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"Dr Blaisdell, you need to call it,"

"Time of death, 12:03,"

"Shall we close up?"

"Yep," I said quietly, taking my gloves off, "I will... tell the family,"

I scrubbed out and walked through the hospital like a robot, finding out the family from the nurses.

They were just a kid.

"Are you Laurence Idell's parents?"


"I'm Dr Blaisdell, the surgeon,"- "Oh gosh. Is he okay? What happened? Can we see him?"

"It was a car accident. He suffered internal bleeding, and multiple traumas... we did everything we could. I am so sorry, but he didn't make it,"

"Who was driving?"

"We still don't know... I have been in surgery for five hours with him so I-I do not know. They're closing him up but we need to know if he can be an organ donor,"

"We have to decide now?"

"Soon. Mr and Mrs Idell, I am so sorry,"

"Where will they go? His organs,"

"Millions of people across the country are in need. He could save multiple lives, but I will let you think,"- "Donate them. He was a good kid, you know? He didn't do all those drugs and he never snook out. Not until tonight, anyway,"

"I will get someone to come and talk you through it. I am sorry for your loss,"

They shook my hand and I left, heading straight to an on call room. As I was slamming the door on the way in, Crystal pushed it back open and slid inside.

She sat beside me on the bed and put her arms around me, sighing.

"They died,"

"I heard,"

"What if that happens with Izz?"

"It won't,"

"It's almost in her lungs. I saw the scans,"


"I can't have that happen to her,"

"Luke and Sierra are incredible surgeons,"

"I am supposed to be,"

"I know... I know. I lost my patient too,"

"Who was it?"

"Another boy, I think the kid who was driving. Why don't we go and see Isabelle to assure you she is safe?"

I nodded and she stood, hugging me when I did too. Then, we headed to Ashton's office, but found it to be empty.

"Room 238," he said, sliding past us, "She is not feeling too good so could really do with your company,"

"Ash, I've gotta work still,"

"I think that perhaps you need to take time off,"

"I can't,"

He kissed me on the way out of the office and I sighed, Crystal leading me up to Isabelle's room. When we got there, she looked up and stuck her lip out, curling into my chest when I laid beside her.

As I hugged her, Crystal tucked her in and grabbed an elastic, braiding her damp hair back. Then, she rubbed her back and kept me company which I appreciated.

"I have to have chemo tomorrow,"

"Yeah, that's what is best,"

"I can feel myself getting really sick, really fast,"

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