Chapter 58

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Spacia's POV

The rest of the day was calm and not very eventful. It was late evening and Warp, Mystie, and I were in the living room talking. Warp stretched out on the sofa facing Mystie and i, talking about Darakia, Jira, Lolliess, Fissurr, etcetera. Mystie fell asleep against me, signaling for him to shut up. Star jumped onto the couch and curled up in Mystie's lap. Most of the pokemon had retreated to bed, all except the dark types and ghost types. "Spacia, do you actually 'love' Missie?" I blushed at looked at Warp. "Y-yeah... why?" "Prove it." Warp said, smirking. I blushed darker. "By...?" Warp laughed and looked up at the ceiling. "Tell it to the world. Or are you too scared?" He sideglanced me. I shook my head. "Then do it." I bent my head down to Mystie. "I love you." I said just above a whisper. I looked back up at Warp, who had confusion plastered on his face. "Why did you say it to her? I said the world." "I did say it to the world. Mystie's the world to me."

Gallant's POV

I woke up early, as always, and stretched while licking my lips. I still had the taste of last night's tofu in my mouth, and it was delicious. I smelled a familiar scent in the air and brightened. I nudged Aquoa awake with my nose. "Ughhhh..." She groaned, rubbing her eyes with her paws. "Come on. It's Yache for breakfast." That woke her up. Yache was her favorite. We trotted to the kitchen and jumped up onto the counter. "Good morning you two!" Mom purred and rubbed against us both. "Morning Mom." I chirped. "Whaddya runts want to eat for breakfast?" Dad leapt from the stove counter to us, smiling. "Let me guess, Yache for Aquoa?" She nodded. "What else would Aqui want?" I asked sarcastically, rolling my eyes and nudging my twin. "Nothing more in the world." She said, smiling. "Gallie! Good morning!" I turned to see Chime hop up and snuggle up to me. "Hey Chichi!" I rubbed my nose on the top of her head in greeting. Tok jumped next to Aquoa and the two engaged in some conversation of battle tactics. Whatcha talkin about? I asked through my mind. Oh, Tok is telling me the stats of the move Star just learned. ~ Focus Blast? ~ Yeah. ~ How good is it? ~ It's really good. I'll tell you later, they're catching onto us. I snapped back to reality to see Chime in front of me, moving her face into different emotions to see if i was watching. I laughed. "Chichi, you are really cute." I said while rubbing noses with her. Our food was served, and while we ate i saw Mystie walk out of the hallway, rubbing her eyes. She was dressed in a baggy black shirt and her usual leggings. She walked over to the couches and fell back onto one. A loud "Oof!" Came from it. I craned my neck upwards to see Mystie laying on Spacia, laughing. Spacia wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. He was wearing a blue-gray tshirt and jeans. I smiled and went back to my food. "They are made for one another, aren't they." I looked up at Chime, who was still watching Mystie and Spacia. "I would say." I replied, looking at the two lovers. "It's sad really. All that work to hook Mystie and Warp together wasted away. But i have to admit," She giggled, "those two are adorable!" Spacia was tickling Mystie now, and she was trying to defend her stomach with her arms. "Yeah. A match made by Arceus." I commented, then turned back to my food. Hey Gal, how about we do some old-fashioned 'matchmaking' with the duo? ~ What do you mean exactly? ~ Like what we did with her and Warp. Except not go as far. We both cringed, remembering when we got too carried away. Mystie went back and sewd all her skirts into frilly shorts after that. Sounds good. Tonight? ~ Tonight. We nodded to one another and continued to talk and eat with Chime and Tok.

Chime's POV

After we talked, Miss Sunshine and Mister Midnight both pulled Aquoa and Gallant to help with cleaning the dishes. I turned to my 'brother' and nudged him with my shoulder. "When are you going to confess your love for Aquoa?" Tok blushed and sputtered, staring at me like i was insane. "Oh you blockhead!" I wacked him with my paw. "It's obvious! I knew since the day you met her." I scolded, narrowing my eyes at him. "She broke your military wall in less than a week!" I squared my shoulders, giving Tok a cold stare. He blushed and looked down. I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, fine." I scoffed. "I'll tell her myself." I got up and started to walk towards Aquoa. "No! No!" Tok's deep voice stopped me in my tracks. "What?!" I turned to glare at him. "Okay..." He breathed. "Okay." I rolled my eyes. "About time!" "You sure she won't hate me? We have a type difference. My element is super effective against hers." "For Arceus' sake! Gallant is weak against my type and we're fine! And their parents too!" Tok was still scared. "Oh dear Arceus what and idiot." I mumbled. "Gallant! Can you come here real quick?" I called him over and whispered in his ear. "Tok wants to ask Aquoa out but he's too scared. Can you make a plan or something to get Aquoa to um... i dunno, just please help." Gallant smiled and rubbed his nose against my cheek. "Yep. Just give me a sec."

