Chapter 38

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Warp's POV

Mystique and i traveled around a bit more, and in 17 days we were debating about Iccirus City. "No! Warp i will absolutly not let you go there!" "But Missie, I'll be fine!" "No!" "Not one bit!" Her newest member to her team, Chrai, was a caring Absol who had sided with his trainer. Missie's team now consisted of Gallant, Aquoa, Teddy, Scales, and of course Chrai. My team was the same, Chime, Tok, Buzz, and Litshii (who evolved into an Emboar in Driftveil, petrifying an already scared Missie), but i now had an Unfezant named Soar. Original, i know. We found him as a Pidove with a broken wing at the top of a tower by Mistraltion. Skyla helped treat him and he grew so attatched to me i couldn't pry him off of my side. I decided to keep him after a few days. "Timeress i swear to Arceus i will not let you step FOOT into that freezing place!" I gave up and sighed. "Fine. But i will go there one day, Brycen is my all-time favorite actor!" I finished by crossing my arms and sticking my tounge out at her. She did the same. Chrai, satisfyed, went back to his pokeball. Gallant shyly poked his head out of Missie's bag and climbed onto her shoulder. I stole a glance at Missie, who had told me about his crush on Chime. She lightened up and winked at me. "Hey, Mis, can you hold Chime for me please? I'll take Aquoa off your hands. Her feet are chilling my shoulder, and i know thats bad for my health." I sounded like i was talking to someone's half-deaf grandmother. Chime looked confused and hurt, but i ignored it jokingly. Missie and i had devised a plan to get the twins together with Chime and Tok. None of them know, so its funny to see their expressions. Missie nodded slowly. "Sure! But no need to take Aquoa. I can fit two on one shoulder. Say, how about i take Tok too? It feels awfully strange to be carrying one, doesn't it?" I caught along. "Yeah, you're right. Here you go." I dumped Chime on her shoulder with Gallant, and i put Tok on the one with Aquoa. Missie faked adjusting her hat, so her Tepigtails got in the way so they couldn't switch shoulders with someone else. "Gah! Hey! Get off of my ear!" Aquoa growled and Tok blushed. Actually BLUSHED. It took everything i had not to laugh. He was getting soft. "Apologies." He removed his paw, allowing Aquoa to pick her head up. She was squished against Tok, but he tried to make some room for her. On the other shoulder, Gallant was flirting with Chime, who flirted right back. I swear they were going to use Attract on each other one day. They already seemed like a couple. "Well since we're not going to Iccirus, i guess we'll have to skip it over." I said, grabbing Buzz's and Soar's pokeballs. "I call Buzz!" Missie yelled, grabbing his pokeball. He grew on her fast, and it didn't surprise me. His mannerly ways often added to his sweet character, one if the reasons i liked him so much as well. I sent out Soar and clambered onto his back. "Where to eh? Hopefully not Iccirus, don't ya think eh?" He acknowledged Buzz, who nodded. "Yes indeed. Not the best weather, i presume. Even in this spring atmosphere. Bloody bad snowstorms, that's for sure!" "Yeah eh. They say it can kill ya! Not the best, eh?" They both had thick accents, Buzz's sounding more proper, Soar's sounding northern. In the fairytales, they would be expressed as heavy Canadian and English accents. "Shall we fly above the clouds, then?" Soar asked, spreading his wings. "Yes indeed, the wind won't reach us there if we avoid the currents." Buzz answered, and we were off. I looked behind me to see Gallant and Chime rubbing against each other, and i looked at Missie, eyebrow raised. She smiled and sent me a message on the Xtransiver. 'Gallant gave her a kiss on the cheek in the middle of Buzz and Soar's convo. Part two commensing.' I didn't correct her bad grammar, but sent back another message. 'Part two in play.' i looked back to see her look up from her gear and smile. I winked at her and looked forwards again. After a few minutes of flying, a cold gust of wind hit Soar and i. I shivered as i felt ice forming on my face. I buried my head in the collar of my jacket and hugged it closer to my body. I slowly felt the blue color flowing spreading from several points on my face, pale but still there. I took deep breaths, to reassure myself i was fine. It would need to be colder to knock me out. We all arrived in Opelucid in a matter of minutes, and i quickly rubbed my cheeks out from their blue coloration. Missie bounded up to me, excited. "Aquoa passed out on Tok!! She got airsick because of the turbulance, and Tok didn't do anything! In fact, he put a paw around her! Part two going well." She said the last sentence with such seriousness in her voice that i blurt out laughing. I returned Buzz and Soar, and we headed to the Pokemon Center. Missie