Chapter 11

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Hey doods i have to write this all over again 😩 so ya better like it ! 😜

Blaze's POV

I walked slowly to the Pokemon Center, with Storm curled up in my arms. Midnight was on my shoulder, now with Sunshine reassuring him Storm would be okay. Caos was slithering by my side, asking into Storm's ear in a worried tone, "Are you alright?" and, "You're going to be fine." He choked on some words, and tears trailed from his gorgeous big eyes and onto the ground. I got some strange and worried looks as i entered the center, and i just blushed like an idiot. I made my way to the desk and checked out a room. Unfortunately, i learned this was a popular trainer joint because of the school, and only one room remained. I trudged up to the room and set Storm down carefully onto the bed. Closing the door, i released Koari from his pokeball. "Koari, Storm was hit with dig from a Pansage, and now her gash was teared open again. She also looks worse from the attack, now she can't move without pain, and acts like when you are hit with a grass attack." Koari nodded and set to work on his new patient. Caos and Midnight both crowded around, watching impatiently. I dug into her bag to find her pokeballs, and, with delight, found them on the third try. Throwing them into the air, i released first Crunch, who looked over at Storm and flopped down on the floor next to the bed, then Shadow, who stood at the corner of the bed with his arms uncrossed and eyes fixed on Koari's every move, to make sure he didn't harm her. When Darkrai was released, he wanted to know all the details. I told him everything, beginning to end in full detail. He stiffened, and rushed to her side, inspecting her. Then he raced to her bag and drew out a Hyper potion. Running back, he sprayed her with it, startling Koari, who dropped his tools, making Shadow growl when his salve bottle fell on Storm's back, who let out a grunt. "But potions don't affect humans!" Koari shouted. Darkrai just looked at the girl, expecting something. I saw the bruises from the attack fade away, and the color in her face to return. I gasped. That happens to me too! I thought with shock. Was she just like me? I shook off the thought and returned to the miracle that just occurred. I brushed away the small crowd and picked Storm up gently. I set her into bed correctly and covered her with the blankets. She turned away from me and curled into a ball, something clutched in her hand. After i pried away her fingers, i saw the Trio badge encased in her grip. I let her form her fingers around it once more, creating a fist. I looked up to see all the pokemon turning away to go and sleep. Koari walked over to the other side of the room and lied down, finding a comfy wall to prop up against. Shadow just turned around and laid back into the corner and closed his eyelids, not after casting his eye about the pokemon, judging if he can trust them enough to be around the sleeping girl. I was guessing that the 'few weeks ago' he was caught actually wasn't too long ago. Midnight curled up by Storm's feet, and was sleeping in seconds. Caos curled up besides Storm, who had shifted back onto her back, facing the ceiling. Darkrai left the room, exiting through the window. Well, more like just passing through the wall altogether. Crunch just rolled over and started snoring. Talk about lazy. After a couple of moments, all that could be heard were the soft sleeping noises of pokemon and the loud snores from the super lazy Crunch. I looked at Storm to see her in a sweat, obviously having a bad dream. She kept mumbling stuff like "daddy" and "nonono... come back!" I felt really bad for her, i felt my necklace dim. I saw Storm's sparking like crazy, and i reached to take it off, fearing it might choke her in her sleep. As i touched the latch, i received a jolt of electricity just enough to come by as a warning. She started twisting and turning now, and looked scared. It hurt me deep on the inside to see her so, so afraid. I never would think of her to be scared. She was so boisterous. I reached into my bag and pulled out Cresselia's pokeball. "Cresselia, can you stop her nightmare? Its..... Its scaring me." "Of course! Just tell me what in Arceus's name are you doing in her room!?" She shrieked. I sighed. "This was the only room left. Who knew so many kids would be here! Would you rather sleep in the lobby?" She sighed. "Oh alright. Just don't freak me out like that." She scoffed. I saw her outline shine a deep but yet light blue, and that light/energy surged into Storm. Her twisting stopped, and slowly her sweat wore away. Her panting was replaced with normal breaths, and i sighed with relief. "Thanks, Cresselia. I-i just-just don't.. Didn't like to see her that way." I sighed and gazed at Storm. Cresselia nodded and floated away near Koari. She was cursing out towards Darkrai, saying stuff about he doesn't care who he puts his curse onto. I stood up, but before i joined them, i leaned over and kissed Storm on her head. I don't know what came over me, i just did. I felt like it would protect her, tell her i'm here. I heard a gasp behind me. "Ooooooooo looks like Blaze has a crush!" I heard Cresselia say. I turned to face her, and saw she was smiling like and idiot and laughing every other second. "W-what's a crush?" I asked, embarrassed. She gasped. "You don't know what a crush is?" She shrieked. "A crush is,when you are in loooooove with someone!" She smiled in delight. She was a Drama Queen, and gossip was her hobby. She knew a lot more about stuff socially that me. I blushed deep red, and my necklace set alight. "I- don, don't love her..." I stated. Cresselia rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You just kissed her for crying out loud!" She stated. She opened her mouth to start another sentence, but i stopped her with the red beam of light from the pokeball. She burst out of her pokeball and eyed me angrily. "I guess you really don't want to talk about it." She hmmphed. I walked over near Koari and released my pokemon one by one. Sunny was already sleeping on top of Koari, so i released Mist first, who levitated in her sleep right by the window. Then i released Tyjore, who lied down in a way for me to sleep in between her and Koari. I lied down in between the two and thought for a moment before falling asleep. My pokemon and i were just like a family. Tyjore was like the mother i never had, being created by a supernatural power from the element of fire and dragon and all. Mist was like a big sister, always there and protective. Koari was like an older brother, wise and strong, a true role model. Sunny was like a daughter to me, i cared for her 24/7 plus spoiled her. Cresselia was like a loud aunt. Sometimes annoying but can be very helpful if needed. I fell asleep thinking of Cresselia's words. Did i have a crush on Storm?

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