Gallant's POV

Tok and Aquoa were rubbing up against each other now. I high pawed Chime. "What did you do?" "I stirred some thoughts into Aquoa's head, and found out she liked Tok a little. So i grew that. Being able to read her thoughts is useful sometimes." "Only problem is it took you till noon to do it." Chime said, smiling sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "But i did something, right?" "Okay, i'll give you that." Chime flashed a genuine smile and lied down. We were in the living area, either on the couch or the floor. In my case, i was on the arm of the couch. Chime was next to me. Spacia had gone to the store with Warp, and Mystie was giving Chrai a bath. Storm and Blaze were in the dining room, playing chess. Teddy, Crunch, Litshii, Kyle, Daro, Shadow, Mist, Dad, Mom, Koari, Tyjore, and Buzz were talking with one another, Ravello and Soar were showing off their flying tricks, and the rest (Scales, Caos, Charly, Star, and Gren) were playing tag. Aquoa and Tok were on the floor, talking and cuddling. Spacia walked in, arms full of bags, and Warp was behind him with the same amount, panting. They placed them on the counter and started to empty them. Spacia bent down and gave something to Star, saying something and scratching her head. The boys put the groceries away and Spacia brushed himself off. Mystie walked in with Chrai, having water splatters on her clothes and loose hair. Storm and Blaze watched her from their game, smiling and holding back laughs. Mystie let Chrai go to play tag, and Spacia walked over and gave her a hug. "Hey Mystie! What happened?" She laughed at Spacia's comment. "Chrai didn't feel like getting wet, so i had to take some of the damage apparently." Spacia laughed. "Don't melt please." Mystie giggled. "I won't, don't worry." She replied, and gave a kiss on the cheek to Spacia. Star trot up to them, and Spacia kneeled down to pick her up. "Mystie?" She looked at him. "Yeah?" Spacia held Star up in front of him like Rafiki held Simba in 'The Pyroar King'. She had a jeweled ring clutched in her teeth. "Will you marry me?" Mystie's hands flew to her face. "Hyu!!" She rushed into his arms and wrapped him in a tight hug, shaking. Spacia laughed and let Star down so he could hug Mystie. "You alright?" He asked stroking her back. "Yes. Yes!" She nodded from his shoulder, smiling. "Is that a yes as in your okay or a yes as in you'll marry me?" Mystie pulled back to look into Spacia's eyes. "Both!" She kissed him, first his lips and then his forehead. Star chirped and jumped onto Spacia's knee and brought Mystie's left hand in fromt of her with Psychic. With the same move, she slipped the ring onto Mystie's third finger. "There!" She chirped, finished. I jumped down and walked over to see what it looked like. The band was thick and silver, about half an inch wide, and had colored diamonds around a light yellow pearl. The pearl was sliced, so it was really just a dome in the center instead of a full sphere. The diamonds around the pearl were light blue, and near the edges of the design they faded to gray. "It's like Kyurem!" Chime exclaimed from beside me. All of the pokemon were crowded around, and a variety of sounds synced in agreement. "Its beautiful." Mystie said, and kissed Spacia again. Storm went through the crowd of pokemon and hugged Mystie, smiling broadly. "My little girl is all grown up!!" Blaze walked over and hugged Mystie too. He then offered a hand to help Spacia up. "Remember Spacia, postpone the wedding until after-" "Mystie is nineteen." Spacia finished the scentence and smiled at Blaze. Blaze smiled and ruffled Spacia's hair. "Not until i'm nineteen? But my birthday isn't until-" "The third day of summer. Thats about a month away, giving us plenty of time to plan things." Spacia said, fixing his hair. Mystie hugged him, and he was knocked back a step. He lowered his arms to hug her back. "Mystique Crystali Uniyr..." Storm repeated the name over again. "Mystique Crystali Uniyr..." "Technically, it's up to Mystique. And it would also be Mystique Van Thunder Uniyr." Blaze remarked. Storm elbowed him. " 'Its up to Mystique' " She quoted. Blaze stopped arguing and rubbed his sore gut. "Mystique Crystali Uniyr. I like that." Mystie said, standing up and smiling. They all began to talk about arrangments and walked into the dining room to sit down as they did so. Poor Warp was a third wheel, but he joined anyway just to be polite. I turned to Aquoa. "Looks like the prank's over, huh?"

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