Chapter 35

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*side note* hey guys just saying i did not name Mystique after the superhero i just found out exsisted today, but after a panther at Tiger World. Sorry if that tricked some of you.

Mystique's POV

I woke up and stretched. I looked around and noticed my hair was down and sighed. Reaching over, i grabbed my hair tyes and put my hair into the ponyata tails. Some people call them ponytails for short, but i didnt care. I fell back onto the bed and stretched my arms out. Suddenly a pokeball burst open loudly, scaring the disortion world out of me. I shrieked and jumped backwards. Teddy took form, and he was wailing. "Mistie! Mistie!" Well, two new nicknames. Oh crap! I remembered Warp and how i fell asleep on the ferris wheel. I vaugley remembered something else but i couldn't put my finger on it. I ran up to Teddy and stroked him. "What's wrong? Are you okay Tedds?" "I dreamed...*hiccup* I dreamed you-you died! *hiccup*" "Aww, Teddy!" I hugged my gigantic Tyranitar close. "An-and i was alone, and Warp-Warp was married to you,-an-and he disappeared! He, he just vanished!" My face turned hot but i still pet Teddy. "It was only a nightmare, i'm still here." and im not married to a guy i barely know. I thought to myself. Teddy hugged me with great force, i was glad i could take it. Just then Warp ran in. "You okay? I heard you scream." He asked, a bit frantic. My face turned red again. Thanks a lot Tedds, now i can't even look at Warp. "Yeah, im fine. Teddy had a bad dream." "Where Mistie was married to you, and we were all happy, and then Mistie died! And-and you disappeared!" Red faced, I looked away from Warp, who was blushing like crazy. Teddy started bawling again, and woke up my team. "You've gotta be kidding me." Aquoa immediatly said. Gallant flicked his ears as a snob would his hair. They both came to comfort him anyway. Scales was nice enough to of done that in the first place. Chime had ran in when she heard Teddy crying. "Aww, don't cry! Its alright! Dreams can be scary, i know!" Tok strut in. "You need to suck it up, this is life!" "Tok!! That is rude!!" "Yeah Tok, listen to your sister." Gallant said, on cloud nine. Aquoa rolled her eyes. I knew she had read his thoughts on Chime. "Thanks Gallant." Chime smiled at him. Aquoa buried her face in the ground and hit her head several times on the floor. "I beg of you to stop thinking Gal! Please just stop!" She groaned. Warp looked up at me, confused. I blushed and turned away. "Because they are twins, they can read each other's minds. Its cool but i don't think its fun for them." That was confirmed by Aquoa's growl. Warp laughed, though a bit strained. He walked over to help Teddy, helping him stand up. "Th-thanks guys!" He gathered us all up in a group hug, and i was face to face with Warp. I blushed and smiled. He smiled back. He let us down and sighed. A Tepig walked into the room at that time. I screamed and jumped, landing in someone's grasp. I hid my face with my arms. "Whoa Missie! Its only Litshii, my Tepig." A voice above me stated. I blushed. "I'm scared of fighting types..." "And steel types, and rock types..." "Shut up Gallant!" I unsheilded my face to yell at him. I looked back to see Warp's face fairly close to mine. I blushed. "Well, Litshii isn't a fighting type yet, so she's fine to hang around." "Y-you sure?" I stuttered. "Yeah." Warp let me down and guestured to the Tepig, Litshii. I got close enough to touch her, but drew back, scared. Warp laughed. "Its fine." He picked up Litshii and smiled. Slowly, i came close and pet her head. She smiled and snuggled deeper into Warp's arms. "Aww..." "RAH!" Warp jumped forewards, startling Litshii. I screamed and jumped back into Teddy's arms. Teddy held me close. "T-thats not nice!" He huffed. Warp was laughing hysterically. Aquoa growled and used Extremespeed to mess up his clothes and hair. After a brief moment of confusion, he started to laugh again. I jumped out of Teddy's arms and stuck my tounge out at him. He put down Litshii and returned it. My face grew red and i turned around, crossing my arms. I heard Warp doing the same. I sighed and picked up the twins, placing them each on a shoulder. Picking up Scales, i rested him on my head. I grabbed my bag, tied on my shoes, and shoved on my visor. "Where are you going?" "To the gym. I don't know about you." That kick started Warp into gathering Chime and Tok onto his shoulders and Litshii into his arms. "Let's go!" He pumped his fist in the air. "You might want to straighten yourself out first." I pointed to his