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Platform nine and three quarters was very crowded. Jisoo started to scan her surroundings the moment her parents dropped her off, hoping to see familiar faces in the sea of unfamiliar ones but she was surrounded from all sides by strangers. She gave up searching halfway and just reserved an empty carriage by throwing her luggage in before going back out the train door to peep. She couldn't even spot Bona in the crowd.

Jisoo leaned forward and craned her neck from left to right, eyes carefully landing on every face she sees.

Then she catches sight of him, a few feet away, his side profile still looked prominent and distinguished from all the others. And when he turned his head a little to the right, Jisoo could see the whole of his face and it's like being hit with a stunning spell that she's just unable to say or do anything for the next few seconds. It's been months since she's last seen him, his hair is a bit longer and his features seem to be more angular even as she was looking at him from afar.

Taehyung stood tall, but he looked serious which wasn't a very common look on him. He stood in between an middle aged man and woman, while the man was speaking, Taehyung was listening intently. Jisoo's gaze shift from Taehyung to the man and almost gasped out loud because the resemblance is so uncanny; he really does take after his father. It's in the details of their features, particularly in the curve of their noses and shape of their jaws. On his other side must be his mother, she looked regal and poised as she nodded along to whatever his father was telling him too.

Jisoo had heard a few things about his family over the years, even before they got close. The Kim Clan were a typical rich, pureblood family coming from a long line of notable and respectable wizards and they were from old money. Some have said they're all involved in the Dark Arts but one look at Taehyung and you would just know that couldn't be exactly true.

She wants to call out his name, wants to for him to turn around and finally see her but she doesn't know what his parents are like towards other people or how they'll react. She doesn't know if they'll even like her or if Taehyung would consider introducing her to them (just the thought of it makes her blush for some reason), so she restrains herself from doing so.

But Jisoo must have been staring for far too long because Taehyung looks back abruptly, as if somehow sensing that someone was watching him. When he looks back at her, their eyes finally meet and she holds onto his stare for as long as she can, unblinking as this memory of seeing him for the first time in months in a crowded train station embeds itself in the back of her mind. She smiles.

Taehyung smiles back at her.

The empty feeling that's been weighing Jisoo down all summer evaporates. A new feeling overpowers her senses: she's absolutely elated and happy to be spending another school year with him and this is only the first day. But her eyes flicker to his parents, and their unreadable expressions momentarily buffers her newfound joy at seeing Taehyung again.

Taehyung turns to his parents, muttering something to them. His father merely nods and his mother pats his back, giving him a small smile and their expressions soften as they both look onto their son and Jisoo is surprised to witness the sudden shift in looks given all that she heard about his parents from Taehyung and Jimin. She feels like she's invading a private moment, so she turns her head and looks away.

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