Chapter 23

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*side note* HAPPY EARLY/ON TIME/ LATE THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bon appateit or some other french stuff.

Blaze's POV

I landed... somewhere and ran around for a while. A moment later i found what i wanted. Giratina stood before me, casting his eyes down apon my frail body structure. He grunted. "Small human, what do you seek?" "I am no human." I turned to my other form to show proof. "I am Truthton Arkelis Van Smoke, son of Reshiriam. I seek a favor." Giratina grunted. "What favor is that?" i bowed. "May i capture you for a dear friend of mine, Idealia Arcelius Thunder, daughter of Zekrom?" Giratina thought this over. "If you are able to get Arceus' word, i shall do as you wish," He bowed, "son of a great friend." I bowed back and left. I dug in my pokets for my Xtransiver. After aimless minutes of failure, i sat on a rock to think. Crap! I left it in my bag!! I slapped myself mentally. Cresselia would know on the dot what to do. In a flash, she appeared next to me, sending me falling back, terrifyed. "Cress! Don't petrify me like that please!" she laughed. "Sorry dearie. Okay, so Arceus... hmm..." she read my mind. "Aha! Come on!" She used Psychic to drag me near her and teleported. We appeared in a pearly white room with pillars. I have been here. When i was little Father brought me here to get 'approved' as they say. All legendary pokemon are required to come here for any child priorities. I was approved, so i recived powers. I walked down the hall with Cresselia to get to Arceus, who was on a throne in, of course, the throne room, where all the legends gather once a year to discuss world conflicts. I waved good-bye to Cresselia and entered the vast room. Arceus sat alone, at the far back. I bowed and introduced myself. "Truthton, it is wonderful to see you again. And an adolestent!" Arcues floated over and used Psychic to lift me up. He lowered himself to the ground and nudged me. I stroked his head. It was a great honor to do so. "Sit, sit!" He invited friendly, while jerking his head to the side towards my father's chair. I walked over and sat down. The minute i did i changed into my other form. Arceus nodded. "You certainly have grown. Soon enough you'll have a tail." I grew excited. A tail! Arceus sat down. "So what brings you here?" "I seek a favor. I have a dear friend. Her name is Idealia Arcelius Thunder, daughter of-" "Daughter of Zekrom." Arceus butt in, voice full of wonder. "I wish to give her a legendary pokemon." Arceus straightened up. "Who, may i ask?" "Giratina, sire." Arceus nodded. "A perfect match, i might say." He mused. "I thought of it myself, sire." He shook his head and a confused expression crossed his face. "I meant- oh well. But yes, i grant permission for you to catch Giratina." i bowed. "Thank you sire." "And cut it with the 'sire'. You're a friend. Call me Arce." "Thank you, 'Arce'." I corrected. Arceus, 'Arce', nodded and teleported me away. The last thing i saw was the door opening again and Arce's face light up. Then i was facing Giratina. He grunted. "How did it go? I take it was successful in your case, he teleported you here." I nodded. "Then here you go." He bowed his head, and i fished around in my pockets again. My fingers clasped against something cool and smooth. The master ball! I pulled it out of my pockets and tapped the center onto Giratina's forehead. After a flash of red, i had Giratina in the palm of my hand. I placed the masterball in my pocket and changed forms after exiting. Then i headed back to Unova.

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