Chapter 43

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*side note* 800+ reads! (This is a weird chapter, bear with me.)

Warp's POV

As predicted, I woke up with Missie leaning on my chest, my arm snaked around her waist and my head resting near hers. I sighed and closed my eyes in frustration. Of course my Dad had to burst in at that moment. "Helloooooo lovers!" Missie shreiked and clung to me, terrified. Dad laughed. "Breakfast is on the table. Come and eat when you feel like it. And try not to get too close, hmm?" He did his signature eyebrow wriggles, and i covered my face with my hands. "Ugh." I felt Missie fall asleep on me again, and i wanted to join her, but i couldn't. I held her waist and used my free hand to rub my temples. I turned to look at Chime and Gallant. "I really don't like you sometimes, you know that?" I growled at them, just hoping they would listen for once. "We know!" Chime chirped. "Come later spring i swear i will get you back." They knew later spring was mating season, and thats when things started to get awkward around pokemon couples. Luckily, Missie and i were also half human, so we wouldn't be as effected. Suckers. I shooed off the pokemon couple and turned to Missie. She was shaking, maybe from nightmares, and she hugged me close. I patted her, and soon fell asleep again.

~few hours later~

Mystique's POV

I woke up and saw a bare-chested Warp. On top of me. I flushed red looked at myself. Someone had changed me into an undershirt and my skirt. Oh my Arceus. I covered my face with my hands and felt Warp wake up as well. I regained my strength and tightened my fists. "AQUOA, GALLANT, TOK, AND CHIME, THIS IS TOO FAR! TOO FAR!!" Warp took in the scene and blushed heavily. He flung himself off the bed and seized them all by the scruff. "YOU FOUR ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE." Warp snarled. "THAT IS THE THIRD TIME IN THE PAST TWO DAYS YOU'VE DONE THIS, AND IT HAS INDEED GONE TOO FAR." Warp was furious. Dialga walked in then, and even he tensed up. "Timeress and Mystique are absolutely right. This is not funny." "Then what about the threat you made to us earlier Warp?" Aquoa strained. "It was to get you to stop! I've had enough of this!" Warp shook them all, enraged but yet keeping his cool. I let out an exasperated sigh and stretched out on the bed. I watched Dialga regain his 'jokster personality' and wriggle his eyebrows at Warp. I shot up again and glared at the legendary. He left, and i rubbed my forehead. "I hate this so much!" I said, grabbing a pillow and shoving it in my face, groaning. "Guys, we stopped matchmaking you. Can you please stop embarassing us?!" The four all rolled their eyes and replied in sync. "Fine." I gave a sigh of relief and grabbed an extra change of clothes. I walked into the bathroom and after a quick shower i changed into better attire. There was a small chance that i would ever forgive those guys. They didn't have to do this. This was too far. I undid the basculintail and held a hand over my mouth. It had put tiny curls in my hair, making it twist and turn. I held in my laughter, and brushed most of the curls out of my hair, leaving only the edges to be wavy. I put my visor in my bag, left my hair down, and grabbed the twin's pokeballs. I gripped them tightly, enraged. How dare they! I don't think i can go back out there now. I opened the door just a crack, and saw the room deserted. I collapsed onto the bed and flung the pokeballs at the wall, watching them tumble and land next to their owners. Gallant and Aquoa looked worried, and came up to me. "Mystie, are you-" "No, can't speak. Won't speak." The twins looked at each other. "We're all sorry-" "Don't! I swear if you guys weren't my pokemon, i'd strangle you!" Aquoa looked at the ground, and Gallant lied down next to me. "Listen, we really are sorry. We were just kinda mad at you guys for setting us up like that." I covered my face in my hands and groaned. Aquoa rubbed up against one side of my face and Gallant the other, trying to calm me. "I just wanna go home." I knew i sounded like a little baby, but i honestly just wanted to curl up at home and never leave again. Scales emerged of his pokeball and wrappped around me, trying to help. I cried and cried, for about three minutes straight. "Let's go home then." Gallant said, rubbing against my ear. I nodded and sat up, brushing my tears away. I returned Scales and placed the twins on my shoulders. I did my hair up again and shoved my visor on. I grabbed my bag and walked to the main room. Warp was eating some berries, and i tapped him on the shoulder. "Yeah?" His face was still red. "Can you get Moltres to come back down here? I'm going home." Warp stood up and grabbed my hand with both of his. "Please don't go! Missie, please!" I sighed and slipped my hand out of his grip. "I just want to go home, and see my parents, and Caos, Crunch, Shadow, Midnight, Giratina, Sunshine, Tyjore, Koari, Mist, a-and Mew..." my eyes welled up again, i really wanted to hug Tyjore and spill out all my feelings. I did that every time i was troubled. Warp paused, as if to protest, but thought better if it. He grabbed two pokeballs from his bag, Soar and Buzz, and handed Buzz's to me. I half-smiled and went outside in