Chapter Two

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Storm's POV

I had met, well, crashed into a guy and we battled (i won, of course) but he wasn't like all those weak trainers i had battled to get here. His name, Truthton, was a weird thing i learned about him (then again, 'Idealia' isn't very "normal" either) he was quite strong, and his Espeon knew Safeguard. THAT'S something you NEVER see. It isn't able to learn that move. Truthton, or Blaze, shocked me when i finally got a good look at him. He looked exactly like Black, a boy character in the storybooks Daddy used to read me. It had one picture i loved because of its great depth and detail. You see, i'm an artistic person. the picture showed Reshiraim towering over Black, staring strait into his eyes and Black staring directly back. Daddy said the book was written by Reshiraim, after a future dream had haunted both of them when they turned into the Light and Dark Stones. Daddy wouldn't tell me anything else. He would just shift his position and gaze at the slashed wall, the one i trained on. Anyway, Blaze had just entered and was voted best in a musical, and i have to admit, he was pretty good. A compliment from me actually means something. Especially if you are a human. I hate humans. His Espeon was beautiful and she said all her lines plus did all her movements right on cue. She was funny, too. I almost burst out laughing when she purposely tripped Sir Scraggy and denied it over and over and over. When he got angry, she said to him, "A lady is always polite and never lies. You dreaded men i wish could be the same." her British accent was perfect. i could hear a grunt from my pack. "Well, Lady Sunshine, sometimes us 'dreaded men' try to be polite, but you ladies always deny it, 'you're only trying to make me feel better you liar!' by Arceus!" i stifled a giggle from Midnight's words. "Storm! Wake up! Heloooo......." Blaze was snapping his fingers in my face, breaking my staring trance. "huh?" i forgot where i was. Nimbasa city. right......... i thought. "Zoned out. I do that every so often. Get used to it." I scowled. "We are at the battle subway now, so wake up and choose your pokemon." He snapped back, then apologized. The battle subway! I raced inside, Blaze at my heels. I could tell Dusk (Midnight) was as rared up and ready to go as i was. He was brimming with energy on my shoulder. "Lets go lets go lets go!" He urged on. I knew he was just urgently waiting to unleash a powerful Dark Pulse at any time. Battling was our hobby. We kicked butt in 3 minutes or less, our record was 10 seconds. Not even. When we reached the end of the steps, Midnight and i gasped. The interior was huge and circular, with a pillar going up through the center. All the trains were lined up around the edge of the gigantic circle, with labels to tell you what they were. Let's see.. i thought. Trains to Anville town, single train, super single train..... aha! Double train! When Blaze reached the bottom as well, i could hear him draw a breath too. Before he could take it all in, i grabbed his wrist and ran towards the double train. "Hey! Lemme get a look around!" he protested. "Ya snooze ya loose bozo." "Oh yeah? Well i wasn't the one who zoned out at the entrance, was i?" i growled at his smart comment, and he apologized. We continued on onto the platform. "Shut up. you said you would battle with me if i went to your musical, and i went. It was fun, but now we battle." "Come on! Storm, ho-" he didn't get to finish, since i had paid for the tickets and climbed aboard the train as the Ticket Taker waved to us. "have fun!" He called. As we boarded the train, Blaze struggled out of my grasp and made a break for the door. They closed and the train moved just as he reached the handle. "shoot...." I could hear him mutter under his breath. "Perk up dude, our first battle has arrived." I motioned to two preschoolers, who looked eager and happy to be there.

"Go, Patrat!"

"Get 'em, Blitzle!" the battle had begun.


"Midnight!" both pokemon jumped off their trainer's shoulders and landed in battle stance.

"Sunny, Psywave!"

"Dusk, Shadow Ball!' Patrat and Blitzle were knocked out cold, and both the kids looked at their fainted pokemon in surprised, but returned them and sent out their next ones.

"Lillipup! Let's battle!"

"Munna! Help me!"

"Lillipup use bite!"

"Munna! Psychic!"

"Sunny! Safeguard!" Lillipup's attack did no damage, and it was sent sprawling onto the ground.

"Midnight! stand and do nothing!" i yelled, just as Munna's eyes began to glow. It's trainer looked surprised. I guess she didnt know that Pshchic type moves have to affect against Dark types. Sure enough, her eyes widened when her Munna's Psychic did nothing to Midnight.

"Shadow Ball!" i said

"Psychic!" Munna and Lillipup were out. One down, plenty more to go.

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