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Taehyung has a choice to make, and he is reminded of it all the time. Reminders used to be in the form of his friends or in the way Jimin gives him disapproving looks or in the letters his parents send him twice a week now. But somehow, in the months that follow, Taehyung sees the reminder in the person he loves the most.

But he will still put off having to decide for as long as he can just to live another day where he's at the receiving end of Jisoo's heart-shaped smiles and adoring eyes. She looks at him without the knowledge of the darkness nestled inside of him.

And he loves her for it, he loves her with reckless abandon, and he knows it's not going to end well if he keeps ignoring the war that is threatening to spill through the cracks of the castle walls, ignoring the warning inked on the letters in his mother's handwriting.

But he'll also give anything just to be with her for a few more days where the sun shines brightly down at them, and her mouth is on his for hours on end. No, he won't settle on a few more days. He'll give anything to spend his entire life with her, in a world of their own making where he can kiss her all he wants without worrying about what happens tomorrow to the two of them.

Taehyung goes through the motion of school, a concept so out of reach from him now that he knows what the adults are planning and what they're trying to get him and his friends into. But he still does it because Jisoo is with him. He draws his strength from her, and she gives him a reason to fight back and stand for what he believes in. And what he believes in is her, him and them together. He almost forgets about what awaits him in the future, and it's all thanks to her, and she doesn't even realize that she's saving him because he doesn't have the heart to tell her, to confess all of his sins because he's scared.

He's scared that if he tells her the truth, she will run away and leave him and then he will have no choice but to burn the entire world down, as what is expected of him and his friends and their parents. All in the name of blind loyalty and under the orders of a power-hungry monster.

He doesn't tell her because Jisoo is too good to be true, she is too good to be his. And yet, she only has eyes for him and her best smile is reserved for moments when it's just the two of them with nobody else watching and her kisses are always so soft and tender. He is hers as much as she is his. She's the only good thing in his life and he cannot bear to ruin that by telling her the truth. She is too good.

But all good things must come to an end.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

It feels more like a dream and less of a reality she is currently living in. The whole ceremony is blurry in her mind now, she doesn't even remember when they had crossed the Great Lake in small boats, leaving Hogwarts the way they came when they were first years. It all happened so quickly, she's barely able to absorb anything that's happening.

She relishes the feeling of her parents hugging her, both of them whispering different words with the same meaning. "We're so proud of you," they say with their lips touching the top of her head. She feels their sincerity and she hugs them tighter for it.

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