♡ 24 ♡

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hoseok reluctantly reopened the door, letting out a soft sigh and looking down, trying his best to not make eye contact with the older. "w-why are you here..? did you need something?" the younger asked in almost a mumble, looking at the ground as if it was an entertaining cartoon playing down there.

"oh well uhh jin told me him and joon were gonna hang out here.. can i come in?" yoongi looked at hoseok, almost in pain as the younger never looked back up at him. without any words, hoseok moved out of the way and closed the door once yoongi was inside.

"oh.. well theyre actually on a date right now.. they mustve lied to get us to meet with each other and talk about... thing.." he kept his stare at the ground and eventually walked over to couch and sitting on it once again with yoongi following his actions on the other side of the couch. the atmosphere around them was awkward and uncomfortable for both boys until hoseok decided to finally speak up. "look im really sorry about the other night.. i was drunk and not thinking right, im usually good with keeping that inside but that night i was so caught up in you that i lost the battle of keeping that secret from you. i know i shouldnt have said that to you since you had just gotten out of a relationship and that you didnt like me back and never will but i just.. i dont know... i dont want this to ruin our friendship that weve had for so long just because of my feelings that dont matter. so please hyung, just forget what i told you." the younger pleaded while finally making eye contact with the elder. hoseok looked like he was on the brink of tears and had a pained look, making yoongi instantly want to just hug and comfort him.

"hobi, i cant just forget about that.. your feelings matter so much to me and you wont ruin our friendship but might change it instead." hoseok looked at yoongi confused and scared of what he may say next which would cause their whole friendship to change either positively or negatively. "look, the past few weeks ive been noticing somethings within myself that everyone in our friend group has been pointing out to me for years which is that i have feelings for you hobi. i feel the same way for you as you do with me... i want to be with you, call you mine.. i want to be in a relationship with you and i know that its probably been hard on you for keeping your feelings from me for this long and me being this slow at realizing my feelings for you but please, believe me when i say that i love you so much. jung hoseok.. would you be my boyfriend?" yoongi looked at hoseok while slightly blushing as he saw the younger turn a deep red.

hoseok wasnt sure what got into him but he got and moved to the position of straddling the older, leaning down then eventually kissing him while both let out their emotions in that one kiss. after a bit, they pulled away to gain their breathes again and both started smiling at each other.

"so ill take that as a yes" yoongi said while smirking and slowly grabbing hoseoks waist softly, making the younger remember the position they are in and causing him to blush even more as he slightly nods.

"yes, ill be your boyfriend" hoseok finally replied in words, immediately getting pulled into a passionate kiss again by yoongi. "i love you too hyung, please never leave me.." the younger said quietly, not meaning for the older to completely hear but he did.

"baby, i wouldnt dream of ever leaving you. im yours and youre mine, no is ever going to change that and ill make sure of it. im glad that joon and jin decided to trick us like this because otherwise i dont think i would have the confidence to do this.." hoseok blushed at yoongi calling him baby while slightly nodding.

"me too.. i would have kept on avoiding you. i kept getting scared you would say you wanted to end our friendship that i thought running away was the only way of not having it happen.." hoseok hugged yoongi tightly and softly kissed at the elders neck.

"you arent getting rid of me that easily baby, i wouldn't ever dream of ending our friendship nor our relationship because youre all i need in life to keep me happy and well.. i dont want to ever live a life without you right beside me as my boyfriend." yoongi said and kissed hoseok again. they spent the rest of the night snuggled up with each other and sneaking in small kisses every once in a while. they were both happy to be in each others company once again.


s i g h this looks to be my last part for this ff, i hope you guys enjoyed! i lowkey lost a lot of inspo and motivation to finish this :( anyways i might make some bonus chapters or a smut scene but idk dhdhhd

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