Chapter 2

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"Oh my god, please tell me you didn't." Sofia frowns as Jason storms into the dorm, his green eyes wide as he stares at her, his previous blue eye faded almost completely, except for a slight green tint, and the big bruise he had on his jaw was completely gone. "Excuse me?" She asks, looking at his reflection in her mirror while she continues to curl her short hair. "Everyone is talking about the hot girl that smacked Dimitry fucking Steele, please tell me that wasn't you!" He exclaims with wide eyes as he stares at the small girl who he has known for almost 10 years. "Owen's brother?" She asks and he nods, falling onto her small bed, across from Hailey's. "It was you, god of course it was you, no one else would be insane enough. Why Sof? Honestly, I knew you were up to something yesterday, but I didn't know you were going to do this. You know they are going to kill me, now right? You just smacked the king of all jocks, I am basically dead meat walking, I should call my mother, say my goodbyes." "Jesus Jason, calm down. He said okay after I told him to leave you alone, and by the way it wasn't on purpose, I thought that was Owen, Hailey only told me differently on the way home." "Sofia, he is like a god at this school, starting quarterback his freshman year, president of that fucking frat house, you just signed my death certificate." "Oh, hush. Don't be so dramatic. I'll protect you." Sofia grins, turning on the small vanity chair to send her friend a wink, Jason was laying on his back, his long legs dangling off the end of her bed as he kept his eyes covered with his hands. The room was split in two, with Hailey and Sofia's sides clearly distinguishable. Hailey had everything in her three favourite colours. Rose gold, white and grey, from her bedding to the laptop resting on the small desk against the wall. Everything was neat, and matched to a T, while the other side of the room looked like a rainbow exploded. Nothing, matched. Sofia had a bright blue bedspread, with one green and one orange pillow. Each of the four pencil holders on her desk was a different colour, and she had bright posters against the wall, with her side of the built in shelves were overflowing with books, nothing stacked in a neat order, just haphazardly shoved in to make space for everything. Most of her desk and her bed side table also had their shares of books stacked on them, since she ran out of room on the shelves. "I know you are mocking me, but you might just have to. Rory is in our English class." Sofia frowns as she turns back to the mirror, adding a bit of hairspray to keep the curls bouncing around her face. "Why do I not know any of these fucking people?" She grumbles as she adds some lip balm to her full lips, smacking them together, her calmness a complete contrast to Jason's slight panic over the situation she has put him in. "Because your face is always buried in a book. I assure you they all know you, and even if they managed to overlook you, they won't now." "You are being dramatic, what is the worse that could happen?" She asks getting up and walking to her dresser. "They could actually kill me!" Jason exclaims as he pulls a pillow over his head while Sofia drops her towel. "No, they won't." She grumbles as she tries to pull her skinny jeans over her ass. "God, just buy bigger jeans!" Jason exclaims as he stares at her hopping on one place, trying to tug the light blue material into place. "Then they don't fit around my waist you jackass." She huffs as she manages to slip the jeans over her ass, before pulling a bright orange singlet over her head, tucking it into the jeans. "Which shoes?" Jason asks getting up. "White Nikes." Sofia grumbles as she fixes her boobs in the mirror while Jason walks into the small bathroom to grab her shoes. "We'll be fine, I promise." "Yeah, whatever. You know, guys usually drool from a distance, but now you gave them a reason to approach you." "Jealous, are we?" Sofia smirks up at Jason who rolls his bright green eyes at her, smacking her plump ass, hard, and causing her to jump. "I had this ass first, and I have lost count with the amount of times since then. I have nothing to be jealous about." He mutters making Sofia laugh softly. They were each other's firsts, much to Hailey's disgust, and they hooked up a few times through the years, they even tried dating, but that didn't work out too well. Jason was just too quiet and reserved to keep up with Sofia's loudness, so they decided to stick to being what they are best, which is friends. "Come on. I want to grab a iced coffee before we go in."

