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"She's asleep," Ashton said, heading downstairs and into the kitchen.


"She was freaking out, I had to carry her, and lay with her in bed. It's okay though,"

I nodded, even though he couldn't see, and tucked my knees up on the sofa.

"You know, you and her are quite similar- hey, what's up?"


"Kay," he said, putting two hot chocolate mugs down, "What's up?"

"Just... everything,"



I broke into tears and put my head on his chest which was already dampened. Lovingly, he planted small kisses on my head and played with my hair, comforting me.

He repeated calming phrases over and over, until I stopped crying, and looked up at him. With his thumbs, he wiped my tears and then sat in the same position at me.

"She's gonna be okay, right?"

"Yes. As long as it shrinks, and they do their surgery successfully, she will be okay. It will be hard on her though, and hard on you, but if things go to plan,"-

"They never do, Ash. They never,"

"I have a ward of happy, healing cancer patients. She has a bloody good shot,"


"I know there's something else up. You called your mum and dad on the phone, that's big,"

"I have seen them in person. I have spoken in person,"

"It's still big, and I am really proud of you,"

"Thankyou," I sighed, "They frustrate me so much. I asked for help with the costs and they said they couldn't afford it, which they can. All they said to her was get well soon. Her own mother can't even see why coming over would be good, because it's our fault she is sick,"

"It's not,"

"I know! I hate them so much,"

"I am so proud of you," he hushed, holding me back in his arms, "Of how you left, and studied, and worked your way up to the top. I am so proud,"

"I love you, so much,"

"This is a tough time for you as much as it is for her. If you need to talk to a professional then that is valid,"

"They've just had a go at me for taking her,"

"Being here will be the best thing that could've happened. She would've died without it,"

I nodded and wiped my tears, kissing him. There was a lot in my life that I never used to talk about. I didn't know how, and I didn't get why things had happened. It was confusing for me, but Ash was persistent, and patient.

He passed me a mug of hot chocolate then put the tv on and wrapped a blanket around us.

"Luke and Sierra are confident,"

"Can I see the scans?"

"You need to be there as her sister, and not as a doctor,"

"I wanna see them,"

"My patient, my files. It's for your own good,"

"Are you lying about how far it has spread?"

"We haven't said how far it spread,"

"Show me the charts tomorrow,"


"I will find them myself,"

"You cannot,"

"Ashton, she is my sister. As her legal guardian I demand to see,"

"Fine. But you are going to panic and stress, which you don't need to,"

"Well that makes me panic and stress,"

"You don't need to,"

"I can't lose her now, not after waiting 13 years. If we had done this sooner,"- "You were healing. You were living your own life. That is okay",

"I can't lose her Ash,"

"You aren't going to. Believe me, okay?"


"Just trust me,"

Quietly, I sat in his arms whilst watching the tv, sipping my hot chocolate until it was gone. Then, we got ready for bed and I cuddled with him, struggling to relax.

He stayed awake with me though, until I finally fell asleep in his arms.

Today it was our pagers who woke us up, not our alarms, and we rushed to get in our scrubs. Gently, I woke Izz up and found her some clothes, then went downstairs and put my shoes on.

"We gotta go Izz!"

"I can't,"

"Yes you can,"

"My tummy hurts,"

"Start the car, I'll get her," Ash said, throwing me the keys. I went outside and got in the car, grabbing a breakfast bar from our stash while I waited.

He came back out the door with her in his arms and then put her in the back seat, pulling a blanket over her. Then, he locked the door and sat in the back with her, rubbing her tummy.

I knew we weren't her parents but damn did it make me want to have a baby with him.

"I wanna sleep,"

"You can at the office,"

"Why are we up so rushed and early?"

"We have a page,"

"I thought life with you was relaxing?"

"Well we didn't expect this situation, and if you don't wanna be home alone then this is the deal,"

"Okay," she sniffed, wiping her tears, "My tummy hurts,"

I parked the car at the hospital and we got out, Ash putting Isabelle down as we got in the hospital.

"The Irwins are here," Crystal said, "Sorry for paging you Ash, but theres several paediatric traumas and not enough surgeons,"

"Lets get you to my office,"

"You need to scrub in now, me too,"

"Don't go," Izz said, lunging towards me, "Don't go,"

"Hey, it'll be okay,"


"You must be Isabelle. I'm Crystal, and I really need your sister to come and save a life!"

"No," she sobbed, clinging onto me, "Stay,"

"I know you're tired princess, but I have to go,"

"Where is the office?"

"I'll page Michael to come and get you, you can talk about brains,"

"We have to go," Crystal said, "Now,"

"Okay," I said, "I'll be two seconds,"

While they ran off, I kissed Isabelle's head and headed through the shortcut to Ashton's office. Isabelle's file was slap bang in the middle of his desk. Hastily, I slid out the scans and held them up, covering my mouth.

This couldn't be true.

Ashton had said it was progressing towards, not already there.

She was lit up all the way up to beneath her lungs.

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