the fresh, crisp air. I threw Buzz's pokeball in the air then jumped onto his back, and Warp mounted Soar. I returned the twins, and we took off. We flew for about five hours, not stopping for breaks. I was giving directions, growing excited the closer i got to home. We landed in a field. I turned and stroked Buzz, thanking him. Warp returned the two flyers, leaving only us. I gave him a hug, a bit sad to see him go. He hugged me back, and i noticed he was shaking. I looked up at him, noticing the tears running down his face. "Warp, its not like i'm never going to see you again! Stop crying like a diva." He laughed and wiped them away, smiling. "I'm no diva." He said, and started to kiss me again. My eyes fluttered shut by reflex, and we stayed like that for a few moments. I changed it from a kiss into a hug, just to tone down the awkward atmosphere. "Well, bye then!" Warp said, sending out Soar. "We'll miss you!" He called before flying off. I whacked my head with the palm on my hand. This is all too cliché! I ran up the mountain, into our house, and rushed to Tyjore. I buried my head in her fur and started to cry. I'd been crying a lot, too much, even. Tyjore wrapped her arms around me, and i felt the whole team come over. I felt Caos wrap around my leg, Crunch coo to my left, Shadow patting my back, Giratina behind Crunch, nudging me, Midnight jumped on one shoulder, Sunshine on the other, Koari patting me from my left side, Mist hovering behind Tyjore, and Mew sitting on my head. I sobbed and sat down, still hugging Tyjore. I heard a clang from the kitchen, and Dad showed up, worried. He ran to me and took my hand, stroking my head. Mom sat down next to me also, putting her arm across my back. I buried my face in Dad's shoulder, crying and smiling. I turned and hugged Mom, then embraced Mew. "I missed you guys so much!" I said, petting Mew on the top of her head. She giggled and purred, wiping my tears away with her tail. I was so content here. I let out a happy sigh, then sat to talk with my loving family. "Why did you come back?" My face clouded in anger. I released the twins. "Those two." I snarled, pointing a finger at them. "Did they draw on your face while you were asleep again?" Dad asked. "No. Worse." I spat, venom creeping into my voice. "What?" I blushed heavily. "We got her together with her travelling partner, then put them in an inappropriate position..." Gallant said, staring at the floor. Dad's face darkened and Mom stiffened. Sunny reared up and swatted the two. "YOU DID WHAT?!" She hissed at them. "I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS!!" She ushered them through the door to their room and slammed it behind her. You could hear her lecturing them even if she used Psychic to stop it. "What inapropriate position?" Dad asked, face harded and angry. I slouched and rubbed my temples. "I don't want to talk about it..." I mumbled, blushing. "Tell me Mystique!" "Blaze..." Boy do i love Mom. She calmed him down after a while, and he sank into the couch, defeated. "So what pokemon do you have?" Mom asked. I smiled and sent everyone out. "Scales evolved fully, this sweety is Teddy, and this is Chrai." I rubbed his head, and he lied down over my lap, snuggling. Scales and Caos started conversation, exchanging jokes and whatnot, and Teddy talked with the rest of the pokemon, mostly forming a friendship with Crunch. "Who was your travelling partner?" Mom asked, and Dad perked up. "Oh, i think you know him. Timeress, or Warp?" Mom smiled and Dad's face twisted into a devious smirk. "Okay. We know him, yes. Nice boy." Dad said, nodding. "Did you two kiss yet?" Mom asked, making Dad snap his head to glare at her. "Not my baby girl! I swear-" "Actually, Mom, yes. Twice." Dad froze and tensed up. "TIMERESS!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "I will find that boy, and i'll-" "BLAZE! Stop it! Can't you see you're not helping?!" Mom motioned to me. I had my head in my hands, blushing like mad. "What awkward position, then? Like i need another reason to hate that boy." My face clouded red, and i heard Aquoa and Gallant walk out of their room. "We have pictures!" Aquoa sang. My head shot up. "You WHAT?!" The two smirked at me. I balled my hands into fists, clenching my teeth. By Arceus, they were dead meat. Aquoa made a big show of presenting Dad with the photograph, and his face clouded with anger, with a blush to worsen the effect. Mom snuck a look and a hand fluttered to her mouth. "Oh Arceus..." She placed a hand on Dad's shoulder, he was in bad shape. His eyes turned into Reshiraims, and he growled. "I am contacting Dialga and making sure that his son is punished!" "Dad, it won't do anything. It was Aquoa, Gallant, Chime, and Tok who were responsible. And besides, Dialga is such a perverted jokester he would laugh." Dad looked at me. "And how do you know this?" "I spent the night at their place, the night that happened." I pointed to the photo. "Thats it!" Dad stood up, pounding the couch with his fist. "That boy is dead! DEAD!" He turned to the twins. "And so are you!" He stormed into his room, slamming the door. Mom and i watched him go. "Anything good happen?" I smiled. "My grandparents are coming back."

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