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Something had truly changed starting from that day in Hogsmeade. Jisoo feels a bounce in her step every time she walks the halls, Bona keeps teasing her about how bright her smile has been lately and nudges her whenever they see Taehyung around the castle. She can't explain it in words or even ponder on it through her thoughts but she can feel it in her bones; an inexplicable feeling that continues to pull her towards Taehyung more and more.

When she comes down from the high a few days later, that's when Yuta comes barreling straight towards her one noon while she was walking to the Great Hall with Bona beside her for lunch.

He was winded, exhausted from the running, he was pointing to the west while mumbling something. Jisoo could only manage to comprehend the words 'fight', 'courtyard', 'bad', 'Taehyung', but it was enough to send her running towards the direction Yuta was pointing to.

Bona is right behind her, she's saying something but the loud thrumming of her own heart drowns out her friend's words. She's scared of what she might find in the courtyard only to see a group of students gathered in a thick circle right in the center. There are no professors in sight and there are no prefects as well except for Jisoo and Yuta.

"Come on," Yuta breathes heavily beside her, pulling her forward with him by the arm. "I tried to pull them apart, but they just sent a curse my way. You're the first prefect I saw when I ran for help."

"A curse?" Jisoo said, sounding stunned and confused at the same time like she had yet to register what was happening.

Yuta hadn't heard her. He elbows their way past the other students, breaking up and dispersing the crowd as he did. "Shoo, you lot!" He yelled at them.

When he lets go of Jisoo, she finds herself in the very middle of the gathered crowd along with Taehyung who has his wand pointed straight at another Slytherin boy's face.

The said Slytherin boy was glaring up at Taehyung, blood running down his nose.

Taehyung draws his arm back, prepared to cast another spell, but Jisoo flings herself towards him before he can do or say anything else.

"Stop it!" Jisoo shouts and Taehyung's wand clatters to the ground as she keeps his arms pinned to his sides, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as if she were hugging him. But really, it was meant to restrain and calm him down. "Stop it," she says again in a much softer voice, one that only he can hear. "Please. Don't."

Jisoo looks up at his face and she's surprised to see that he's angry. It takes her a few seconds to realize this anger is not necessarily directed at her, but more likely at the other Slytherin boy who Yuta was now helping up. She's never seen him angry before, this is the first time she's seen him like this. He looks genuinely pissed.

"Taehyung," there's a bit of worry and fear laced around his name as she says it.

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