Chapter 13

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"I'm going to miss you." Dimitry smiled as Sofia hugged him around his waist, burying her face into his chest. "It's only a week." He grinned as he hugged her back just as tightly. She was going home for her brother's wedding, and although he comforted her with the silly words, he knew he was going to miss her too. After the day of his grandfather's funeral, they have been spending a lot of time together, going on dates, or just hanging out at his house, it was weird for him to have this attachment to a girl, but he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy every moment he spent with her. He was happy, he was truly happy with her, she made everyday just seem a bit brighter, even if she spent the entire day buried in a book, completely closed off from the rest of the world. He could be honest enough with himself to admit that he was falling in love with her, but he knew it wasn't the right time to tell her, he was still a bit scared at the realisation that dawned on him so suddenly one day. She was everything he wanted, and he planned on keeping her around for a long time, but he also knew their future was a bit rocky, especially considering she still wasn't sure whether or not she would be moving back home after she graduated in two month's time. Jason got an apartment, big enough for both of them, should she choose to stay, but he also knew that her little heart broke when she had to think of leaving one of the twins, and it was even worse when she thought of leaving her family. He was trying to stay out of her decision as much as possible, but when she asked, he couldn't lie and say he wanted her to go. Being gentle he cupped her cheeks, so she'd move back, allowing him to see her face, her stunningly beautiful face. She got her hair done for the wedding, so her short hair was dead straight, hanging just above her shoulders, just the way she liked it. Her blue eyes were big, and a bit sad, which he admit, made him a bit happy, knowing she was upset with having to leave him for a week. She did invite him along, but he knew it was short notice, and he didn't want to impose on her family, not on such an important day, so he politely declined, despite every nerve of his body begging him to go with her. The feelings he was developing for her, was something he has never experienced before, and it scared him, but excited him more. The smile he gave her was soft as the busy airport bustled around them, Benjamin, Jason and Hailey, stood off to the side to give them a moment of privacy, which he was grateful for, needing to hold her just a while longer. "I'll be right here when you get back sweetheart, I promise. Go have fun with your family, but don't forget about me." He grinned, causing a small laugh to bubble out of her chest as the announcement rang for their flight to board. "I'm going to miss you. Be safe okay?" "You too sweetheart, call me when you land." Sofia smiled softly into the kiss as Dimitry's warm lips sealed over hers. He felt her breathing pick up as he moved back from her body, keeping only his hands on her face as he pulled his lips away, seeing tears welled up in her dark eyes, which brought a sad smile to his face. "I'll be right here when you land baby, I promise." He whispered, kissing her again, before Hailey stepped up to them, offering them a small smile. "We have to go." Sofia nodded her head, stepping back from Dimitry with a sad smile that had his heart clenching. They were acting silly. It was only a week, but it felt like so much more. "Right here Dimitry." She stated firmly, making him grin. "Right here." He nodded before she walked off with Hailey, glancing over her shoulder every few seconds until she was through security, and in line to board the plane, smiling every time she saw him still standing there.

"You ready?" Jason grinned at Sofia who all but bounced in her seat as they waited for the announcement to start leaving the plane. "Excited beyond measure." Sofia nodded, her smile bright as she waited impatiently. It was always great for her to return home, she missed everyone incredibly when she was gone, and reuniting with her family was some of her best moments in life. She hasn't been home since Christmas, which was almost three months and she was about to burst from excitement when the people started moving out of the plane. Jason kept a hand around Sofia's while Benjamin had Hailey as they walked into the busy airport, Sofia's eyes darting around the room to try and find her brother while Jason and Benjamin grabbed their luggage. "There baby." Benjamin grinned, pointing to Randy who was also scanning the airport. "Go on, we'll catch up." Jason grinned, knowing she was itching to, his words were hardly out of his mouth before she took off running, Randy's eyes falling on the blur of black before she lunged at him. "Goodness. I missed you too." His voice was filled with laughter as he hugged his little sister tight to his chest, making no move to let go, until she does. "I missed you." Sofia muttered softly against his shoulder, which made him smile softly. "I missed you too baby." He smiled placing her back on her feet, causing her to grin up at him. At 6'1ft, Randy, like Chase got their dad's length, Randy shared their father's black hair with Sofia, while Chase and Vivian had their mother's brown hair, but all the kids, except for Sofia got their father's hazel eyes, while Sofia got her mother's deep blue eyes. "You look fit." Sofia grinned, reaching out to squeeze his big arms that were clad in a tight long sleeve shirt. "I am getting married little sis, needed to look good." He winked, making her laugh softly, he did look bigger than she remembered, Randy was always more lean than built, a swimmers frame, broad shoulders and a thin waist, if Sofia knew her brothers, she knew Chase was helping Randy buff up for his wedding, since Chase has always been the bigger one of the two. "You look good." Sofia grinned just as Hailey, Jason and Benjamin arrived, Hailey quickly engulfing Randy in a tight hug. 

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