and i made a deal that for every city we visited, when we first got there we would heal our pokemon. We walked in, handing Nurse Joy our pokeballs, and waited. When the wait was over, Missie and i alone walked outside. Our partners were resting in their pokeballs, probatly sleeping, which left us some peace. The moment we stepped outside, however, a blimp was floating by, dangerously close to the city. "Hey, what-?" I was cut off by the screech of a loudspeaker. It deafened me, my sensitive hearing enlarged it, and i bent down, rubbing my ears in pain. I looked up, and saw a blast of something white shoot from a cannon. Wait, a cannon? The blimp didn't look like a blimp now. It was some sort of ship, with a blimp-like balloon thing on top. The white streak collided with the ground, sending a blast of air in every direction. I pushed Missie down and sheilded my head in front of her, protecting both of us from the blast. When the explosion passed i helped her to her feet. There was white steam in the air, but you could hear the blast of several more cannons. I ran with Missie's hand in mine to a vending machine near several bushes. We took shelter over there, crouching and holding our hands around our heads. When the explosions ceased and the sound of a motor died off, we stood up to see icicles and snowflakes everywhere. The cold came rushing in then, hitting me like a brick. Frost formed on my face again, and the blue started to spread on my cheeks fast. My breathing became harsh and i fell down. Missie turned, shocked and she rushed to my side. Digging into her bag, she got a thick sweater and draped it across my shoulders. She also presented a scarf that she wrapped around my neck, all the while checking my breathing. "No, you need them." I wheezed out, shakily trying to undo the scarf. "No. I'm perfectly fine in the cold. I've been in worse while wearing a tank-top and i was fine, without any frostbite, etcetera." She fastened the scarf again, and i just had to accept that fact her long sleeves would be okay. She gathered a few twigs and sticks from the bushes and arranged them in front of her. Reaching in her bag, she pulled out Teddy's pokeball, only to find that it and everything else was frozen solid. I let out a tremendous cough, and wheezed a nearly frozen breath. My entire face was deep blue now, the frost slowly turning to actual ice. I reached out for my bag with a darkening blue hand, but Missie rushed over, knowing what i was looking for. She dug for my medication, which was in a yellow pill bottle, but it was frozen closed too. Missie hesitated, then put it back in the bag. "Close your eyes." "W-why..." I let out less than a whisper of air instead of actually saying the word. "Just do it." Reluctantly i closed them, and i heared a sound like a pokemon using Hyper Beam. I was tempted to open my eyes but they had frozen shut, so i was out of luck. Another pokemon-movelike sound, and i felt a roaring fire in front of me. The Hyper Beam sound again, and then Missie rummaging through a bag. My eyes thawed out to see a fire where the pile of sticks were, but i was too exausted to ask any questions. Missie put my medication by the fire to try and melt the ice, and fed the roaring flames a few sticks. I shivered and tried to talk, but the words froze in my mouth. How did she make that fire? What was so secretive that i couldn't see it? Missie bustled to my side and helped my frozen body closer to the fire. She hesitated again, then sat behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Shocked, i turned my head unsteadily to look at her. Her eyes were closed, focusing on something. Her body grew fairly warm, and soon her temperature was almost as warm as the fire. "H-howw ca-cann you-" Missie cut me off. "I can raise my body temperature to 276 degrees. This is why i can survive so long in cold climates." She strained with the effort of raising her body heat and talking at the same time, so i turned back to the fire, awestruck. She was amazing. An average human would die at that climate. So Missie had pokemon-like powers. She is a lot like her dad. I remembered Blaze, or at least stories about him. I only met him once, at his wedding. I was there at his wedding, only a few days old, but i remembered everything. Everything except for future celebrations. I felt a soft object prod at my back, and i saw Missie, passed out, leaning on my back. She was still warm, which was probatly what she intened. She used her energy to ensure my survival. My heart melted and i shakily pet her. I saw my arm was turning back to normal, and the ice on my face was gone. I lied down, using my bag as a pillow, and put Missie's head on her own bag behind me. I was too weak to pry her arms off my neck, so i left her as she was as i fell into a dreamless sleep.

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