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It's too cold outside to be wearing a single layer of clothing that consists of a thin sweater but she had only meant to get the mail when she saw from the window that the mailbox flag had been turned up. Snow was falling fast and the temperature continued to drop which was odd but not highly unlikely this time around during the end of March. Snow flurries were trapped within the strands of her hair but she was too preoccupied with the two burly men blocking her path back to the front door of her own house, appearing out of nowhere, to have noticed.

Her hand tightened around the stack of mail she had and felt the outline of her wand against the pocket of her sweater. She contemplates for a split second whether or not to the hex them on the spot before she takes a brave step forward. The men don't move a muscle but they keep their beady eyes trained on her.

She's about to take another step and finally whip her wand out when someone clears their throat and it's neither of the two men standing in front of her.

"It's been a while, Jisoo."

It takes three seconds for Jisoo to place a name on the woman who had been standing behind her. Jisoo turned around to face her former colleague standing near the mailbox and the woman, Kang Seulgi, smiles at her. False sweet and teeth hidden no doubt like her true intentions as to why she was here. She looks at Jisoo with a glint of sentiment.

Personally, Jisoo thinks Seulgi's sentiments are misplaced at this time. "What do you want?" she didn't mean for her tone to come out icily, she'd like to blame the weather for that. Or maybe she did mean it. "I reckon you're not here for some tea and to chat. Not when you brought some lapdogs with you." She points unkindly to the two men behind her, whose faces harden at her last sentence.

"No," Seulgi's false smile gradually fades. She has her hands clasped against the front of her long coat, no wand in sight but Jisoo knows she can get it out in less than second if Jisoo did the same. "Perhaps some other day, you can invite me inside for tea but for today, I'm not here as a friend."

Somewhere in the depths of her being, Jisoo wants to tell Seulgi that she hasn't considered her as a friend for quite a while now but she holds back only because she doesn't want to spend another minute around ex-friends and Ministry lapdogs. She needs to cut this conversation short and Seulgi and her bodyguards need to leave immediately. Whatever they're here for, she's willing to fight her way out of it.

"I'm going to say this once: whatever it is, it's a no." Her voice is hard and firm. Jisoo points a steely gaze at Seulgi, hoping she'll get the message and just leave but the latter only sighs loudly.

Jisoo is almost surprised to see Seulgi mirror Jisoo's piercing glare when she takes a step closer towards her. "I wouldn't be here under official orders if it weren't urgent. I wouldn't come all the way here for you if it weren't important."

Jisoo glances at the men behind her back and wonders if she should just make a run for it but before she can formulate such an escape plan, Seulgi speaks again.

"It's Taehyung." Seulgi's eyes skim over Jisoo's features for a ripple of recognition or even just a mild change of expression. Many still believe he still has an effect on her, one of them being Seulgi apparently and the rest of the Ministry for that matter. But Jisoo's cold demeanour does not crumble at all so Seulgi presses further. "This is perhaps the most muggle-like town in the face of the Earth but I know you still read what's on the Daily Prophet. I know that you know what's going and what he's been doing. He's gone rouge."

"So?" Jisoo scoffs. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other and she can feel her wand move inside her sweater pocket. She's so tempted to get rid of them, she might even use a dark curse. "I'm not his mum or his babysitter."

Under the sleeve of her coat, Seulgi's hand forms a first before she unclenches them right away but Jisoo had seen it. It's clear Seulgi didn't think Jisoo had gotten so snarky in the past year. "No. You're an Auror."

"Was." She immediately corrects her. "I was one."

Seulgi takes another step forward until there's only half a meter of space between them. Her eyes look past Jisoo, to the two men behind her back for a split second, before they land back on Jisoo and there's an almost foreign emotion swimming inside her irises, something like regret but before Jisoo can linger on it, Seulgi blinks and it's instantly gone. "It took us three days to break through your protective charms and pinpoint your exact location. I didn't like it but I had to, because it was an order and because I know it was worth it."

Jisoo stubbornly looks straight into Seulgi's eyes, she was growing impatient already. A no is a no. "Don't make me say it again, Seulgi."

"And don't make me drag you back to the headquarters as per Jinyoung's original request." Seulgi smiles, but there's nothing warm or friendly about it. "But orders are orders, you of all people know that very well. Boys," she snaps her fingers twice.

"What – no! No!" Before Jisoo can even pull out her wand, her hands are being seized and pressed against her back and her world – snow and lined houses and the letters in her hand falling to the pavement – vanishes before her eyes.


hello everyone! most of you might be surprised i posted this again and i'm so sorry but i promise, this is the last time I'm reposting this because I finally finalized the flow and plot of this story! for the first few chapters, there aren't any major changes except for the character change of nayeon to seulgi. i also sort of changed the character lineup as you can see in the foreword and i added more elements to the plot in which you will read about once i post the rewritten chapters one and two! anyway, i hope you'll enjoy this story and if you can see, i have my crowdfund page activated! hooray <3 i've been wanting to activate it for months now but i just got around to doing it today so i'll hope you'll check that out because it would mean a lot to me <3

thanks for reading! 

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