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"She is going into surgery now," Luke said.

It had been a couple of days and she was doing well, so they wanted to continue the surgery.


"She is gonna be in pain when she wakes up, she's basically had her insides chopped up at this point. I want to keep visiting short, pump her up with painkillers and sleeping meds, and make sure she has someone with her at all times for company,"

"There's a small problem,"


"My mum and dad are landing in a couple of hours and they wanna see her,"

"I can tell you she is not gonna be in the mood," he chuckled, "However, this surgery should be good. It means she can breathe. We will do a scan and see,"


"It's my job, go and busy yourself,"

I headed up to the main paediatrics ward and observed a few interns and residents, then decided to pick a couple and take them into the skills lab.

Operating on kids was different. Everything was smaller, even tiny, so I showed them the best way to do certain sutures. Teaching other people the skills, especially the first years, made me excited. They got all excited too.

I could sense hesitation at first, whether that was due to me being emotional, or me being the head, but we all eventually relaxed. There were some promising interns.

"Kaykay, you need to set off,"

"Dr Irwin,"

He chuckled and peered over to look at everyone's work, giving them all nods of approval.

"You're coming with me, I can't drive right now," I said.

"Do you not think you need some time alone with them?"

"I've managed for 8 years. Great job everyone, if anyone wants to watch a surgery, Dr Hemmings and Dr Hood are currently chopping my sister up,"

They scrambled out as the eager interns they were, so Ash and I headed out to pick up my parents. My hands sweat on the way, and I tried really hard to focus on my breathing, but I wanted to bail out by the time we got to the airport.

Gently, he took my hand and kissed my head, looking at me.

"Sorry you have seen me so emotional,"


"There's just so many emotions attached to them. Don't let me punch them in the face,"

He chuckled, and wiped my tears, nodding. We went to kiss but were interrupted by my phone ringing, Ash putting it on speaker.

"Kaykay, are you here?"

"Yeah, we are about to come inside. Where abouts are you?"

"Near the entrance,"

"Okay, we will be there in a second,"

We got out he car and walked hand in hand to the airport, spotting mum and dad with their bags. I forced a smile and went over, Ash shaking dad's hand.

"This is Ashton,"

"He's not your type," mum sniggered, "Does he always look like this or has it been a tough day?"

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