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hoseoks plan was simple but it was still going to be fun for him. it wasn't extreme either, seokjin liked the idea because it wouldn't necessarily cross any boundaries and would be entertaining to hear about.

earlier after they had left the ice cream shop, that was when hoseok told jin the plan. "hyung, what if i ask yoongi to hang out with me, one on one and be extra clingy with him and maybe possibly ᶜᴿᴼˢˢᴰᴿᴱˢˢ" hoseok said the last part very quietly, afraid the older woukd judge him for something he secretly would like to do when he was younger but instead was met with not a judge full look but rather a smile.

"OH MY GOD! hobi, yES! you would look so cute! ahhh i'm going to find you some of the cutest clothes EVER! i know the perfect place since i sometimes go there too" seokjin smiled more at hoseok while hoseok slightly gasped.

"you like doing it too????" seokjin nodded and let out a soft giggle then grabbed his hand, running over back to hoseoks car.

now here they were at the store seokjin went to often, picking out many cute outfits for both of them that they already know would look perfect on them. they were having such a fun time that they lost track of time and by the time they were out of the store, it was already late at night.

"we should head back to the dorms now before curfew roles in and we get into trouble" hoseok said while pouting a little at seokjin. the older just chuckled softly and nodded, grabbing hoseoks hand while dragging him out towards his car again. soon enough they were back at the dorms, seokjin walking to hoseoks dorm since he wanted to spend the night with him and namjoon.

"you guys are back!!! yay i was starting to get lonely" joon whines playfully as he immediately brought the two into a big hug. both of the elders giggled at joons cuteness and hugged him back.

"mhm babe we are. i was thinking about spending the night since we don't have any classes tomorrow which means we could also stay up watching movies or something" seokjin suggested while looking at the other two. both nodded quickly, pushing seokjin into the living room area where their tv was and a couch as well as two other chairs. hoseok figured he could leave the couple to snuggle on the couch while he takes one of the chairs off to the side.

after about ten minutes of arguing if they should watch a disney movie or a horror movie, hoseok and seokjin won the battle. they put on tangled with excited smiles while joon on the other hand groaned softly but complied since he saw his best friend and boyfriend happy about what was on. the entire time the movie was playing, namjin was cuddled up together and hoseok still on the chair but every time a song played in the movie, all three of the boys would unleash their hidden vocals and sing along.

it was about two am when the movie finally ended. the three of them were all beyond tired and decided to go to bed. hoseok went into his room, deciding on what he would wear in front of yoongi and hung it up on his wall, smiling at how cute the outfit was then flopping himself down on his bed with a heavy sigh. he pulled out his phone, looking through his notifs and then pulling up imessage, finding yoongis contact and pressing on it. at first he wondered how he should ask yoongi to hang up it but then figured it'd be better not to overthink it.


my school day was nice but then my home life was shi lol but then i got iced coffee so that was nice. iced coffee always makes things better but yeah my day has been an emotional rollercoaster 💔 but i hope you guys had a good day!! also my friend blocked me 😭 i feel so unloved by her but don't worry, her blocking me is simply a joke! one last thing.


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