"Jesus, is everyone seriously staring because I smacked Daniel?" "Dimitry, and yes. I can't believe you don't remember him; he was a senior with Benjamin when we were freshmen, a big guy, all the girls drooled puddles after him, while guys broke their legs to impress him." Jason states but Sofia just shrugs her shoulders. She knew, and agreed that he was extremely attractive, but before last night, she didn't know the face, and it was hard to believe she would miss such a beautiful face. Whispers, and eyes followed her and Jason as they made their way down the hall, Axe body spray from the hurrying freshmen filled her nose and made her scrunch up her nose at, in her opinion, the overrated and overused scent, and while Sofia straightened her back and walked proud, not caring at the stares she was receiving, Jason tried to shrink down, hating the eyes on him. "Hey! Jason?" Sofia and Jason turned at the new voice as another one of the frat assholes came rushing up to them, a big grin on his face as he scanned Sofia from head to toe, all but licking his lips at the sight of her. "Man, Jase, where have you been hiding this hottie?" The guy asks and Sofia raises an eyebrow while Jason blows out a frustrated breath, lowering his head to stare at the floor, like he always did when he was uncomfortable. "Hey beautiful, my name is." "I don't care." Sofia cuts him off with a fake smile, before turning on her heel, grabbing Jason's arm and leading him down the hall to their class. "Bitch!" Jason cussed under his breath when Sofia stopped in her tracks, turning slowly to see the guy, who had a proud smile on his face as he stared between her and his football buddies, who were watching the scene unfold, a lot of other eyes watched as she walked up to him. At 6'ft the guy stood taller than Sofia, who stopped a few feet away from him, staring up at him with narrowed eyes, her eyes darker than usual as she clenches and unclenches her fists by her side. He grinned down at her, his light blue eyes bright underneath the mob of light brown hair and his broad shoulders clad in a green and grey Leatherman's jacket, thrown over a white t-shirt, with dark blue jeans and white sneakers, he was cute, in a typical, west coast surfer type way, but his attitude screamed douche bag. "Want to repeat that?" Sofia asks with a sickly-sweet smile. Behind her Jason was chewing on his bottom lip like his life depended on it, scanning the crowd and waiting for someone to step in. He knew better than trying to pull Sofia away in situations like this, because it'll just piss her off more, but he hoped someone else would come and pull Brody away, the football guys stepped closer, but their eyes were lit up with amusement, Jason was just grateful Rory and Owen were not among the guys watching the scene unfold. "I said, biTCH!" The entire hall went silent. Sofia fucking Chalmers, grabbed onto Brody's dick, and by the panic in his voice, and the high pitch to which his voice rose, she wasn't being gentle. Everyone watched as his face turned red, the veins on his neck starting to protrude due to his panic, while Sofia grinned up at him, her eyes bright with the fire burning just beneath the surface. "That's what I thought. Now, I will let you go, and then I am going to turn around, and Jason and I are going to walk away, and you won't do anything about it. Not to me, and not to him, because next time, I will rip them off." Sofia grins as she stares up at Brody who quickly nods his head, completely caught off guard at Sofia's actions. "Good boy." She grins, before releasing her grip, grinning when he falls to his knees, trying to ease the pain, his breathing a bit heavy as Sofia turns on her heel, her little curls flapping against her head as she walks off with a spring in her step, Jason quickly falling into step with her. "Okay, so the dirty magazines in my dorm, burn them, and clear my browser history, I want to be cremated, not buried." "Oh, calm your tits." Sofia cuts off Jason's rant as they walk into the lecture hall, her annoyance with the guys she usually ignored at an all time high. "This is going to get back to Rory, and he is going to kill me." "You know I think I need to meet this Rory character." Sofia muses as she pulls her laptop out of her bag, and Jason's eyes go wide as he quickly shakes his head. "No, god no. He is the worst of them." Jason states quickly, hoping Sofia doesn't go looking for the trouble that is probably going to find her soon enough. Rory and them don't like disrespect from their fellow peers. At this school, the football jocks think they are kings, not much different form high school actually, but these guys are a lot meaner than their small hometown team from 4 years ago. "Relax Jase, this isn't my first time dealing with an asshole." Sofia states easily and Jason just sighs, shaking his head as the professor walks into the class, knowing arguing with her was useless, but at least he tried.

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