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"Good morning, I'm Luke,"

"Luke is the best," Ashton said, "And Sierra,"

"Shit, I forgot you were friends with Sierra. I wouldn't have let her... yanno,"

"She doesn't care, can you keep still for us princess?"

I laid in a huge metal machine, the bed slowly moving backwards. All of this, I was sure it was just precautionary. Everyone was being dramatic. I just had tummy ache.

I was alone, all of them speaking through to me by a microphone, so I just shut my eyes and stayed still. Everything was fine.

About half an hour later, Luke came and got me back into a wheelchair, then we headed back to my room and I had to lay back in bed.

"I am fine,"

"You are not fine. How is your pain on a scale of one to ten?"


"How about now?" he said, pressing my stomach.

"You bitch!"


"Only cos you put all your weight on,"

"Isabelle,"- "Izz,"

"Izz, I barely applied any pressure. A nurse will come and put an IV in with painkillers while we figure out what's up,"

"I wanna go home. Kaykay, tell them, tell them to let me go,"

"I can't," she said, "I can't, but I will stay with you,"

"I am going,"

I climbed out of bed and doubled over, pain searing through my stomach. Carefully, Luke lifted me back onto the bed and tucked me in, pulling up the side bars.

Rapidly, tears began to form in my eye, and he poked a needle in my arm himself instead of asking a nurse. Soon, liquids were being pumped into me.

"I am gonna... I am gonna clock in," Ashton said, "Look over everything, and let you two have some time alone,"

"Ash, we have this under control. Stay with your family,"

"We aren't family," I said sharply, "Let him work. He is supposed to be the expert, he will tell you nothing is wrong, and then I can go home and get mum and dad to take me back,"

"Isabelle," Kaykay said, a strain in her voice, "Please,"

"No! Stop it! Just stop it! I just have a stomach ache,"

"For months?"

"I want mum and dad,"

"They don't want you," she snapped, "We do. I risked so much to get you over here, and we are gonna stay by your side,"

"You're scaring me. You're all scaring me,"

"Izz, I am going to get Sierra, Ash can come if you want to spend time alone with Kaykay. We are gonna look through all the results, and decide whether we need to do more tests, or can diagnose you. If you can give us any other details it would really help,"

"Like what?"

"Any symptoms,"

"Well... I had to pee a lot," I sniffed, "And I got full really quickly, and I was super tired. The stomach pains only just began,  but I have constantly been bloated or swollen. I already told Sierra,"


Kaykay climbed onto my bed with me and hugged me, kissing my cheek. She wiped her tears and I burst into my own.

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