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They're flying past clouds under a starless night sky that dowses the city in black shadows. The wind slaps harshly against their bare faces as they tear through the city skyline on their brooms.

Jisoo doesn't have to look back to know that she's steadily being flanked by Aurors on both of her sides. They're right on her tail. The moment Jisoo's tracking spell went off, she and Johnny miraculously reached to an agreement in under a second: she would go to the Ministry and recruit back up to handle the Death Eaters while Johnny would stay back and observe, only intervening when it was necessary and if the situation would ever take a turn for the worse. This had been Jisoo's job while under the Ministry after all, and Johnny was only meant to report on her progress. Only this time, he bumped up his role a bit.

She had gone to the Ministry right away and told Nayeon to ring every available Auror up and grabbed the nearest broom from the special equipments closet.

"What's going on?" Luckily, Jinyoung had still been in the office along with Seulgi. It was almost perfect timing at the most crucial moment, several of the best Aurors gathered in one place.

Jisoo had rapidly explained what was going on and that they needed to act on it fast. "The tracking spells I placed in Dedham, it caught them. They're on the move."

Jinyoung had instructed Seulgi's team to go with Jisoo. "I'm going too," Jinyoung said, which surprised Jisoo more than anyone. "You need all the available wands and Nayeon can man the office. Who knows when we'll be able to corner them again like this." Jisoo had to give him credit, there was strong determination in his tone but at the same time, she saw how a sense of fear had washed over him at all the possibilities of how tonight will unfold for everyone.

Seulgi had glanced at Jinyoung in worry, something Jisoo had caught but thought little of because her mind was busy on more urgent matters and her vibrating enchanted ball was a constant reminder that they needed to go now if they wanted to catch up. "We need to go."

Then they were off. The dark clouds parted, Jisoo and her tandem of Aurors slowed down as the coordinates led them to an exclusive muggle mansion right in the outskirts of the city. It's where the ball led them, its vibrations thrumming in the pocket of her coat until she could no longer feel it pressed against the fabrics. It had gone completely still. Then that means the Death Eaters were here, they were close by.

At first, Jisoo didn't think much of the estate other than questioning why would they be raiding or tormenting rich muggles in the middle of the night. There were no signs of anybody else in the property, but they must be around here somewhere and they needed to be careful.

Jinyoung floated down beside her and let out a guttural groan. "This is bad." He said, head turning to face Jisoo. "It's the muggle Prime Minister's private residence."

"What are they trying to pull off here?" Seulgi says, speaking out what everyone else was thinking in their minds as she was hovering just a few feet away in her broom. She shook her head and her eyes narrowed into focus. "Whatever it is, we all have to be alert and careful. This could be an ambush."

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