Chapter 11

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"Thank you." Dimitry states, tearing off a piece of bread and placing it in his mouth, his dark eyes staring at Sofia who sat on the floor next to him, eating her own sandwich that Owen was kind enough to bring up for her after he realised Dimitry wasn't chasing her away. "I would love to take credit for these delicious sandwiches, but it was all Owen." Sofia grins, causing Dimitry to crack a smile. "You know what I mean." "I do." She nods with a small smile. "How did you. Uh, how?" "Tristan, I was wondering why you haven't called, and then I noticed Owen wasn't at school, I thought something might be wrong, so I asked. He said you weren't talking to Austin or anyone for that matter." Her voice was soft as she stared at him, but her eyes filled to the brim with questions, leaning his head back against the bed, but after three bottles of water, his eyes cleared up from the whiskey he digested. "I didn't feel like entertaining." "I hardly think anyone expected you to be a source of entertainment." Sofia stated with a small smile, hoping to get one in return, he was so beautiful when he smiled, even if it was such a sad smile. "I don't know Sof, I just didn't want to be around anyone." "I get it, I could go if you want me to?" She asks softly, ignoring the rapid beating of her heart against her chest as she waited for him to say something. "If you don't mind, I would like it if you could stay." His voice was soft, his movements slow as he placed the empty plate next to him. "I don't mind at all." She admits, smiling when he takes her hand in his before pulling her onto his lap, and standing up with her in his arms, causing her to let out a small yelp of surprise, which made him smile. "I got you." He states softly, stepping to the side of the bed and placing her on it, before removing his suit jacket and shoes. She moved up watching as he removed his tie and undid his shirt, leaving him in a white t-shirt and his slacks, which he discarded as well, keeping his boxers on as he sits down next to her handing her the TV remote, which made her grin as she settled comfortably against his pillows. A small laugh bubbled out of her when he leaned forward untying her sneakers, and removing them, throwing them to the side. "Which movie?" "Anything that isn't sappy or sad." Dimitry muttered, making Sofia grin as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as she settled on an action movie. Her heart skipping a beat at the close contact with him, his scent filling her nose, his hard body tight against her softer one, his big arms wound completely around her waist, resting on the side of her thigh, keeping her close. She fit perfectly against him, it felt right to have him wrapped around her, she felt warm, and safe, and even though she knew he was sad, she knew he needed to just sit with someone, have someone hold onto him, so when he took her hand, she interlaced their fingers, giving his hand a squeeze as he hugged her tight to his frame.

Dimitry's return to conciseness came from a soft knock on his bedroom door, before he felt the warm and small body in his arms move slightly at the sound of the door opening. Not wanting to deal with Owen, Dimitry laid still when he felt Sofia lift her head from the pillow they were sharing. "Sorry, I got pizza for dinner, it's 8pm already and I figured you guys might be hungry?" Owen's soft voice came through with the scent of pizza quickly filling the room. "I'm sure he'll be hungry when he wakes up, thank you." Sofia whispered back, and Dimitry had to fight to keep his smile from spreading over his lips. "I also didn't know what you would like to drink, so I brought a coke and a water." "Thank you, you didn't have to." "No problem. Did he eat earlier?" "He did, thank you by the way, the sandwich was great." "Can I ask you something?" Owen asks suddenly as Dimitry felt Sofia sit up even more, trying not to move too much, while he perked his ears to hear what his little brother had to say. "Sure?" "Why did you come here?" "Excuse me?" "Tristan told me when he explained to you what is going on, you were apprehensive about coming, before you went into a zombie like state, your friend, Hailey had to bring you. You barely know my brother, and I know you don't like me, so what is it? Is this just a game to you, to get him to like you?" Dimitry had to fight back every instinct he had against getting up and punching his brother's face in, because he wanted to hear what she said, so he fought to keep his breathing even, and his body still but not stiff. "I never said I don't like you. I don't like what Rory did to Jason, and I have good reason for it. Bullying someone just because they are honest about who they are, isn't right. You knew what Rory was doing is wrong, yet you ignored it, which makes you just as bad, but I never said I didn't like you. I think you are quite nice when you don't have your dick stuck in one of the barbies or when you are not busy harassing my friend. However, to answer your question, I care about Dimitry, I thought that was obvious. He makes me happy, he is kind, and caring, and funny, what is there not to like? I am not here because I thought coming in his hour of need would cause him to catch feelings for me. I am here because I figured he could use someone. And he didn't have to let me stay. He wanted to. If you have a problem with me, that's fine, it's your problem to have, but I am a lot of things, fake is not one of them. I wouldn't waste my Friday, with just the hopes of getting some boy to like me, nor would I use his personal heartaches for my own personal gain. I am just a bitch when my friends or family are threatened, I don't make it my personality like some of the girls you hang out with, if we have a problem, I'd like for you to be honest, I plan on sticking around for a while." Dimitry knew Sofia tried her best to keep her voice to a whisper, but her temper flared slightly at Owen's insinuation, which caused her voice to rise along with her defences. "I care about my brother Sofia, enough to not feel bad about questioning your motives, I believe you are here because you mean well and I apologise for coming off rude, but he doesn't just let people into his life, and more times than not girls have tried to use him for his money and he deserves better. I am sorry if I offended you, but he is my family, he will always come first." "Jason is my family, and I have brothers of my own, I understand where you are coming from, but I am not here to mess with him, I have more self respect than that." She finishes hotly, which had Dimitry biting back another grin. "I'm going to Rory's, if he doesn't wake up, there are spare keys in the kitchen if you have to leave, I'll just get them from you on Monday then." "You know, while we are being honest, have a proper conversation with Rory, about why he treats Jason the way he does. From what I hear he has been your best friend for most of your life, and what he is doing is not right, nor is it necessary." "Why do I feel like there is more to that sentence?" "Like I said, talk to Rory." Sofia states, Owen probably nodded his head or something along the lines, because the next thing Dimitry heard was the sound of the door closing, before he felt Sofia run her hands through his hair. "I will punch your brother if he ever questions my integrity again." He heard her mutter softly, probably to herself. "Dimitry?" she whispered a bit louder this time, moving her hand down to his cheek, softly moving her fingers over it, before tracing his jaw, he gave it a few seconds, savouring her soft touch before he opened his eyes, acting like he just woke up, his smile was genuine when he saw her face, the slight fire from her confrontation with Owen was still in her eyes, but she had a soft smile grazing her lips as she stared at him. "Hi sweetheart." He whispered softly, his voice still coated with sleep, which made her smile widen. "Did you sleep well?" "I did." "Owen brought up pizza, I thought you might be hungry?" Dimitry paused, bringing his hand up to cup the back of her neck, pulling her down. His kiss was hot, swallowing her gasp of surprise before she succumbed to the feel of his lips on hers. He savoured every touch, every small moan she made, the feel of her small hand clutching his t-shirt into her fist as she opens her mouth to him. He felt like he was on fire, every inch of his frame was hot, burning with need, and lust, before something else settled in his stomach, causing him to slow down the kiss, he became gentle, allowing himself to get lost in the feel of her getting as close as she could to him. He explored every inch, taking whatever she was willing to give as he pulled her onto his lap, her legs straddling his waist as she took charge, her tongue slipping into his mouth as his hand squeezes her thighs, a soft groan falling from his lips as she sucks his bottom lip into her mouth, slowly pulling her face back. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes dark with lust as she tried to catch her breath while he did the same. "The pizza." She paused clearing her throat. "The pizza is getting cold." She finally manages, her own voice husky as she kept her eyes locked on his. "Let's eat then." He smiled watching as she scrambled off his lap. 

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