Chapter 6

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"Oh my god." Dimitry mutters, not able to hide his smile as Sofia jumps onto his back. "You are incredibly strong." She muses leaning over his shoulder so she could see his face. "I do work out yes." He agrees with a grin, making her giggle softly. "Well, I wouldn't have come to that conclusion on my own." She mutters sassily making Dimitry grin as he unlocks his house, hoisting her up, before walking inside. "Woah, bachelor pad much." Dimitry just rolls his eyes as he walks into the living room, switching on the light as he went, sitting down on the leather couch, being careful not to squish her as she untangles her limbs from his. She was hammered. Her friend, Hailey, got into the Jager bombs and took Sofia and the other girls down with her, but she was a cute drunk. Not sloppy, just more honest than she usually is, which was saying something with her personality. "I am going to get you some water, will you be okay?" He asks and she sends him a look which screamed he was a dumbass, making him laugh under his breath as he walks into the kitchen. He had a great time tonight. Austin left quite early, but Dimitry knew he would get over himself come sunrise, Sofia made it clear she wasn't interested in him like that, and he saw her first, so he guessed he was in the right, kissing her the way he did. He would never fight his best friend over a girl, but he knew Austin just got his panties in a twist because Sofia is hot as hell and can keep a conversation with just about anyone. She intrigued him, a lot, and he enjoyed spending time with her, which he couldn't say about a lot of girls he has taken to bed. "Jesus!" He exclaims, his hand going over his chest when a loud song suddenly booms through his surround sound, making him jump. Grabbing the bottle of water, he quickly walked into the living room, seeing Sofia dancing haphazardly to the shit song she had playing. She was carefree, but I guess at 21 everyone is. "There you are!" She exclaims, when she spots him, and he lets out a small laugh, offering her the bottle of water, and she quickly bounces over, stopping right in front of him. "Thank you, kind sir." She grins, her overdramatic English accent made him grin down at her as she posed in a small curtsey. "You are welcome fair maiden." He winks as her eyes light up, making him grin. "Cute." She giggles and he rolls his eyes. "Come on, let's get you to bed, you are going to feel like hell tomorrow." He muses and she shrugs, turning off the loud music before taking his hand, an easy drunk, be thought again as she starts up the stairs, acting like she has been here a hundred times before. When they reach the second floor, she pauses, her tongue slightly poking out of her mouth as she ponders about which room to go into. He paused behind her, waiting for her to choose one, and grinning when she chooses the correct one. "Am I right?" She asks with big eyes, making him grin as he nods. "Man! I am good!" She exclaims, pumping her hand that was clasped around the bottle in the air, which made him laugh as he opened the door to his bedroom, leading her inside. "Dimitry?" Both turn at Owen's voice, and Dimitry watches his little brother's eyes go wide at the sight of Sofia. He looked like he just rolled out of bed, Sofia's music, probably woke him up. "You're Owen!" Sofia exclaims, causing Owen's eyes to go wide as he nods at her, Dimitry biting back a grin when she frowns up at Owen. "I was supposed to slap you!" She exclaims, and at this Dimitry rolls his lips into his mouth to stop his laughter. "Actually, Rory was the one messing with Jason, not me, I didn't deserve that slap at all." "Actually, your dumbass friends don't do shit without you. Cut the head of the snake and all that jazz." Sofia counters easily, which caused Dimitry to let out a soft laugh as he stared at his wide-eyed brother, she had fire alright. "I can't take the blame because he is an asshole." "So, you mean to tell me, you have never been mean to Jason just because he is a bit different from you and you groupies?" Sofia sasses and Dimitry frowns as Owen lowers his head slightly, guiltily. "Exactly, you guys are all the same, and all assholes. You tell your friend Rory, if I ever see him, I will hit him, he is a two-faced asshole who needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Now, if you'll excuse us, I have a date with an entirely different type of snake." Sofia finishes hotly, turning on her heel and dragging a shell shocked Dimitry into the room behind her, the door slamming shut. Dimitry watches as she tries to take a few calming breaths, her cheeks flushed with anger, which caused him to frown slightly as he pulled her against his chest, picking her up to walk her over to the bed. Her frown didn't drop as he sat her down, removing her shoes from her small feet. "Jason is my best friend; we have been friends for ten years." "I got that much Sweetheart." "He is also bisexual." Dimitry pauses, before kicking off his own shoes and pulling off his jeans. "Rory is a homophobic asshole." Dimitry nods but Sofia scoffs. "No, he pretends to be." "What do you mean?" Dimitry asks as he watches her take an angry swing at her water, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before staring at Dimitry like he was dumb. "He is gay, or bi, I am not sure. I walked into him and Jason having some fun one night a couple of months ago but didn't think anything of it, they didn't see me, so I just silently walked back out the room. Jason's sex life isn't much my business. When he found out I saw them, Jason told me that the guy he was with was a closet gay, but he didn't tell me who it was, so I kept it quiet, once again, not really my place. After that, I noticed a bruise on Jason's face, said he had a roll with some asshole. Which was weird because Jason doesn't fight, with anyone, the guy doesn't even get mad. And before I smacked you, he was beaten up even more, but this time, I heard someone saying Rory was the one who did it. And I quickly figured out Rory was part of your brother's little pose. I couldn't go to Rory, because I wasn't sure what he would do to retaliate against Jason, so I decided to go to Owen, hoping Owen could get him to leave Jason alone, without