Chapter 54

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Thrive's POV

I've never felt happier in my entire life. Dieserra liked me back. The girl i had a crush on for years. She smiled. We kissed again, then i hugged her tightly. I helped her sit up, then i got out of bed and stretched. Crash walked to my side. "Two guesses who set us up." She said as Star, Spacia's shiny Eevee, ran into view and smiled. "Star! Come back here! Do you want to see Mama?" A voice called. She whipped her head around to see down the hallway. "Mama!" She chanted and ran to the voice. I chuckled. Mystie and Spacia poked their heads in the threshold a few moments later. They both smiled. "Hi guys!" "Hi you two." Crash responded and waved. "Having fun?" "Yeah. Thanks." Crash said tiredly. "Okay." Spacia and Star left, but Mystie stuck her head in the threshold one more time. "Oh, by the way, no need to check Thrive's nose for fractures. It was only a nosebleed." She wriggled her eyebrows and left. I blushed intesely. "Thrive? What does that mean exactly?"

Mystie's POV

I walked off, smug. I walked outside, already in my usual clothes. Mom and Dad ran over to me. "There you are! We were looking for you everywhere!" Dad said, holding my face. "I'm good. Alive, well, and breathing. I seem fine." Dad rolled his eyes and patted my shoulder. "What were you doing?" I blushed. "Ice skating. I taught Hyu how to, and then we did tricks." And then Star made us kiss. I bit back those words, sure Dad would freak out. "Alright. Don't leave again without your Xtransiver." I nodded, then rushed off to breakfast. I was starving, i didn't have lunch or dinner the previous day. I grabbed a plate of berries and slid into a picnic table that was unoccupied. Armorus slid in next to me and placed an arm around my shoulders. "Hey." i looked at him, food still in my mouth. I swallowed. "Hey." "How are you this morning?" "Well. You?" He shrugged. "Well." Hyu walked into the room and got a plate. He walked over and sat on the other side of me. "Good morning." I swung my legs over his and turned towards him, placing my forehead on his shoulder. "Good morning." I relpied, digging into my berries. Warp walked in. "Warp!" I waved my arms in the air. "Over here!" i exaggerated my arm movements, and he laughed. Armor was dragged off by Darakia, and Warp took his place. I leaned back against Warp's shoulder while still draping my legs over Hyu. "Hi guys." I said, flicking Warp. "Well someone's comfortable." He stated, and the three of us laughed. Star jumped onto the table and sat in front of me. "Mama! Mama!" "Yes Star?" I pet her silvery head. She pointed to the berries on my plate. "Please?" I rolled my eyes and set the platter in front of her. "Yay!" She dug in, happily munching on the Pecha and Oran berries. "Star learned to talk?!" Warp asked, surprised. "Yeah. Yesterday. She even said an entire sentence." Hyu said. "What was her first word?" Warp asked, brimming with excitement. Both Hyu and I blushed. "Okay, the blushes are scaring me. What was it?!" "Chu..." I mumbled, looking at the sky from Warp's shoulder. "Chu? What does that mean?" "It is onomonapeia for 'kiss', often used in comics." Star said, sitting straight. We looked at her, mouths agape. "That's my little girl!" Hyu grasped her in a hug and she smiled. "I swear, if it wasn't for that everstone you'd be an Espeon." Star laughed. "I've certainly got the brains for it! I'm speaking in full terms and i'm only four!" She jumped back onto the table and pranced around, then engaged in a game of tag with Mew. "So 'kiss'. What's the reasoning?" Warp looked at me, eyebrow raised. I slapped him. "She made Hyu and i kiss with Psychic. Happy?!" I huffed. Warp burst out laughing. "Oh my Arceus! I totally ship it!" I clamped a hand over his mouth. "Shh! If my dad found out, who knows what he would do!" I whispered. Warp stopped laughing, but his eyes twinkled. "The entire group of kids here shipped it. Except for Trian and Terra, of course. And Armorus has a crush on you himself. Jira thinks your cool, and..." He went on. I found myself dozing off. "Warp, stop. You're killing the girl." Hyu slipped an arm around my back and under my knees, moving me onto his lap away from Warp and his gossipy voice. "What? Oh, sorry Missie." I rolled my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. "You really know how to bore someone, huh Warp?" I shot sarcastically at him. He laughed. "Apparently." A sudden thought jumped to my head. I wrapped my arms around Hyu's neck, making him blush. "Hyu! You've never shown me any of your paintings!" He blushed deeper and lowered his head into his collar. "I can paint you a picture, if you'd like." My face lit up. "Really?" He nodded, staring straight ahead. "Yes!"
