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I woke with a start and immediately started to choke, clutching my chest.

"Hey, Isabelle. It's Lewis, do you remember me? Don't try to talk. This is going to feel a bit funny but I am going to take this tube out of your throat now,"

I looked at him and grabbed his wrist, my eyes tearing up.

"Let go," he said calmly, "You are going to be okay. We are in the x-ray, I know this is all really scary. It's gonna feel weird in a second okay?"

He took it out and I gasped, clutching his arm.

"I know, it's over now,"

While he listened to my chest, I wiped my tears and grabbed his coat again, bursting into sobs.

"Let's get you out of here," he said, moving the bed, "Keep taking deep breaths,"

"What happened?"

"You couldn't breathe so I intubated you. Do you remember anything?"


"Well that's okay,"

I coughed again and reached up for him, feeling him take my hand.

"I am still here, but you've gotta let me move you,"

"Hop on, we'll take it," a couple of nurses said, "What room?"


He stood on the edge of the bed and held my hands, rubbing small circles on the back of them. Once we went up in the lift and got to my room, he moved the back up so that I wasn't choking on my own tears, and wiped my cheeks.

"I think that Ashton and Kaykay are currently looking at the x-rays,"


"I am. What's making you so upset munchkin?" he said, grabbing more tissue, "Hey? It's okay,"

"I'm scared,"

"You've said that quite a lot, I've heard. I wish we could make you more comfortable,"

"It's stupid. I wanna be a surgeon and I can't be a patient," I sniffed, "It's stupid,"

"You've been through a lot,"

"Did the man die earlier? The one in Calum's surgery,"

"Erm... yeah. But not every surgery goes that way. I am gonna page your sister,"

"Thank you, Lewis,"

"If you need anything then ask for me," he smiled, "I'm a cool doctor,"

"Will you get me into surgeries?"

"I will get you chocolate ice cream and a special movie,"

"I'd prefer to watch a brain surgery,"

"I know you would, but if you watch them all now, they won't be as exciting as an intern,"

The door swung open and Kaykay breathed a sigh of relief, engulfing me in a hug. I clung onto her and she kissed my head, rubbing my back.

"You scared me,"

"I didn't choose not to breathe,"

"I know,"

"Why did I stop breathing?"

"Do not think about that,"

"Is it in my lungs?"

"No, baby,"

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