knowing the in's and out of the situation. I didn't even know Rory was the guy I saw Jason with until I actually saw Rory tonight, I just thought he was a bully. I don't care that Rory is gay, or whatever, but don't bully Jason because he accepts who he is." Dimitry needed to pick his jaw up from the floor after her little rant, her glassy eyes let him know that if she was sober, he might not have gotten all of that out of her, which made him feel bad, but he was also glad he knew. Rory was Owen's best friend, and the fact that not even Owen knew of this, meant it was something Rory might really be struggling with, and he was clearly handling it the wrong way. Rory would usually just sneer when be saw gay couples, muttering about it being unnatural or something along those lines, but he has never heard rory actually beat someone up because of it, nor dod he know Rory was a closet gay, and clearly not planning on coming out anytime soon. "Can we talk about something else?" Sofia asks as she turns, leaning against the headboard, staring at Dimitry with her big eyes, which made him grin. Anything for you. His eyes widened at the fleeting thought, but he quickly waved it off. Her looks were throwing him off, but he figured having sex was the wrong thing to do right now. So instead, he offered her a shirt, watching as she stumbles to her feet, before pulling her skirt and tiny top off, leaving her in nothing but a thong, which caused his eyes to go wide. "It's rude to stare." Sofia grumbles as she takes the shirt off him, but he just shrugs, not quite able to take his eyes off her small figure. She was fit as hell, with perky boobs that had tiny pink peaks, staring at him, begging him to touch, to lick, to suck. Her stomach was flat, faint outlines of abs made his mouth water, as her waist dipped in, creating that hourglass figure that left him breathless, before her full hips lead down to shapely legs, that perfect little triangle covered by the small scrap of lace. When she turned, he nearly fell to his knees as he stared at the plumpest behind ever, completely swallowing a tiny strap of white lace. "Good god." "Yeah, I work out." Sofia grins once the shirt was pulled over her head, reaching mid-thigh on her small frame. "Clearly." Dimitry nods, his voice sounding hoarse even to his own ears, which made Sofia laugh as she climbs back onto the bed, flopping down on his pillows and letting out a content sigh. "I know I promised you sex, but I think I might be a bit drunk right now." She muses, making Dimitry laugh softly as he turns on the bed side lamp, before clicking off the main light. "I don't mind." He states, shocking himself with how honest that sentence was. Because even though he would have loved to settle himself into her as deep as he could possibly go, being with her, was actually not bad. "You sound genuine." Sofia states pulling a face as Dimitry pulls the covers from beneath her, making her giggle softly. "I was." "Weird." Sofia mumbles making him laugh softly. "Want me to beg you for sex?" "Not beg necessarily, but I mean at least look a little upset." Dimitry laughed softly as he pulled the blanket to her chin, her short black hair lost most of their curliness, but looked quite cute, framing her pretty features. "I promise, I am quite upset." Dimitry grins, making Sofia nod in satisfaction as she snuggles deeper into her pillow. "Tell me something about you." She states softly, turning her head to look at him as he turns on his side to face her. "What do you want to know?" "Anything." She muses, making him grin, he knew it was only going to be a few minutes before she knocked out, so he decided to entertain her, doubting she'd remember any of it tomorrow. "Well, I am 26, turning 27 the 15th of June. Aside from Owen, I have a 12 year old sister who means the world to me, and I am a sucker for sweets." "Now that we got your Tinder bio established, tell me something interesting." Dimitry laughed softly at Sofia's bluntness, even dead tired with drooping eyes she wasn't afraid to say what is on her mind. "How about you ask me a question, and I'll answer that instead?" He asks with a grin, watching as her full lips spread into a satisfied smile. "First kiss?" "Joanna Murphy 4th grade." Dimitry answers with a smile. "Robby Kentucky, 5th grade." Sofia muses making Dimitry laugh softly. "Sounds Southern." "About as can be sugar." She beams, exaggerating her accent which made him laugh loudly, a big grin staying on her face. "What is your home like?" He decides to ask, watching fascinated as a small, warm smile spread over her full lips. "A small town, everybody knows everybody, block parties and 4th of July BBQ's, church every Sunday. Football coming a close second. I am the third of four children, Randy and Chase was first then me and Vivian, who is the surprise baby at 6 years old. Dad owns the local hardware store and Mama is a kindergarten teacher, married 34 years this January. It was good I guess, we moved there from Texas when I was 11 and they haven't moved or thought of moving since. I am actually going home next month for Randy's wedding, which is nice." She finishes softly, the love she had for her family shone brightly in her deep blue eyes, and it made Dimitry smile as he stared at her. "Are you moving back home when you graduate?" He asks softly and she blows out a long breath. "I don't know. Jason isn't, Hailey is, and I am on the fence. It is only a 4 hour flight, and my parents are all for me doing what I think is best, but I don't know what that is. I love and miss home, but there is something about LA that has me hooked, and I am not sure if I'd be satisfied with going back to the small town in Tennessee that I love so much." "It's not like whatever you decide is set in stone, you could always change your mind later on." He tried to assure her, to get the turmoil out of her pretty eyes, clearly she has been going over this same topic in her head many times. "I know." She murmurs softly, taking a deep breath as she looks up at the ceiling, her fingers interlacing with his when he offers his hand to her, a frown forming on his face when heat spreads through him at the soft contact, at how perfect her hand felt in his. 

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