I fist pumped and swung my legs off of Hyu's. I leaned against his shoulder and Star jumped into my arms. "What do you want me to paint?" I thought a moment. "Star?" "I have about fifty paintings of her already." "The twins!" I exclaimed, sitting upright. Hyu's eyes sparkled. He stood and helped me up, then we walked to his dorm. He rummaged through his duffel bag until he found a white pouch. "Star, can you bring my supplies here please?" "Yes Daddy!" She teleported an easel, some canvases, a pallet, and a large variety of brushes. I reached into my bag and pulled out Aquoa and Gallant's pokeballs. When they emerged, they looked at me quizzically. "Hyu's going to paint you guys! Isn't it so cool?" Gallant perked up. "Oh yes! Amazing!" "Gallant, you love it when anyone aknowledges you artistically. You're so stuck up." Aquoa snapped at him. "Oh, chill out Aqui!" "Guys, argue after the painting." I scolded. They rolled their eyes. Gallant curled up, and Aquoa did too. They were like a mirror, except one was a Vaporeon and the other a Leafeon. Hyu took off his fingerless gloves and slipped on a glove-like guard onto his right hand, then opened the white pouch and pulled out a pencil. He scratched a few things onto the canvas, then picked up a different pencil. The guard on his hand prevented the graphite from rubbing off onto his skin. I watched from the windowsill, unable to see the canvas. Hyu's face was serious but happy, and his lips parted with the effort of drawing the two. He soon switched over to brushes, using the pallet to hold many different shades of blue, green, yellow, and other colors i didn't have a name for. The twins were unaware, they were almost sleeping. Hyu used many brushes, from thick to fine. After a good thirty minutes or so, he stepped back. "Done." He smiled and wiped his face with the back of his hand, smearing a little green paint under his eye. I rushed over to see. "Oh my Arceus... Hyu!" It was amazing. It had Gallant on the right and Aquoa on the left. They were both lying down and curled up, as they were now. Gallant's head was up and he was smiling at Aquoa, whose eyes were half closed and her head resting on the blankets. "Hyu, it's beautiful!" I looked up at him. "Really?" "Yes!" I smiled and he grinned back. I squinted and tilted my head, looking at his face. "Come here." I said, grabbing his shoulder. He blushed but did. I licked my thumb and rubbed it against the smear under his eye. "You have paint..." I sucessfully got rid of it and rubbed my thumb on the rest of my fingers. "There you go!" He smiled, still blushing, then pulled me into a kiss. I was surprised at first, but i softened and rested my hands on his back. When we pulled away, i giggled. "Told you that you liked it." He rolled his eyes and tilted his head back, blushing. He glanced at the twins. The twins were up now, mouths open in awe. "Mystie!" "Spacia!" They both said either of our names. "Yes?" We asked, sarcastic. "You're dating?" Hyu wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me to his chest. "So what if we are?" He asked, sticking out his tongue. I giggled. Gallant went crazy. He started to spin around in circles, saying random praises. "It's so cute!" He yelled, jumping into my arms. Hyu's right arm was around my shoulders, and Aquoa jumped to bite off the guard thing. "What? I was testing my jumping abilities." She said as we gave her the 'really' look. Gallant rolled his eyes. Aquoa jumped onto the shoulder Hyu's arm wasn't resting on and said something smart to Gallant through their minds. He snarled but settled back into my stomach. "Alright, so when does it dry?" "Charly can dry it instantly." Hyu sent out the Flareon. When she saw the painting she looked up at him. When he nodded she used Frost Breath while heating up the atmoshpere, causing a wind to kick up. When the painting was dry, Hyu dropped his arm and picked the canvas off the easel. We walked to my dorm, where he placed it against the wall by my bed. "Thanks again Hyu." He smiled and shrugged. "Anytime." He left to put his stuff away, and i packed my things. We were leaving tonight. A sudden thought formed in my head. Would Hyu and Warp go back to Sinnoh? I felt sad. I liked their company. It was going to be really lonely, and Star would definitely cry. I wanted them to stay for at least another day at my house. I sighed and continued packing. Fingers crossed.

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