seemed weak around his two friends because right now, he needed to get it out of his system and have someone listen to how he feels.

jimin looked at the elder sadly and hugged yoongi the best he could. "shhh hyung, it's okay. everyone makes mistakes and we aren't perfect at all but just give everything some time. don't force yourself to confront hobi hyung about it if you aren't ready to either. wait till you seem more confident or when you feel the time is right and if hoseok avoids you, just give him time to come to his senses then you guys can talk. okay?" jimin said sweetly as he looked at yoongi. the older sniffled and nodded.

"yeah! what jiminie hyungie said! the world does crazy things and makes us do crazy things plus don't you know the saying that sober thoughts come out when you're drunk? why would hobi hyung say a lie like that when drunk? it wouldn't add up soooo maybe he was actually telling you the truth hyung!" the youngest said happily as he poked at yoongis cheeks. "so turn that sad face up into a happy face! or turn it into your normal 'i'm so done with everything and everyone so get the fuck away from me' face" jungkook said teasingly causing the other two males to let out a soft laugh. "WOAH I MADE THE MIN YOONGI LAUGH! IM A GOD NOW! bow down to me peasants!"

"i think you'll be the one on your knees for me kook" jimin said with a smirk causing jungkook to blush and an eye roll from yoongi.

"can you guys please not be horny when i'm fucking sad you dumbasses" yoongi groaned, glaring at the two but mainly at jimin.

"HEY HE MADE THE COMMENT! he's the horny ass!" jungkook pointed at jimin which only caused for the latter to gasp in a fake offended way.

"how DARE you say it's all me! broke my heart by throwing me under the bus like that as if you didn't just beg me to let you suck my dick!" jungkook went quiet after that comment, only showing a blush as jimin smirked seeing jungkook's reaction. "that's what i thought"

"alright get the fuck out of my fucking car you little horny shits. i don't want to hear anything about y'all fucking or talking about fucking!" yoongi said annoyed as he once again glared at the two, both boys got out of yoongis car. the older wasted no time in getting seat belted and driving off back to the dorms with a soft sigh leaving his mouth as he recalled what happened earlier.


omg hi- okay so i was really happy because for christmas i got the conan gray shirt i wanted plus i got a demon slayer shirt, a tiny tan shirt, a bt21 sweatshirt that i've been wanting for a month now andddd i got a haikyuu jacket which is like the jacket the way wear in the anime that i've been wanting for over two years now 🥺🥺 also i get to see my dad and koya (my dog) this thursday! i haven't seen them in six months :(( anyways i hope you enjoyed this!

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