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Jisoo couldn't think straight. Her thoughts were racing around her mind and she was unable to organize them in a cohesive manner that would benefit her in her continued hunt for Kim Taehyung. She stumbled as she landed on the front yard of her own house, knees and palms dropping to the ground as her strength slowly slipped away just like her focus. She tried to shake off some of thoughts that were crowding her head.

Seulgi had informed Jisoo that Taehyung was spotted at the edge of the country, just by the borders, which must mean he was leaving again. But as she recalled, he never left the country for too long so she needed to hatch a plan quickly. Just the thought of confronting him again gave her hope that she could still avenge her family but at the same time, she felt fear because she has a sickening feeling that Taehyung won't be as forgiving this time either.

Jisoo grunted as she stood up and walked briskly towards her front door. She placed her hand on the doorknob and it made a click sound as it turned. She froze and felt her own eyes widen.

The door was unlocked.

Jisoo drew her wand out from the inner pocket of her coat and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember when was the last time she ever left her house unlocked. The last time was never.

After a seconds of hesitation, she managed to muster up all her courage and strength before kicking the door wide open, a spell already on the tip of her tongue and ready to be casted.

There was movement in front of her, a little to the right and she wasted no time in opening her mouth and bellowing, "Sectumsempra!"

"Protego Maxima!"

The light from the colliding spells revealed the intruder's identity and Jisoo managed to dodge his protection spell as she lowered her arm and retreated back her curse. She saw his dark brown hair before she saw his all-too familiar face. "Johnny? What are you doing here?" She sounded like she was in a daze, like a stunning spell had hit her. She hadn't heard from him for over 48 hours and thought he ditched her and their deal. "How - how did you even get in?!"

Johnny lowered his arm and blew a hair strand away from his face. "Your protection spells are a pain in the ass," he said to her in greeting and at the same time, as an answer to one of her questions. "But glad to know you're still alive and in one piece then. I was beginning to think you weren't as invincible to Taehyung as you seemed to be."

Jisoo marched forward, passing him as she went up the flight of stairs. Johnny followed closely behind her. "Why are you here?" She repeated. She didn't bother asking how he figured out her address at this muggle town, he probably went through her files again.

"I know where Taehyung is," he told her right away. By the tone of his voice, she could tell that he too realized just how quickly they needed to move. This could be their last chance at finally capturing the dangerous Death Eater. "We have to get going now. The portkey my comrade fashioned will set off in 20 minutes."

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