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I rubbed my eyes and let out a groan, barely being able to move or open my eyes. Everything felt heavy and fuzzy, and my mouth hurt like a bitch.

My memory was a bit hazy, but I remembered Calum, and I remembered surgery.

My insides had officially been chopped up to the limits.

"Isabelle, are you awake?"


"Can you open your eyes angel?"

"Where is Kaykay?"

"She can't be here right now, but Ash is here. He's gonna talk to you,"

I opened my eyes and looked at Calum, who gave me a smile.

"It went well princess, you will recover quickly I think. Ash will assess the situation on Tuesday and decide whether to risk the chemo or not. You might have to wait another week,"

"But then it will spread more,"

"We have good control over it now," Ashton said, sitting beside me, "I am comfortable waiting that extra week, and you can still go and sit with Aimee and Iza,"

"I want Kaykay,"

He looked at Cal, then they both nodded and he left the room, leaving just me and Ashton. I felt him take my hand and looked at him, his eyes glossy.

"Kay has gone into surgery. She will be okay, but she got into a car crash and suffered some burns which they are tending to,"

"I knew something was wrong,"

"There's been other effects of the crash, but that is for her to tell you. All I know is that she is gonna be upset, and confused, maybe for a while. Maybe for a few days,"


"But I am gonna look after you both! She should be back on her feet in a few days, so should you,"

"So she's gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. I don't know if she will want visitors, she will be emotional and hurting,"

"She will wanna see me,"

"Okay," he said, "You both need rest right now though,"



"Don't get mad at Calum,"

"I am not, he did the right thing. It was me in the wrong,"



"You promise she is okay?"

"She will be. What if I went to get an update on her?"

"Yes please,"

"Okay. If you go back to sleep I am sure I will come back with good news,"

He kissed my head and I shut my eyes, feeling him let go of my hand. My window was open so a nice breeze swept through, but as I was drifting off to sleep, Calum came to check my vitals.

I didn't fuss, but it disturbed me. However he did stay with me and tuck me in to help me sleep.

Calum had risked his friendship for me, twice. I didn't understand. I wasn't special, there was no reason for me to be special to them, not even Kaykay. She had left me and didn't know who I was as a person.

Yet they were all patient, and kind, and treated me like I was worth something.

All of their lives had been disrupted by me, I felt.

"You're not asleep, are you?"


"Wanna watch a movie?"

"I feel nauseous,"

"Okay. I can give you some medicine for that,"

"I wanna go home," I whispered, "With Ashton, and Kaykay, to their home,"

"Next weekend, maybe,"

"I am tired of this place, Calum. I can't be in this bed any longer, I feel like I am part of it,"

"We will get you up and moving soon,"

He wiped my tears and hooked something up to me, sympathetically patting my shoulder.

"I'll see you soon, okay?"

"O-o... okay,"


"Sweet angel, it's time to wake up,"

"Go away,"

"Mini Blaisdell, get your ass up,"

I looked up at Michael and he chuckled, making me laugh a little.

"Your sister is begging to see you,"

"I knew it,"

"Do you think you can get in a wheelchair?"

Slowly, I sat up and he helped me off the bed, into the chair. I reached out and he hugged me, then kissed my head and slid my beanie on.

I probably wasn't supposed to be moving yet, but I could sense a little bit of emergency.

We wheeled across the ward and into her room, where she sat distraught and in tears. Bandages covered her whole body, so did cuts, and rashes.

"Isabelle, you're okay,"

"Are you?"

She looked at Michael and he walked out, then she shook her head and started to cry even more.

"Some car pulled out when they shouldn't have and I swerved into a tree. I couldn't get to my phone, they bolted the scene, it took ages to find the car,"

"How did you get burnt?"

"Fire. I was unconscious for most of it,"

"Both of us were in surgery at the same time,"

"Yeah," she sniffed, "Mine wasn't just for my burns,"

"Something else happened?"

"I had,"

Her lip trembled rapidly, and her hands were shaking, then she avoided my eye contact and shook her head.

"The crash made me have a miscarriage, and they surgically helped it pass. I lost our baby and now I can't even look at Ash because I think I have broken him,"

"I don't think you have broken him. He came and saw me, and he seems to be handling it okay," I said quietly, "I am sorry, Kay,"

"I wasn't that far along, only a few weeks I think. Still,"

"Did you know you were pregnant?"


"It's not your fault,"

"I know," she whispered, wiping her tears, "But I still feel guilty,"

"Ashton will understand,"

"I've wanted a family so badly, you know?"

"You can start another one. You can have another baby,"

"Yeah it's just, it's not that easy. Anyway, how are you? I am sorry I couldn't be there after surgery,"

"Don't be sorry,"

"I am,"

"I am okay. Calum said it went well,"

"How much pain are you in?"

"Kaykay, I am okay," I said, even though I did feel sick, "Both of us are gonna get looked after by Ashton,"

"You definitely think he will be okay?"

"Well I am sure he will be upset, like you, but both of you will be okay. He understands, it's what he does best,"

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