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Hospitals were boring and weird.

They were supposed to feel safe, and your own room was meant to be private and a place to rest.  It didn't feel that way to me.

And being awake in an operating theatre to get a picc line was weird too. Eerie.

"Good job! Is your arm all numb still?"


"It'll wear off soon, be careful with these tubes okay? One is for taking out and one is for putting in, we can tape them down,"


"No problem sweetheart! You did very well,"

I sat up and then got off the table, sitting on the wheelchair which she rolled me out the room in. I ripped off the stupid cap I had on and sighed, looking round.

This might be my home for the time being which sucked. I was supposed to see the world now I was with Kaykay.

We arrived back to my room and Kaykay stood, automatically helping me stand so that I could change. She slipped some joggers on, and a sweatshirt, then Ashton came and unhooked me from everything.

Softly, he kissed the top of my head and hugged me, then promised to be home for tea.

"How about we pick up a nice sandwich from the deli?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Scared, still. I guess this means I don't have to worry about needles,"

"Exactly, you will be okay!"

"I am gonna lose my hair, and get sick. I wanted to explore,"

"When you are strong enough then we can,"


"Not now," she whispered, kissing my head, "I am sorry,"

I choked out a sob and she held my head to her chest, planting small kisses on it. Her heart was beating super fast which didn't calm me at all, so I pulled away and wiped my eyes, sniffing.

"Shall we get you out of here?"


At the front desk she signed discharge papers and then we found Ashton's car; I assumed he was getting a ride home.

It was nice to be out of the bed, and sat in a familiar space now.

"I know this is hard to process... it is a shock for me because I didn't know you were in pain, but I could sense something was up. I still think you're so brave,"

"Ashton's not gonna let me die, right?"

"You won't die,"

"Ashton said he can't make promises,"

"Well I can,"

She started the car and pulled out if the car park, heading into the city. It was way larger than home, and looked so much more expensive and classy.

I couldn't help but gawk as we drove through, watching people walk past with their friends and family.

I'd probably not get to do that for a while.

"How long will I be sick for?"

"I'm not sure baby,"


"At least a few months of treatments, then you will still feel a little bit sick. We will fight it though, together,"

"Not really,"

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