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"So this is why mum made me take a photo without smiling," I said, studying my passport once we were out of security, "This is not a good look,"

"Mine isn't either,"

"You still look pretty, that's not fair,"

"Izz, you are beautiful,"

I shrugged and looked around the airport, surprised to see so many shops and restaurants. This is not what I expected.

"I need the toilet,"

"Okay, go on then,"

Once I had peed, we wandered round the restaurants to read the menus, then picked one and got a table. There was plenty of time before our flight, which was then only a couple of hours long. Kaykay was right, we would be there by the night.

"What do you fancy? I might have the chicken burger,"

"Maybe the mac n cheese,"

"Sounds good. Ash will cook us a nice homemade meal tonight,"

"I just want a sandwich,"

"Okay, he can make a sandwich,"

"Don't expect me to spend all day with you two,"

"Sure, but we are also using some of our very limited holiday to get to know you,"

"You keep acting like a victim, a little bit. I never made you use your limited holiday," I mumbled, "Like I am a problem,"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that,"

"Okay, but you did,"

"All I wanted to do was emphasise how much getting to know you means to me,"

We ordered our food and she took my hand across the table, gently squeezing it. I think she thought restaurants were maybe a hard place for me, and that food was difficult. I mean, both could be true, but not for the reasons she thought.

At least I had her support though, I had appreciated that immensely. It was a nice change.

Our food came and she tucked into it, watching as I cooled mine down and took small bites.

"Is it me? Do you need to eat alone?"


"Is that why you're struggling to eat?"

"I'm not struggling, I have a small appetite,"

"You can talk to me if anything is up, you know? As your older sister,"

"I know,"

"Even the hard stuff,"

"I know. I don't want to lose weight, Kaykay. I'd love to eat this whole bowl, but I get full, okay? Like a normal person gets full,"

"You get full quickly,"


"Nothing," she smiled, "Eat as much as you can, okay?"


My stomach still hurt which put me off even more, but I managed about half the bowl and called it a day. She ordered a cake for us to share, though she ate most of it, then we grabbed out carry on bags and headed down to our gate.

I went to the toilet, then she did too, then I went again. Either my drink had gone straight through me, or I was nervous for the flight. Perhaps both.

"It's only a short flight,"


"You'll be okay," she said, wrapping her arm round me, "You can sleep if you want,"

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