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The darkness pressed in like a weighted blanket wrapped around one's neck; it was smothering and the silence only made it worse. The place suffocated the life out of anyone, even the tiniest bit of what was left of it for the singular prisoner held captive in the Ministry dungeons. But, in truth, the almost unbearable darkness and the foreboding silence was the least of the prisoner's concerns.

He was used to it by now, after siting idly by for days on end until he lost track of time and couldn't even pinpoint what day of the week it was.

He sat there in bated breath, waiting for the final blow; for the darkness to consume and swallow him whole, for the end that he had waited for so long to finally come.

How long had it been since the near-escape? Since Nayeon had so impulsively and stupidly carried out an order from the Dark Lord without an preparations of any sort? If Nayeon weren't dead, then it would have been better if she was. Death would be the less painful option than suffering for an eternity under the thumb of the Dark Lord.

(Eternity... or what's left of the remaining days of the war if the Aurors would get their shit together.)

Taehyung would know because he's lived through it once and never again will he succumb to such torment. The things he had experienced while under the cruelty of Voldemort is something he wouldn't wish even on his worst enemy.

The jet-black walls of the dungeon was cool to the touch but moist, sticky even, and it smelled like piss and sewage water in here. Regardless, he leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, conjuring her face from the back of his mind as how he often would whenever he had the opportunity to spend a moment of peace and recluse.

He used to picture her smiling at him, because somehow it would ease the guilt and the heaviness that settled in his chest. There were times he felt that it was sort of selfish of him to think of her like that, for her to be smiling so brightly at him when he ruined her. But he can't help it, her face had always brought him comfort and calm, even it was fictional. A fictional image of her that existed only in his mind.

But after having seen her in the past week, almost always in battle and with her wand aimed at his face, all he can see now is her frown of disappointment permanently etched onto her features whenever she saw him.

Taehyung opened his eyes and heaved a sigh, loud enough that it filled his cell but low enough that the remaining guards in the dungeon couldn't hear it over the incoming footsteps echoing from the staircase.

In the shadows, Taehyung sat on the ground, quietly assessing the situation of the frantic-looking Aurors that had just descended. He shamelessly started eavesdropping on their conversation as he watched them with narrowed eyes.

"She's not here," came a familiar voice from one of the Aurors that Taehyung frequently encountered before, usually when he was in an Imperiused state.

She looks at his figure sitting from behind bars, eyes scanning over his obscured face before turning back to the others with pursed lips. "Jisoo's not here."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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