Chapter 40

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I changed something in chapter 31. Please re-read before proceeding. If you're too lazy then it was an age change. Mystique is now 16 and Warp is now 18.

Mystique's POV

I sent Buzz and Soar with Aquoa to book the room, and i gathered everyone up, counting them. "Hold on, where's Litshii?!" I panicked, searching frantically for her pokeball. I dug around in Warp's bag, but my fingers closed around something worn and smooth. I pulled out a peice of blue parchment, with black ink scrawled into a note. Out of curiosity, i read it.

Dear Warp,
I recieved word about Team Plasma's stunt in Opelucid. I hope you are well enough to see this, and i am sending help immediately. Moltres will be there by sundown. He will bring good word about the Legend Catching. Take your medication.


I checked the date, it had been sent today. I clenched a fist to my cheek. Did Warp's father catch Moltres? Was he after Zapdos? Articuno? No. I would not allow Articuno to be caught. I would never let another legendary ice type down. I feircely crumpled the corner of the paper in my rage, but cooled off. I looked around, taking in the calm of the wintery atmosphere. Although Opelucid was high-tech, i still found it relaxing what nature could do. Even if it is forced. Soar and Buzz came back, and Aquoa jumped onto my shoulder, content. Gallant had returned to his pokeball because of the cold, so Chime took his usual place. A smirk casually spread across my face, and i picked Tok up, placing him next to Aquoa. After fixing my tepigtails, i slung my bag across one arm and Warp's across my other. Teddy stood up and Chrai bounded up to me. I gave him a friendly pat on the head, and he snuggled up to my side. I returned Teddy and put Soar in his pokeball so he would quit his yammering. "That's one Vaporeon, eh!" "Got quite the skill, eh?" Etcetera. I snuffed out the fire and picked up Warp, sliding one arm under his knees and one arm around his shoulders. I followed Buzz to the center, being met by a frantic Nurse Joy. "I gave him his medication, he should be fine." Buzz nodded for emphasis. She let us go to the room, and i set Warp down on the bed. Chrai jumped up to snuggle with him so Warp would be warm, Aquoa, Gallant, Chime, and Tok all gathered together for socializing, Buzz stripped Warp's jacket and shirt off to check his lungs, then returned to his pokeball. I went into the bathroom and took a long shower. I changed into new clothes, ditching the skirt, and left my hair down. I threw my shoes by the base of the couch and jumped onto it, falling asleep instantly.

