Chapter 31

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Mystique's POV

I ran down the path, my long pigtails flowing in wake, followed by Aquoa and Gallant to the berry patches. "First!" I called. "Second!" Gallant and Aquoa chimed at the same time. "Not another tie!" Aquoa complained. As tough as she was, she was one easy going calm Vaporeon. "But Aquoa! You said you'd give me a headstart this time!" As snobby as Gallant could be, he was still a little Eevee down inside. "Come on! Let's just gather the berries." i groaned to them. It was my 16th birthday, and i didnt want to ruin it. We all grabbed a bunch of pecha, oran, and yache, but ignored the razz. Caos is allergic to razz. We then shoved them in a little ice basket i formed on the spot, and raced the way back to the Entralink mountain. When we reached our cave, i entered with Gallant and Aquoa both on one shoulder each, eyeing each other. Mom and Dad both gave me a hug and placed the ice basket on the counter. I went and sat down at the table and took the twins off my shoulders. Placing them in front of me, i started to stroke them. Aquoa was scaly, yes, but it felt nice and smooth under my fingers. Gallant was soft and smooth on his ears. Midnight and Sunshine hopped over to them. "Hey Mom, hey Dad." The twins chimed in unison. Though they hate to admit it, they both are a lot alike and are mentally connected. They can read each other's thoughts. Sunny nudged them affectionatley. "Happy birthday you three!" Dad walked over, plates balanced on his arms, shoulders, even on his head. He placed them around the table one by one by swishing his body around. Mom laughed, content with my father's sense of humor. Dad claims she used to be boysterious like me, but she shut herself in a little when her father was imprisoned in a pokeball. I never knew my grandparents, they were cast into the Light and Dark Stones way before i was born. I dug into my breakfast, savoring my father's delicious cooking. After the meal, the twins and i were called into the living area. When i entered, there was a matured Snivy sitting next to a bag full of clothes, items, healing potions, revives, a foldable bicycle... the list went on and on. "Happy birthday sweetie!" Mom hugged me. "You can go on your oun journey!" She pulled back, smiling. "This handsome young Snivy is Scales, Caos' nephew." He waved shyly. "Why are you colored different from Caos?" I asked. Caos was a leafy green, Scales was darker and fuller green. "I'm a shiny!" He stated proudly. He appeared to be 11 full years old. I wondered wether or not he was stuck in the time freeze like my parents. Dad handed me a pile of folded clothes with a visor on top. "Try it on." he urged. I rushed into the bathroom and fitted into the outfit. It was long sleeved, with a pokeball on the front. And the sleeves colored a light blue. I had a short pale yellow skirt on top of black leggings. I also had on my original sneakers that fit well with the rest of the outfit. I brushed my hair and put it back into the curls forming into Tepigtails and shoved the visor on. I emerged, and did a twirl for Sunny and Dad. "Lovely darling!" Sunshine exclaimed, bubbling with excitement. Mom smiled and placed her hands on my shoulders. "My baby's growing up." She kissed me on the forehead and patted my shoulder. I grabbed my pokeballs and rushed to the door, waving. "We have our numbers in your Xtransiver. Try to call every other 5th day." Dad signaled farewell. "And stay away from Anville Town!" Mom yelled after me. "Got it!" I called, and rushed down the slope with the twins on my shoulders and Scales on my head.

*side note*
Hey guys i know its late at night and stuff but i kinda couldnt post the last chapter without a follow up so u bros know im not stopping it. Oh no. Just when u thought is done u got another character to deal with.

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