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"Hey, Lewis,"

He poked his head through the door and smiled, followed by Calum.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lewis asked me for a consult," he winked, "How are you feeling?"

"I am leaving, so I guess I am fine,"

"Did they get mad at you?"

"They sedated me,"

"How is that allowed?" Lewis said, helping me out of bed.

"She wasn't breathing from anxiety,"


"Dr Hood, Dr Boyles, is there a reason you're talking to my patient?"

"Come on, Ash,"

"Dr Irwin,"

Calum's mouth twisted into a frown, and he planted a small kiss on my head before leaving. Lewis quickly scurried out, almost bumping into Luke who was on his way in.

"Do you have to be a dick?" I asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked to see the scans. Aren't you glad I got shown instead of me walking round hospital at night, breaking into your office and potentially collapsing because I couldn't breathe, or my stomach hurt so much?"

"It wasn't their responsibility,"

"They did you a favour, it's so immature to unfriend someone over this,"

He ignored me, checking my vitals, so I pushed him away and stood up.

"Stop it,"


"If you don't forgive them then I refuse to come home,"

"Damn, they made a good impression then,"

"I am serious,"

"Fine," he said, wrapped his arms around me, "I am sorry about yesterday,"

"Thank you,"

"Are you excited to go home?"


Kaykay walked back into the room and smiled, picking up my bags. I slide on my shoes and then Ashton helped me into the wheelchair, leading us out of the hospital.

Both of them had the day off to look after me at home, so they both ended up getting in the car with me in the back.

They put the radio on and I watched out the window, pulling a blanket over me for the short journey.

"Do you want to go to bed, or chill in the living room for a bit?"

"The garden,"

"It's getting cold,"

"She can take a coat," Kaykay said, "Fresh air will do you good,"

I walked into the house and put on a coat, then let Kaykay take my weight and lead me into the garden. We sat on their sofa and I curled into her side; I enjoyed it here. This was becoming home.

"Home sweet home,"

"I want to stay here, I don't wanna go back to hospital,"

"I know,"

"I can't do this. What if I refuse treatment?"

"Then you would be in pain, and never have the chance to explore,"

"But I am in pain now," I whimpered, my eyes watering, "I can't be in more pain,"

"You can do this, I promise,"

"The fresh air, the sun, this is what I am meant to feel everyday. Not sterile air and bright lights. I wanna feel normal,"

"And you will if you comply,"

She kissed my head and I shut my eyes, resting on her shoulder. My body felt sore and weak in a way I'd not experiences before, and it was horrible.

Despite loving the fresh air, I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed.

"It's time to eat, I believe. We had better get inside,"

"I might try some food,"

"That would be good, but don't feel pressured. Your stomach might disagree and you'll get upset,"

"How will I ever eat again?"


Ashton smiled at us from the kitchen and gestured me towards the hanging chair they had, carrying the feeding equipment with him.

Once I was sat, he gently placed a kiss on my head and brushed my cheek, smiling. He knew it was hard for me, and any grudges held were dropped.

"What's on the menu today?"

"Lots of fibre,"


"Mhm. Online school is all set up for you to begin tomorrow, how does that sound?"


"I'm sorry," he sighed, "Are you feeling okay?"


Kaykay put a blanket on my lap and then said she had to take a call, so it was just me and Ashton. I didn't really feel like talking whilst being fed, so I let him carry the conversation.

"I think you and Kaykay are gonna have similarities that get shown whilst you live here. Both of you seem similar. I'm still trying to figure out if there is a title you should have, something like niece, but it's all very complicated and I'm not sure if thats a good idea. All I want is for you to feel welcome, but we have to take parental roles, which I know sucks,"

"Not niece,"

"Fair enough. I know we are brother and sister in law but it feels wrong for you to call your sister's husband you brother. I don't want to be called a brother,"

"That's okay. I don't need a label to feel comfortable,"

"You know you can come to me about anything, right? Absolutely anything,"


"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged and he finished off the feeding, brushing my hair out of my face.

"When does it fall out?"

"It could start next week onwards, but don't worry. We can find you a wig, or some nice hats, and you will still be beyond beautiful,"

"I won't be going out anyway," I sighed, "My stomach hurts,"

"I suggest you lay on the sofa, we can watch a film,"

He carried me over and I sat on the sofa with my legs up, Kaykay coming back downstairs and sitting beside me. Being in her hold was my new favourite thing, and I was beginning to enjoy having physical contact with humans again. It had been a while.

Ash came and put a hot waterbottle on my lower torso, then sat beside Kaykay and began to work on his laptop.

Holding a grudge against the pair of them was no fun, and a lot of mental effort. They were the best I had. Both of them dropped everything to take care of me, something Ashton especially didn't have to do.

Even if I had held the grudge, I needed them. I was only going to get sicker before I got better.

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