♡ 12 ♡

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it's twelve am rn and my parents and i just decided to go to bed- we've been downstairs just talking and then my step dad looked at the clock and was like "woAH it's twelve, we should sleep" SHDHDH


hobi 🥺:
hey yoongi hyungie!

yoongles my boongle boo:
oh uhh hey :] sorry abt earlier haha
i didnt mean to intrude on you and
jin hyungs ice cream hangout

hobi 🥺:
don't worry abt it! i didn't even
know you were there loll plus you
didnt purposely intrude so don't
think too much abt it okay :((?

yoongles my boongle boo:
okay cutie now what's up? was
there something you needed to
talk abt?

hobi 🥺:
yes! actually i did! so i was
wondering if like maybe you would
wanna hang out tomorrow 🥺?

hobi 🥺:
we don't have to if you don't want
to cause i know you're probably busy
with your gf so i don't wanna take
away time from her :(

yoongles my boongle boo:
no no, i have nothing planned
tomorrow and i'm sure kwan wont
care since she knows my friends are
important to me :)

yoongles my boongle boo:
what and where are we going though?

hobi 🥺:
well i was thinking you could
come over to my dorm and we could
watch some movies, eat a bunch of
food and talk about whatever just like
we used to do when we were in high
school :(

hobi 🥺:
plus seokjin arranged a date with
joon so we wouldn't have to worry about
him complaining about being bored and
intruding on our hang out time hehe

hobi 🥺:
are you down for the idea 🥺?

yoongles my boongle boo:
ofc hobi! it sounds like fun and
it would be nice to be able to spend
quality time with you again since it's been
a few years since we got to do that 😓
what time?

hobi 🥺:
ahh i was thinking around six :) you
can stay the night if that's easier
for you and tomorrow is saturday soo
we could have a sleepover!

yoongles my boongle boo:
wow so we really are going back
in time and reliving our past hang
outs! it sounds like it'll be a night
to remember uwu

hobi 🥺:
mhmm it definitely will :) i'll
see you tomorrow then, imma head
to sleep now! make sure you sleep
soon too :( i don't want you being
too tired tomorrow and because sleep
is very important hyungie 🥺🥺

yoongles my boongle boo:
ofc, i'll go to sleep in a few minutes
good night, sleep well and ily 💕

hobi 🥺:
ilyt!!! 💕💕🥺

we had like two little kids over at my house today and they didn't leave till after eleven pm 😔 they were adorable tho so :(( also got to go to hot topic today! i showed my parents the conan gray shirt and then i left the store and they bought something so i'm hoping that maybe possibly i got the conan shirt 🥺 also ty to one of my best friends who helped me decide whether yoongi would go to hobis dorm or if hobi would go to yoongis anyways hope you enjoyed this!!

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