Aquoa's POV

Mystique fell asleep on the sofa, so i jumped forward, interuppting the current conversation. "Guys, you know the 'romance plan' that Warp and Mystie have for us?" I was met by nods and a blush from Tok. Gallant read my thoughts and smiled. "How about we make one for them?" We said in sync, and i high-pawed him. Chime's face brightened, and Tok shrugged. "Alright, Chime, you know Psyshock right?" She nodded. I gave a nod of thanks to Gallant for that information, and finished the thought for him. "Then can you use it like Psychic to lift Mystie in Chrai's place?" To make sure that Mystie was really sleeping, Gallant used Grasswhistle to make her, Warp, and Chrai 100% in dreamworld. Warp had his arms around Chrai, due to instict, so we had to carefully pry them away without waking him. Warp's skin was back to normal on his bare chest, but he was still pretty cold. Chime switched Chrai and Mystie, and we let Warp's arms down. We all knew that the same instinct would cause him to wrap his arms around her, so we stuck around to see it. Sure enough, he had placed his arms around Mystie's waist, pulling her into him. He rested his head in the crook of her neck, having the illusion of a kiss on the shoulder. This satisfyed the squad. Gallant and i fist-bumped, ending it in an explosion, something we had been doing since we were Eevees. Chime jumped up and down, excited, and gave Gallant a kiss on his cheek. I sighed as i watched her pull my brother away from me, celebrating and tackling him with hugs and kisses. It disgusted me. "Hey." I nearly jumped at the deep voice behind me, turning to see who it was. "Tok! Don't sneak up on me like that!" He blushed and looked down. "Sorry." I relaxed. "You know, you sure changed." He looked up, puzzled. "How?" "You used to be so serious, so battle crazy and strict. Now your so... so..." "Soft?" "Yeah." he sighed and looked at the floor. "Is that, well, bad?" I looked at him, tensing. "No! If you ask me, its kind of an improvement." Tok rolled his eyes and looked at me, face softening. "Good. You know, you changed too." I straightened my back. "As in?" "You used to be so rude." I eyeballed him. "And now?" "Now you're loving." I blushed, then rolled my eyes and sulked down, hiding it. Gallant paused his lovey-dovey game. 'Aww, Aquii, do we have a crush?' 'Shut up hairball.' This only made him smirk. He whispered to his girlfriend, and they surrounded Tok and I. I didn't like where this was going. "You guys were made for each other!" Gallant claimed. I shot up in straight posture, hiding my blush with annoyance. "You idiot." I scowled at my brother. He smiled and nodded to Chime. They pushed us closer, then ran backwards. Chime used Waterfall to surround Tok and I while stopping it with Psyshock above and around us, creating a dome. She then froze it with Ice Beam, trapping us in a cage of ice. "Sis!" Tok ran up to the ice and barked at Chime, angry. I bared my fangs at Gallant, who waved and started conversation with Chime, blocking me out. Tok started using Razor Leaf to try and break the ice, but it didn't even dent it. I shot Fire Spin to try and melt it, but it only absorbed the flames. Enraged, i absentmindedly let loose a Sheer Cold, thinning our already narrow chance of getting out of here. "Sorry." I muttered, then tried Extremespeed. Tok used Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball, but it didn't work. I gave up and fired my strongest move, Hyper Beam. Tok was impressed, but it didn't do anything. I tried again and again, but soon collapsed in a heap, desprately in need if recharging. Tok walked over and helped me lie down properly, panting. "Looks like we aren't going anywhere soon" "Yeah." I shivered. "Sorry about the Sheer Cold attack." Tok shrugged. "It's okay." I sneezed, then looked at the couple the four of us had just recently pieced together. Warp still was in the same position, and Mystie had covered his arms with hers. Her tepigtails had long been undone, and her long hair was cascading down her back and onto the pillows behind the two. Both of their visors had been removed, Mystie's on the floor and Warp's by his feet. "They look like the perfect couple." i smiled and looked at Tok. "Got that right." I replied. "Good thinking on those two." I swelled up in pride. "Thanks." Ooo, looks like someone's softening up! "SHUT UP GALLANT!" I yelled, giving him the death stare. "What did he do?" Tok asked, curious. "Being the idiot he is." Tok shrugged. "That's the matter with siblings. They act nice, they are your friends, then they go out and start teasing you." I laughed. "Yeah. My parents say we were born bickering." Tok smiled. "I don't even know if Chime really is my sister. I lost my parents in the forest fire when we were young." I felt guilty, and sat up. "Did you lose them as in you were seperated or..." i let the sentence drag. Tok banged his head in frustration. "That's the point! I don't know!" He began to cry softly. Guilt wave. "I don't even know what they looked like." I settled down next to him, shivering. "I'm sorry." i placed a paw on his back. "It's okay." He wiped away his tears. "I wonder what they were like." "I bet their alive, and looking for you right now." Tok smiled whimsically. "I doubt it." He cried again, and i wormed my head under his to catch the tears. Not only was it a respectable posture, but it helped me regenerate. Tok buried his head in my neck, tired and depressed. I soaked up his tears and sneezed, still shivering. "Aquoa, you'll get sick." Tok had retracted his head and looked at me, concerned. "I'm okay." He knew i was lying, i was really freezing my tail off. He lied the top half of his body over the top half of mine dispite my protests. It was warm, yes, but very awkward. I soon gave up and fell asleep in the warmth generated from Tok's body.

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