hair, which looked like an afro. We walked out, Teddy behind me, and once again murmurs rippled from person to person. "How famous were you Tedds?" I asked, astounded. Teddy blushed. "I beat the gym in two minutes with Ricky, he then used me to beat everyone up." He looked down, ashamed. "Its okay, i won't force you to do anything like that, i promise." I winked at him and he smiled. "Thanks Mistie!" He gave me a hug. We all walked to the gym, ignoring the stares. "Hey, Tedds, how 'bout we put you in your pokeball, i think the doorway is a bit too small." Warp said. I looked over to see indeed, it was. I took out his pokeball and returned him, and several gasps were heard around me. "What?!" I snapped. "What is so special about me owning Ricky's Tyranitar?!" I left everyone stunned. I hmphed and walked inside, Warp behind me. There was a walkway, with flashing lights and people scattered on either side of the walkway. "What the!" Gallant squirmed and jumped down. "Its a catwalk! Its used for models, they show their style here!" I was surprised he could hear me over the screams of the girls in the audience. Aquoa groaned. I kept walking, leaving Warp behind so he could challenge it next (he insisted ladies first). I walked with Gallant still in front of me until a woman walked up to us, sassy-like. After a quick battle, i concluded this was an electric type gym. "Sorry Aquoa, you're out for this one. I don't want you to get electrocuted." After several more "models", as Gallant called them, we reached a woman who was wearing a heck of a cloak. Elesa, i'm guessing. She said a few unitelligible things, the crowd was roaring now, and sent out an Emolga. I motioned for Gallant to follow. "Attract!" I screamed over the crowd. In seconds, Emolga was on the ground, heart eyed. "Now Leaf Blade!" Emolga was down. Elesa threw out her next pokemon, a Flaaffy. "Grasswhistle!" The attack missed, Flaaffy covered her ears. "Thunder Wave!" I heard Elesa command. Gallant was paralyzed. I called him back, where he jumped onto my shoulder. I sent out Scales next. He got a few 'ahhs' from the crowd. "Leaf Storm!" Flaaffy was hit and she let out a small cry of agony. "Volt Switch!" Flaaffy hit Scales, even though it didn't have a massive amount of effect, and returned to her pokeball. A Joltik was sent out next. "Return Scales!" I put him back, postive it knew a bug type attack. "Teddy!" When i sent out my towering, menacing sweety, i wondered how he would cope with battle. When he emerged, all went quiet. I ignored it, and when Elesa faltered i took the move. "Flamethrower!" Joltik was staggering. "U-uh, Energy Ball!" Joltik charged the move, and i waited for it. "Dark Pulse!" I shouted when energy ball was fired. Teddy spit the beam of shadows and it collided with the Energy Ball. The Energy Ball was too weak for Teddy's Dark Pulse, so it exploded. The Dark Pulse kept going and hit Joltik straight on, making it faint. Elesa sent out a Zebstrika next. I returned Teddy and sent out Scales again. I was pumped to get him to evolve. "Giga Drain!" This made up for the Volt Swtich stunt, and did good damage on Zebstrika. "Flame Charge!" I gulped. Can't escape this move. Or can i? "Use Water Pledge to put out the flames!" Boy, did that spring up some attention. "But its impossible!" I heard someone yell. "Well, get used to it. We all know some impossible move. Good gosh, if a Vaporeon, Leafeon, and a Servine can all know an impossible move, then i believe its possible!" Aquoa continued this rant for quite some time until Gallant whacked her with his tail. "Spare us." he groaned. We turned back to the battle. The Water Pledge worked! Zebstrika was awe-struck, preventing her from moving. "Giga Drain!" Zebstrika down. "Alright, go Flaaffy!" Last pokemon. "Scales, use Giga Drain again!" Flaaffy was hit straight on, and i could tell Scales' health was restored to the max. "Confuse Ray!" Scales was now teetering around, spinning. "Alright, return!" I put Scales back in his pokeball, where he snapped out of his confusion. "Teddy!" He took the stage again. "Use Earthquake!" Flaaffy fainted. "Yeah!" I jumped up and high five Tedds. "Good goin bud!" Elesa gave me the Bolt Badge, and after a breif moment of publicity due to the jumbotron, we headed back to Warp. "Alright, good luck." i pushed him onto the catwalk and leaned against a pole. "But i-" "Just go for crying out loud!" He sighed and went on, but not after throwing me a Full Restore. I spritzed Gallant and watched Warp beat the models. Then he came face to face with Elesa.

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